51,820 research outputs found

    Observation of quantum spin noise in a 1D light-atoms quantum interface

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    We observe collective quantum spin states of an ensemble of atoms in a one-dimensional light-atom interface. Strings of hundreds of cesium atoms trapped in the evanescent fiel of a tapered nanofiber are prepared in a coherent spin state, a superposition of the two clock states. A weak quantum nondemolition measurement of one projection of the collective spin is performed using a detuned probe dispersively coupled to the collective atomic observable, followed by a strong destructive measurement of the same spin projection. For the coherent spin state we achieve the value of the quantum projection noise 40 dB above the detection noise, well above the 3 dB required for reconstruction of the negative Wigner function of nonclassical states. We analyze the effects of strong spatial inhomogeneity inherent to atoms trapped and probed by the evanescent waves. We furthermore study temporal dynamics of quantum fluctuations relevant for measurement-induced spin squeezing and assess the impact of thermal atomic motion. This work paves the road towards observation of spin squeezed and entangled states and many-body interactions in 1D spin ensembles

    Naked Exclusion: Towards a Behavioral Approach to Exclusive Dealing

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    We report experimental results on exclusive dealing inspired by the literature on "naked exclusion". Our key findings are: First, exclusion of a more efficient entrant is a widespread phenomenon in lab markets. Second, allowing incumbents to discriminate between buyers increases exclusion rates compared to the non-discriminatory case only when payments to buyers can be offered sequentially and secretly. Third, allowing discrimination does not lead to significant decreases in costs of exclusion. Accounting for the observation that buyers are more likely to accept an exclusive deal the higher is the payment, substantially improves the fit between theoretical predictions and observed behavior.exclusive dealing;entry deterrence;foreclosure;contracts;externalities;coordination;experiments

    Contact tracing and epidemics control in social networks

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    A generalization of the standard susceptible-infectious-removed (SIR) stochastic model for epidemics in sparse random networks is introduced which incorporates contact tracing in addition to random screening. We propose a deterministic mean-field description which yields quantitative agreement with stochastic simulations on random graphs. We also analyze the role of contact tracing in epidemics control in small-world networks and show that its effectiveness grows as the rewiring probability is reduced.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Semiclassical universality of parametric spectral correlations

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    We consider quantum systems with a chaotic classical limit that depend on an external parameter, and study correlations between the spectra at different parameter values. In particular, we consider the parametric spectral form factor K(Ï„,x)K(\tau,x) which depends on a scaled parameter difference xx. For parameter variations that do not change the symmetry of the system we show by using semiclassical periodic orbit expansions that the small Ï„\tau expansion of the form factor agrees with Random Matrix Theory for systems with and without time reversal symmetry.Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    Flat Histogram Method of Wang-Landau and N-fold Way

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    We present a method for estimating the density of states of a classical statistical model. The algorithm successfully combines the Wang-Landau flat histogram method with the N-fold way in order to improve efficiency of the original single spin flip version. We test our implementation of the Wang-Landau method with the two-dimensional nearest neighbor Ising model for which we determine the tunneling time and the density of states. Furthermore, we show that our new algorithm performs correctly at right edges of an energy interval over which the density of states is computed. This removes a disadvantage of the original single spin flip Wang-Landau method where results showed systematically higher errors in the density of states at right boundaries. We compare our data with the detailed numerical tests presented in a study by Wang and Swendsen where the original Wang-Landau method was tested against various other methods. Finally, we apply our method to a thin Ising film of size 32×32×632\times 32\times 6 with antisymmetric surface fields. With the density of states obtained from the simulations we calculate canonical averages related to the energy such as internal energy, Gibbs free energy and entropy, but we also sample microcanonical averages during simulations in order to determine canonical averages of the susceptibility, the order parameter and its fourth order cumulant. We compare our results with simulational data obtained from a conventional MC algorithm.Comment: Latex, 19 pages, 12 encapsulated Postscript figure

    Zoo-FISH in the European mole (Talpa europaea) detects all ancestral Boreo-Eutherian human homologous chromosome associations

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    Zoo-FISH with human whole-chromosome paint probes delineated syntenic association of human homologous chromosome segments 3-21, 14-15, 16-19, 4-8, 7-16 and 12-22 (twice) in the European mole (Talpa europaea, Talpidae, Eulipotyphla, Mammalia). These segment associations represent shared ancestral Boreo-Eutherian traits, half of which were previously not described for Eulipotyphla. The karyotype of the European mole acquired a minimum of 19 translocations and six inversions compared to the presumed Boreo-Eutherian ancestor. Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Voltage-flux-characteristics of asymmetric dc SQUIDs

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    We present a detailed analysis of voltage-flux V(Phi)-characteristics for asymmetric dc SQUIDs with various kinds of asymmetries. For finite asymmetry alpha_I in the critical currents of the two Josephson junctions, the minima in the V(Phi)-characteristics for bias currents of opposite polarity are shifted along the flux axis by Delta_Phi = (alpha_I)*(beta_L) relative to each other; beta_L is the screening parameter. This simple relation allows the determination of alpha_I in our experiments on YBa_2Cu_3O_(7-x} dc SQUIDs and comparison with theory. Extensive numerical simulations within a wide range of beta_L and noise parameter Gamma reveal a systematic dependence of the transfer function V_Phi on alpha_I and alpha_R (junction resistance asymmetry). As for the symmetric dc SQUID, V_Phi factorizes into g(Gamma*beta_L)*f(alpha_I,beta_L), where now f also depends on alpha_I. For \beta_L below five we find mostly a decrease of V_Phi with increasing alpha_I, which however can only partially account for the frequently observed discrepancy in V_Phi between theory and experiment for high-T_c dc SQUIDs.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures, Applied Superconductivity Conference 2000, to be published in IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercon
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