254 research outputs found

    Fridays @ 12:30 Series

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    "Being Simple on Complex Issues" -- Accounts on Visual Data Communication about Climate Change

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    Data visualizations play a critical role in both communicating scientific evidence about climate change and in stimulating engagement and action. To investigate how visualizations can be better utilized to communicate the complexities of climate change to different audiences, we conducted interviews with 17 experts in the fields of climate change, data visualization, and science communication, as well as with 12 laypersons. Besides questions about climate change communication and various aspects of data visualizations, we also asked participants to share what they think is the main takeaway message for two exemplary climate change data visualizations. Through a thematic analysis, we observe differences regarding the included contents, the length and abstraction of messages, and the sensemaking process between and among the participant groups. On average, experts formulated shorter and more abstract messages, often referring to higher-level conclusions rather than specific details. We use our findings to reflect on design decisions for creating more effective visualizations, particularly in news media sources geared toward lay audiences. We hereby discuss the adaption of contents according to the needs of the audience, the trade-off between simplification and accuracy, as well as techniques to make a visualization attractive.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, 5 table

    On the Impact of Explanations on Understanding of Algorithmic Decision-Making

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    Ethical principles for algorithms are gaining importance as more and more stakeholders are affected by "high-risk" algorithmic decision-making (ADM) systems. Understanding how these systems work enables stakeholders to make informed decisions and to assess the systems' adherence to ethical values. Explanations are a promising way to create understanding, but current explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) research does not always consider theories on how understanding is formed and evaluated. In this work, we aim to contribute to a better understanding of understanding by conducting a qualitative task-based study with 30 participants, including "users" and "affected stakeholders". We use three explanation modalities (textual, dialogue, and interactive) to explain a "high-risk" ADM system to participants and analyse their responses both inductively and deductively, using the "six facets of understanding" framework by Wiggins & McTighe. Our findings indicate that the "six facets" are a fruitful approach to analysing participants' understanding, highlighting processes such as "empathising" and "self-reflecting" as important parts of understanding. We further introduce the "dialogue" modality as a valid alternative to increase participant engagement in ADM explanations. Our analysis further suggests that individuality in understanding affects participants' perceptions of algorithmic fairness, confirming the link between understanding and ADM assessment that previous studies have outlined. We posit that drawing from theories on learning and understanding like the "six facets" and leveraging explanation modalities can guide XAI research to better suit explanations to learning processes of individuals and consequently enable their assessment of ethical values of ADM systems.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, supplementary material included as PDF, submitted to FAccT 2

    Subjective visualization experiences: impact of visual design and experimental design

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    In contrast to objectively measurable aspects (such as accuracy, reading speed, or memorability), the subjective experience of visualizations has only recently gained importance, and we have less experience how to measure it. We explore how subjective experience is affected by chart design using multiple experimental methods. We measure the effects of changes in color, orientation, and source annotation on the perceived readability and trustworthiness of simple bar charts. Three different experimental designs (single image rating, forced choice comparison, and semi-structured interviews) provide similar but different results. We find that these subjective experiences are different from what prior work on objective dimensions would predict. Seemingly inconsequential choices, like orientation, have large effects for some methods, indicating that study design alters decision-making strategies. Next to insights into the effect of chart design, we provide methodological insights, such as a suggested need to carefully isolate individual elements in charts to study subjective experiences.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Alle lehren, alle lernen. Performative Pädagogik und geglückte Autopoiese

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    Laura Delitala-Möller diskutiert zunächst unterschiedliche Aspekte der Passung zwischen Systemischer Pädagogik und Ästhetischer Bildung und bezieht dies anschließend auf die Lernwerkstatt für Ästhetische Bildung LÄB (eine Kooperation der Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar, der Hochschule für Musik Saar und der Universität des Saarlandes). Grundlage des Lernwerkstattkonzepts ist die simultane Orientierung an Prozessen künstlerischen Denkens und Handelns wie an konstruktivistischen Prinzipien. Die Autorin greift Synergien systemischer Pädagogik, konstruktivistischer Erkenntnistheorien und künstlerischen Schaffens auf und überführt sie in eine praktische Umsetzung Performativer Pädagogik im Kontext der Lernwerkstattarbeit in der Lernwerkstatt für Ästhetische Bildung. (DIPF/Orig.

    Data journeys in popular science: Producing climate change and COVID-19 data visualizations at Scientific American

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    Vast amounts of (open) data are increasingly used to make arguments about crisis topics such as climate change and global pandemics. Data visualizations are central to bringing these viewpoints to broader publics. However, visualizations often conceal the many contexts involved in their production, ranging from decisions made in research labs about collecting and sharing data to choices made in editorial rooms about which data stories to tell. In this paper, we examine how data visualizations about climate change and COVID-19 are produced in popular science magazines, using Scientific American, an established English-language popular science magazine, as a case study. To do this, we apply the analytical concept of "data journeys" (Leonelli, 2020) in a mixed methods study that centers on interviews with Scientific American staff and is supplemented by a visualization analysis of selected charts. In particular, we discuss the affordances of working with open data, the role of collaborative data practices, and how the magazine works to counter misinformation and increase transparency. This work provides a theoretical contribution by testing and expanding the concept of data journeys as an analytical framework, as well as practical contributions by providing insight into the data (visualization) practices of science communicators.Comment: 44 pages, 4 figures, 3 boxe

    What is the message? Perspectives on Visual Data Communication

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    Data visualizations are used to communicate messages to diverse audiences. It is unclear whether interpretations of these visualizations match the messages their creators aim to convey. In a mixed-methods study, we investigate how data in the popular science magazine Scientific American are visually communicated and understood. We first analyze visualizations about climate change and pandemics published in the magazine over a fifty-year period. Acting as chart readers, we then interpret visualizations with and without textual elements, identifying takeaway messages and creating field notes. Finally, we compare a sample of our interpreted messages to the intended messages of chart producers, drawing on interviews conducted with magazine staff. These data allow us to explore understanding visualizations through three perspectives: that of the charts, visualization readers, and visualization producers. Building on our findings from a thematic analysis, we present in-depth insights into data visualization sensemaking, particularly regarding the role of messages and textual elements; we propose a message typology, and we consider more broadly how messages can be conceptualized and understood

    Malignant Granular Cell Tumor of the Back: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Malignant granular cell tumors are rare, intensely aggressive entities. This paper presents a case of a large rapidly recurrent malignant granular cell tumor with regional and distal metastases on the back of a 54-year-old Cuban man. The primary tumor recurred within six months of the original wide local excision and with satellite lesions apparent at twelve months, and the mass was diagnosed using the histological criteria established by Fanburg-Smith et al. for malignant granular cell tumors. By fifteen months, right axillary lymphadenopathy, multiple satellite lesions, pulmonary nodules, and distant metastasis in the right thigh were present. At sixteen months, wide local excision of recurrent mass and local satellite masses along with right axillary dissection and placement of Integra with subsequent split-thickness skin graft were performed by surgical oncology and plastic surgery teams. The surgical specimen measured 32.0 × 13.5 × 5.5 cm, containing multiple homogeneous masses with the largest mass 22.0 × 9.0 × 4.6 cm. Following surgery, patient was started on Pazopanib 800 mg/day based on phase III randomized trial data in the treatment of soft tissue sarcomas showing this as a potential novel therapy for malignant granular cell tumors
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