364 research outputs found

    Future targets in the management of systemic sclerosis

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    CTDs—such as SSc and SLE and related rheumatic diseases such as RA—have complex, underlying pathogeneses that include fibrosis, vascular dysfunction, activation of the immune system and inflammation. Although some current therapies for SSc offer benefits to patients, there is a clear need to investigate potential therapeutic targets. However, the breadth and diversity of cellular pathways and mediators implicated in these diseases, coupled with inherent redundancies in these systems, has made pre-clinical investigation difficult. Despite this, recent advances have been made in elucidating the immunological aspects of CTD, including the roles of B cells, T cells, matrix-remodelling cells and autoantibodies, enabling novel therapeutic approaches including immunoablation to be investigated. The mechanisms underlying the fibrosis that characterizes SSc are also becoming clearer; and as the putative events that trigger excessive collagen deposition are identified, so too are potential junctures at which these aberrant processes may be deactivated. Progress is also being made in understanding the vasculopathy in SSc, and the potential benefits of antioxidants and endothelin receptor antagonists. There have been some significant advances in the treatments available to SSc patients; however, this spectrum of diseases remains challenging, and continues in some cases to be associated with high morbidity, increased mortality and poor prognosi

    Molecular imaging: novel tools in visualizing rheumatoid arthritis

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    Molecular imaging is a rapidly emerging field in biomedical research, aiming at the visualization, characterization and quantification of molecular and cellular processes non-invasively within intact living organisms. To sense biological processes such as gene expression, angiogenesis, apoptosis or cell trafficking in vivo, imaging reporter agents that interact specifically with molecular targets and appropriate imaging systems are currently under development. In rheumatoid arthritis, these novel tools will be used to evaluate physiological and pathophysiological processes, to facilitate diagnosis and monitor therapeutic regimens, to enable reliable prognosis and to support the development of new therapies. In this review, we summarize the basic principles of molecular imaging, such as the development of molecular imaging agents, the actual capabilities of different imaging modalities and the most recent advances in molecular imaging, demonstrating the potential of this technology. With regard to their applicability in rheumatic diseases, we discuss potential molecular targets, current experimental approaches and the future prospects for molecular imaging in rheumatoid arthriti

    Evidenzbasierte Therapie des Raynaud-Syndroms

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    Zusammenfassung: Das Raynaud-Syndrom ist mit einer Prävalenz von 3-5% ein häufiges klinisches Problem. Dennoch ist die Wirkung der meisten Therapiemöglichkeiten nur unzureichend durch kontrollierte Studien belegt. Zu den Therapien mit höherem Evidenzgrad gehört der Kalziumantagonist Nifedipin, für den in Metaanalysen sowohl bei primärem als auch bei sekundärem Raynaud-Syndrom eine verbesserte periphere Durchblutung sowie eine Abnahme der Frequenz und des Schweregrades der Raynaud-Attacken nachgewiesen werden konnte. Ähnliches gilt für intravenös appliziertes Iloprost in der Therapie des sekundären Raynaud-Syndroms bei systemischer Sklerose. Intravenös verabreichtes Iloprost verbessert darüber hinaus das Abheilen von Fingerkuppenulzera bei Patienten mit systemischer Sklerose. Vielversprechende Therapieansätze stellen Angiotensin-II-Rezeptor-1-Antagonisten (Losartan), die Kalziumantagonisten Felodipin und Amlodipin, Serotonin-Reuptake-Hemmer (Fluoxetin) und Phosphodiesterase-V-Hemmer (Sildenafil, Vardenafil) dar, die sich in kontrollierten Einzelstudien als wirksam erwiesen haben. Jedoch fehlen Erfahrungen mit größeren Patientenzahlen und längeren Anwendungszeiten, um diese Therapiemöglichkeiten abschließend zu beurteile

    Sequential Combination Therapy Leading to Sustained Remission in a Patient with SAPHO Syndrome

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    The SAPHO syndrome represents a variety of clinically similar disorders with the key features of hyperostotic bone lesions in combination with chronic pustular skin disease. The respective pathophysiology of bone and joint manifestations in SAPHO syndrome is still a matter of discussion. For example it does not appear to represent reactive arthritis and HLA B27 antigen, with the latter being typically present in patients with spondyloarthopathies. Treatment of SAPHO syndrome is also not well established and consists of various antiinflammatory and antirheumatic drugs. Here, we report a female patient with active SAPHO syndrome suffering from sternal swelling of unknown origin that had been known for 10 years and a 4-year-history of severe lower back pain. Remarkable were also a typical pustulous palmar erythema associated with swelling and decreased motility of both MCP-I joints. Inflammation parameters were high with an ESR 68 mm/1st hour and a CRP of 19.6 mg/l. She was initially treated with rofecoxib and doxycycline, followed by sulfasalazine with only partial clinical response. Thereafter, both articular symptoms as well as cutaneous lesions responded well to a combination therapy with methotrexate and sulfasalazine. Thus, the case illustrates nicely that methotrexate in combination with another DMARD can be successfully applied to patients with long-term active SAPHO syndrome
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