20 research outputs found

    Photodetachment studies of negative ions at the Cryogenic Storage Ring

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    In the present work, experimental studies of the photodetachment process of the Si− and Al−4 systems are presented. The measurements were carried out at the CryogenicStorage Ring (CSR) facility located at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physicsin Heidelberg. By storing Si− for up to 2000 s in the T to monitor the decay of long-lived 2D states as well as the weakly bound 2P states. Employing a set of continuous wave and pulsed lasers, the lifetime for the 2P stateswere found to be τ = (22.5 +/- 2.5)s. For the 2D states, a lower limit of τr > 5.7 h (within a confidence level of 90%) was measured. Furthermore, Multi-Configuration Dirac-Hartree-Fock (MCDHF) calculations were performed on the radiatiave lifetimesof the respective states, which show very good agreement with the present measurement.The second part of the studies focuses on the study of spontaneous cooling of stored Al−4 ions at very long time scales. Here, we present measurements that allow us to monitor the cluster cooling rates for up to 30 min and we compare those results to previous measurements at a room temperature device. We find that the cooling time scale is limited by the redistribution of vibrational energy inside the molecule, which we call slow exchange model, and in combination with recurrent fluorescence for energies above the first electronic excited state, they match the observed cooling rates

    Photodetachment studies of negative ions at the Cryogenic Storage Ring

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    In the present work, experimental studies of the photodetachment process of the Si− and Al−4 systems are presented. The measurements were carried out at the Cryogenic Storage Ring (CSR) facility located at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg. By storing Si− for up to 2000 s in the T < 10 K CSR environment, making use of the reduced blackbody radiation field inside the CSR, we were able to monitor the decay of long-lived 2D states as well as the weakly bound 2P states. Employing a set of continuous wave and pulsed lasers, the lifetime for the 2P states were found to be τ = (22.5 ± 2.5)s. For the 2D states, a lower limit of τr > 5.7 h (within a confidence level of 90%) was measured. Furthermore, Multi-Configuration Dirac-Hartree-Fock (MCDHF) calculations were performed on the radiatiave lifetimes of the respective states, which show very good agreement with the present measurement. The second part of the studies focuses on the study of spontaneous cooling of stored Al−4 ions at very long time scales. Here, we present measurements that allow us to monitor the cluster cooling rates for up to 30 min and we compare those results to previous measurements at a room temperature device. We find that the cooling time scale is limited by the redistribution of vibrational energy inside the molecule, which we call slow exchange model, and in combination with recurrent fluorescence for energies above the first electronic excited state, they match the observed cooling rates

    Laser-probing the rotational cooling of molecular ions by electron collisions

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    We present state-selected measurements of rotational cooling and excitation rates of CH+^+ molecular ions by inelastic electron collisions. The experiments are carried out at the Cryogenic Storage Ring, making use of a monoenergetic electron beam at matched velocity in combination with state-sensitive laser-dissociation of the CH+^+ ions for simultaneous monitoring of the rotational level populations. Employing storage times of up to 600 s, we create conditions where electron-induced cooling to the J=0J = 0 ground state dominates over radiative relaxation, allowing for the experimental determination of inelastic electron collision rates to benchmark state-of-the-art theoretical calculations. On a broader scale, our experiments pave the way to probe inelastic electron collisions for a variety of molecular ions relevant in various plasma environments.Comment: Main paper: PDFLaTeX with 7 pages, 4 figures. Supplemental material: PDFLaTeX with 26 pages, 11 figures, 5 tables. This article has been accepted by Physical Review Letter

    Einige Bemerkungen über die roten Usneen

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    Die normale Krankheit der Grenzfälle : eine empirische Untersuchung psychiatrischer Schuldfähigkeitsgutachten bei persönlichkeitsgestörten Delinquenten

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    Im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes zur Auswertung Heidelberger Schuldfähigkeitsgut-achten wurden 112 forensisch-psychiatrische Gutachten persönlichkeitsgestörter Probanden untersucht. Im Zentrum der Fragestellung stand der gutachterliche Beurteilungsprozess hinsichtlich der Schuldfähigkeit. Außerdem wurde geprüft, inwiefern sich verschiedene Störungskonzepte in den Gutachten niederschlagen und drittens, wie die Psychiater mit der Begutachtungsaufgabe umgehen. 14 Variablen differenzierten die Schuldfähigkeitsgruppen statistisch bedeutsam. Diese las-sen sich größtenteils der Psychopathologie zuordnen. Tatmerkmale und biographische Auf-fälligkeiten der Probanden waren statistisch nicht bedeutsam. Hinsichtlich der Terminologie wurde eine Abnahme der Verwendung von Begriffen der „Psychopathie“ gefunden. Die Gutachter argumentierten mehr und mehr aufgrund der Biographie, weniger aufgrund der Persönlichkeitsstruktur der Probanden, und es war eine konzeptuelle Verschiebung von kriminalbiologischen Ansätzen zu verstehenden nachweisbar

    Primeras aproximaciones a la auditoría legal externa de cuentas en España: comisiones investigadoras de la contabilidad de NORTE y MZA en 1923

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    La primera motivación de la investigación es indagar sobre el origen de la auditoría externa obligatoria por mandato legal de cuentas en España. A partir de la Real Orden de 23 de octubre de 1923 se crearon dos comisiones para analizar las dos principales empresas ferroviarias: la Compañía de los Caminos de Hierro del Norte de España (NORTE) y la Compañía de Madrid a Zaragoza y Alicante (MZA). La labor de ambas Comisiones Investigadoras de la Contabilidad de octubre de 1923 es importante, desde el punto de vista historiográfico, por ser el primer antecedente conocido de una rigurosa revisión externa de los estados financieros de las empresas de un sector realizada de forma obligatoria por un mandato legal. El segundo objetivo consiste en evaluar la trascendencia de estas revisiones para la actual contabilidad y auditoría. Para realizar lo anterior, se ha consultado documentación de las compañías y de los diferentes organismos estatales recogidos en el Archivo Histórico Ferroviario de la Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles (AHF). La contribución del trabajo es que esta revisión tuvo un papel estelar entre los incipientes esfuerzos de revisión de los estados contables, y podría ser considerada como la primera auditoría de cuentas de España. La otra conclusión de la investigación es que la Real Orden de 23 de octubre de 1923 fue más un instrumento político que de validación de la situación económica; no obstante, el nivel de calidad de la revisión -aun con deficiencias- es elevado para el momento en que se realizó


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    Information Technology (IT) becomes more and more part of our lives both at home and at work. However, theory-based research concerning the question how information technology can be designed to facilitate employees’ work-life-balance is scarce. We fill in this gap building upon boundary theory to identify design-relevant constructs in the context of work-life-balance. As boundary theory suggests that holding up strong boundaries between work and private life is beneficial for health and well-being, we focused on the design of IT that supports employees’ discontinuance of work when reaching the end of their working time. We used nudge theory to derive 14 possible design options for the IT artifact, including one non-nudge design option that represents the enforcement of work discontinuance. Based on survey data from 67 industry employees, we tested how the design options influenced the work discontinuance intention of employees compared to enforcement. Our results indicate that nudging through disclosure, eliciting intentions and increasing ease has a significantly higher effect on work discontinuance intention than enforcement while nudging through a reminder has a significantly lower impact

    Über die entwicklung der kiemen bei fischen

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