12 research outputs found

    The research of changes quality pressed baker’s yeasts depending store temperature

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    W artykule zaprezentowano badane zmiany jakościowe prasowanych drożdży piekarskich w zależności od temperatury i czasu przechowywania. Próbki drożdży przechowywano w temperaturze 26oC przez 7 dni oraz w temperaturze 4oC przez 28 dni. Jakość badanych próbek drożdży oceniano na podstawie zawartości suchej substancji, białka ogółem, siły pędnej i trwałości termostatowej w temperaturze 35oC. Cechy jakościowe prasowanych drożdży piekarskich po 7 dniach przechowywania w temperaturze 26oC (szczególnie siła pędna) nie różniły się istotnie od cech jakościowych drożdży po 28 dniach przechowywania w temperaturze 4oC. Potwierdziło to przydatność zaproponowanego testu przechowalniczego w temperaturze 26oC przez 7 dni do szybkiej oceny stabilności prasowanych drożdży piekarskich

    Właściwości elektryczne cienkich warstw tytanianu baru domieszkowanego niobem

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    This work presents results of investigations of barium titanate thin films with Nb2O5 admixture, deposited on Si substrates by means of Radio Frequency Plasma Sputtering (RF PS) of sintered BaTiO3 + Nb2O5 target. Round, aluminum (Al) electrodes were evaporated on the top of deposited layers. Thus, metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) structures were created with BaTiO3 thin films playing the role of the insulator. They enabled subsequent electrical characterization (current-voltage (I-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements) of studied material. This allowed extraction of several electronic parameters (e.g. εn, ρ, VFB ΔVH). Films composition were additionally studied using secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) techniques.W pracy prezentowane są wyniki badań dotyczące cienkich warstw tytanianu baru (BaTiO3) z domieszką Nb2O5. Powłoki zostały osadzone metodą rozpylania targetu w plazmie o częstotliwości radiowej (Radio Freąuency Plasma Sputtering - RF PS), a następnie poprzez próżniowe naparowanie elektrod aluminiowych na powierzchnie BaTiO3, zostały wytworzone struktury metal-dielektryk-półprzewodnik (MIS). Pozwoliło to na charakteryzacje elektryczną (pomiary prądowo-napięciowe (I-V) i pojemnościowo-napięciowe (C-V)) kondensatorów, gdzie warstwa tytanianu baru występowała jako dielektryk. Wyznaczone zostały parametry takie jak: εn, ρ, VFB, ΔVH, . Ponadto zmierzono profil warstwy przy użyciu spektroskopii mas jonów wtórnych (secondary ion mass spectroscopy - SIMS)

    The role of fluorine-containing ultra-thin layer in controlling boron thermal diffusion into silicon

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    We have investigated the influence of silicon dioxide reactive ion etching (RIE) parameters on the composition of the polymer layer that is formed during this process on top of the etched layer, and finally, the role of this layer in high-temperature thermal diffusion of boron into silicon. The polymeric layer formed on the etched surface appeared to consist of fluorine and silicon fluoride (SiOF and SiF). Concentration of these components changes depending on the parameters of RIE process, i.e., rf power, gas pressure and etching time. The composition of this polymeric layer affects, in turn, boron thermal diffusion into silicon. With increasing rf power, the depth of boron junction is increased, while increasing time of etching process reduces boron diffusion into silicon

    Applying shallow nitrogen implantation from rf plasma for dual gate oxide technology

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    The goal of this work was to study nitrogen implantation from plasma with the aim of applying it in dual gate oxide technology and to examine the influence of the rf power of plasma and that of oxidation type. The obtained structures were examined by means of ellipsometry, SIMS and electrical characterization methods

    Composition and electrical properties of ultra-thin SiOxNy layers formed by rf plasma nitrogen implantation/plasma oxidation processes

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    Experiments presented in this work are a summary of the study that examines the possibility of fabrication of oxynitride layers for Si structures by nitrogen implantation from rf plasma only or nitrogen implantation from rf plasma followed immediately by plasma oxidation process. The obtained layers were characterized by means of: ellipsometry, XPS and ULE-SIMS. The results of electrical characterization of NMOS Al-gate test structures fabricated with the investigated layers used as gate dielectric, are also discussed

    Comparison of composition of ultra-thin silicon oxynitride layers' fabricated by PECVD and ultrashallow rf plasma ion implantation

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    In this paper differences in chemical composition of ultra-thin silicon oxynitride layers fabricated in planar rf plasma reactor are studied. The ultra-thin dielectric layers were obtained in the same reactor by two different methods: ultrashallow nitrogen implantation followed by plasma oxidation and plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD). Chemical composition of silicon oxynitride layers was investigated by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). The spectroscopic ellipsometry was used to determine both the thickness and refractive index of the obtained layers. The XPS measurements show considerable differences between the composition of the fabricated layers using each of the above mentioned methods. The SIMS analysis confirms XPS results and indicates differences in nitrogen distribution

    The influence of annealing (900?C) of ultra-thin PECVD silicon oxynitride layers

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    This work reports on changes in the properties of ultra-thin PECVD silicon oxynitride layers after high- temperature treatment. Possible changes in the structure, composition and electrophysical properties were investigated by means of spectroscopic ellipsometry, XPS, SIMS and electrical characterization methods (C-V, I-V and charge- pumping). The XPS measurements show that SiOxNy is the dominant phase in the ultra-thin layer and high-temperature annealing results in further increase of the oxynitride phase up to 70% of the whole layer. Despite comparable thickness, SIMS measurement indicates a densification of the annealed layer, because sputtering time is increased. It suggests complex changes of physical and chemical properties of the investigated layers taking place during high-temperature annealing. The C-V curves of annealed layers exhibit less frequency dispersion, their leakage and charge-pumping currents are lower when compared to those of as-deposited layers, proving improvement in the gate structure trapping properties due to the annealing process