8 research outputs found
Suffered violence, drug consumption and risk behaviors in homosexual and bisexual individuals
Background. This study examined the prevalence of violence suffered, drug use and risk behaviors in homosexual and bisexual individuals. Method. Cross-sectional, quantitative study involving 296 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgendered individuals in the municipalities of Crato and Juazeiro do Norte, South of Ceará state, Brazil. Findings. Psychological/verbal abuse is the most prevalent and depressants of the central nervous system are chosen for consumption after victimization. Depressant and stimulant drugs were associated to dependence and risk behaviors in sexual minorities. Conclusion. Gay and bisexual people use drugs after suffering violence, with an association between drug use and developing risk behaviors. Further investigations inherent in these associations are necessary, since other factors may interact to violence, drug use and risk behaviors in sexual minorities. Â
Permanent and Selective Capital Account Management Regimes as an Alternative to Self-Insurance Strategies in Emerging-Market Economies
Currency market intervention-cum-reserve accumulation has emerged as the favored selfinsurance strategy in recipient countries of excessive private capital inflows. This paper argues that capital account management represents a less costly alternative line of defense deserving renewed consideration, especially in the absence of fundamental reform of the global monetary and financial order. Mainstream arguments in favor of financial globalization are found unconvincing; any indirect benefits allegedly obtainable through hot money inflows are equally obtainable without actually tolerating such inflows. The paper investigates the experiences of Brazil, Russia, India, and China (the BRICs) in the global crisis and subsequent recovery, focusing on their respective policies regarding capital flows
Modelo de protocolo para forma??o de redes ad hoc bluetooth
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Previous issue date: 2010-03-22Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo a investiga??o de protocolos para forma??o de redes ad hoc, visando a modelagem de novo protocolo para forma??o de scatternets Bluetooth. Esse protocolo tem por caracter?stica principal atender os requisitos de aplica??es interativas, que dependem mais de uma maior disponibilidade da conex?o do que de uma conex?o com largura de banda elevada e com baixo atraso de comunica??o. O protocolo modelado mant?m conex?es funcionando mesmo na presen?a de eventos de entrada e sa?da de n?s da rede m?vel. O protocolo foi proposto visando a implementa??o de um SoC Bluetooth para a forma??o de scatternets. A valida??o inicialmente foi idealizada para utiliza??o da plataforma F?nix do projeto Brazil IP, sendo ao final realizada uma simula??o para levantamento de resultados do modelo para gera??o de scatternets
Vitamin A deficiency in school children of the rural area in Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Com o presente estudo, procurou-se identificar a preval?ncia da hipovitaminose A em escolares da zona rural
do munic?pio de Novo Cruzeiro, MG, bem como poss?veis fatores predisponentes para sua ocorr?ncia.
A amostra foi constitu?da de 241 crian?as, de seis a catorze anos de idade, de quatro escolas rurais. Os n?veis
s?ricos de retinol foram interpretados pelos crit?rios do Interdepartmental Committee on Nutrition for National
Defense. A import?ncia epidemiol?gica da hipovitaminose A foi avaliada segundo os crit?rios da Organiza??o
Mundial da Sa?de. Foram adotados como fatores predisponentes da hipovitaminose A, as parasitoses intestinais,
a desnutri??o energ?tico-prot?ica, o consumo inadequado de fontes de vitamina A e a renda familiar per
capita. Por se tratar de um estudo transversal, com vari?veis dicot?micas, empregou-se o teste qui-quadrado
na an?lise estat?stica.
Identificou-se a hipovitaminose A em 29,0% dos indiv?duos estudados; 23,2% deles apresentaram desnutri??o
pregressa (stunting), 8,7% eram desnutridos segundo o ?ndice de massa corporal; em 63,1% dos casos
identificou-se inadequa??o no consumo de fontes alimentares de vitamina A e 78,8% dos escolares eram
portadores de algum tipo de parasita intestinal. A maioria das fam?lias dos escolares (87,1%) tinha renda mensal per capita de at? um quarto do sal?rio m?nimo; as demais fam?lias apresentavam-se, 10,4%, na faixa
de renda per capita entre um quarto de sal?rio e meio sal?rio m?nimo inclusive; 2,1%, na faixa entre meio
sal?rio e um sal?rio m?nimo inclusive; e apenas 0,4% das fam?lias, na faixa de renda maior que um sal?rio
Concluiu-se que a hipovitaminose A ? um problema de sa?de p?blica entre os escolares. N?o se observou
associa??o estatisticamente significante entre hipovitaminose A e os fatores predisponentes estudados.Objective
The objective of this study was to verify the occurrence of vitamin A deficiency in school children of the rural
area of Novo Cruzeiro, Minas Gerais, Brazil, as well as to identify the possible predisposing factors for such
The sample comprised 241 school children, ranging from 6 to 14 years of age, from four rural schools of the
region. The serum levels of retinol were interpreted by the criteria of the Interdepartmental Committee on
Nutrition National Defense. The epidemiological significance of the vitamin A deficiency was evaluated according
to the World Health Organization criteria. As predisposing factors for vitamin A deficiency, the following
conditions were considered: intestinal parasitism, protein-energy malnutrition, inadequate ingestion of vitamin
A food sources, and per capita family income. Statistical analysis was carried out using Chi-square test.
Vitamin A deficiency was identified in 29.0% of the subjects, 23.2% of the children presented stunting, and
8.7% were malnourished, according to the body mass index. In 63.1% of the subjects, inadequate ingestion
of retinol sources was verified, while 78.8% of the subjects presented some type of intestinal parasite. Most
school-children families (87.1%) had per capita monthly incomes bellow ? of the minimum wage; the rest of
the families were situated respectively in the ranges: (10.4%)>? to ?? minimum wage; (2.1%) >? to ?1
minimum wage; and ( 0.4 %) >1 minimum wage. Conclusion
Vitamin A deficiency among school children was found to be a public health problem in the studied area.
Nonetheless, no significant statistic association between vitamin A deficiency and the factors selected as
predisposing ones was observed
Cultural case: sexual orientation as bias in health care practices
Backgorund. The objective was to identify the perception of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender people about the implications of non-heterosexual sexual orientation in health care practices. Methods. We adopted a qualitative research by conducting interviews with 30 gay and bisexual individuals recruited in the municipality of Juazeiro do Norte, Brazil, from the snowball technique in 2013. The data was categorized and analyzed based on the Theory of Diversity and Universality of Cultural Care. Findings. It was found that sexual minorities have encountered prejudiced and discriminatory professional practices in health care as a result of heteronormative cultural representations, which reflect difficulties in accessibility to the services. The exclusionary cultural care results in poor self-care and linked to sexually transmitted diseases, low attendance and distance of health services for gay and bisexual men. Conclusion. It is believed that the influence of heteronormative cultural conceptions in services imply deficit of self-care by the group