3 research outputs found

    Child Abuse Cognitions Scale: Parents Form

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    Parents can have certain misbeliefs, misconceptions or cognitions related to child abuse within the framework of cultural norms and family dynamics. These cognitions can lead to unhealthy communication in the family and deterioration of the child's mental structure. In order to raise a healthy family and society, it is necessary to determine the cognitions of parents regarding child abuse. In this direction, this study sets out to develop a measurement tool that measures the cognition of parents about child abuse. The study group of the research consists of 794 parents residing in Siirt. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis studies were carried out in order to ensure construct validity during the scale development. According to the exploratory factor analysis, it was seen that the three-dimensional structure of the scale explained 50.36% of the total variance. The model fit of the scale was tested, and it was concluded that the fit indices were at an acceptable level according to the confirmatory factor analysis. Within the scope of the reliability studies of the scale, it was seen that the internal consistency, split half reliability and test-retest reliability coefficients of the whole scale were high. In order to test the criterion-related validity of the scale, it was determined that there was a moderate and high level of relationship between the Childhood Sexual Abuse Myths Scale, and the Child Negligence and Abuse Awareness Scales. A total of 18 items and sub-dimensions of the three-factor structure were determined as cognitions related to child neglect, cognitions related to the act of abuse, and cognitions related to coping with abuse. In line with the results obtained, it can be said that the scale is a valid and reliable measurement tool

    The Adaptation of Student Engagement Scale to Turkish: The Validity and Reliability Study

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    Bu çalışmada, Mazer (2012) tarafından geliştirilmiş olan Student Engagement Scale (Öğrenci Katılım Ölçeği, ÖKÖ)’i Türkçeye uyarlamak, geçerlik ve güvenirlik analizlerini yapmak amaçlanmıştır. Üniversite öğrencilerinin katılımını ölçmek için geliştirilen ÖKÖ, 13 madde ve 4 boyuttan (sınıf içi sessiz davranışlar, sınıf içi sözlü davranışlar, ders içeriği hakkında düşünme ve sınıf dışı davranışlar) oluşmaktadır. İki ayrı çalışma yapılmıştır. Birinci çalışmada İngiliz Dili Eğitimi Programı öğrencilerine (n= 25) ölçeğin İngilizce ve Türkçe formu 2 hafta ara ile verilmiştir. Katılımcıların iki forma verdikleri yanıtlar arasında yüksek düzeyde ve pozitif yönde ilişki bulunmuştur (r= .80). İkinci çalışmaya ise matematik ve sınıf öğretmenliği bölümlerinde okuyan 146 öğretmen adayı katılmıştır. Doğrulayıcı faktör analizi sonuçları, önerilen modelin, veri seti ile iyi uyum sağladığını göstermiştir. Ölçeğin alt boyutlarına ait Cronbach Alpha güvenirlik katsayıları .70 ile .91 arasında değişmiştir. Analiz sonuçları, ÖKÜ’nün geçerliliği ve güvenirliği hakkında delil sağlamıştır.This study aimed to adapt Student Engagement Scale (SES, Mazer, 2012) to Turkish and conduct validity and reliability analyses. SES, developed to measure university students’ engagement, consists of 13 items and 4 dimensions (silent in class behaviors, oral in class behaviors, thinking about course content, and out of class behavior). Two separate studies were conducted. In the first study, students in English language teaching program (n= 25) completed English and Turkish versions of the scale in two weeks interval. There was a high and positive correlation between responses given to two versions of the scale (r= .80). In the second study, 146 students in mathematics and primary teacher education programs participated. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the proposed model fit well to the data. Cronbach Alpha coefficients for subscales ranged from .70 to .91. Analysis results provided evidence about the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the scale

    Aggression Characteristics of Second Stage Primary School Students

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    Within the scope of this study, aggression characteristics of second stage primary school students are intended to be analyzed from the aspect of different variables. Population of this study consists of all second stage primary school students studying in the districts and province center of Erzurum province, Turkey. Sample consists of 430 students randomly chosen out of the population. Data regarding aggression characteristics of students in this study was obtained through the Aggression Scale which was developed by Tuzgöl (1998). Kruskal Wallis, Mann Whitney U, t tests an done way variance analysis (ANOVA) were applied in analysis of the data. According to the findings, a significant difference was found between the scores of students who perceive parents’ attitudes as democratic and as protecting on behalf of the ones who perceive as democratic. However, there was no significant difference found between aggression scores of students from the aspect of the variables of age, gender, education status, parents’ being dead or alive, the settlement they live in, perceived academic success and having disciplinary punishment. Despite this insignificant difference found between the aggression scores of the students from the aspect of above mentioned variables –except for the variable of perceived parents attitudes- are still found to vary between 122-131. Considering the minimum (45) and the maximum (225) scores could be obtained from this scale, it can be asserted that students do exhibit aggressive behaviors to a certain extent