8 research outputs found

    bloomRF: On Performing Range-Queries in Bloom-Filters with Piecewise-Monotone Hash Functions and Prefix Hashing

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    We introduce bloomRF as a unified method for approximate membership testing that supports both point- and range-queries. As a first core idea, bloomRF introduces novel prefix hashing to efficiently encode range information in the hash-code of the key itself. As a second key concept, bloomRF proposes novel piecewise-monotone hash-functions that preserve local order and support fast range-lookups with fewer memory accesses. bloomRF has near-optimal space complexity and constant query complexity. Although, bloomRF is designed for integer domains, it supports floating-points, and can serve as a multi-attribute filter. The evaluation in RocksDB and in a standalone library shows that it is more efficient and outperforms existing point-range-filters by up to 4x across a range of settings and distributions, while keeping the false-positive rate low.Comment: Extended version. Original accepted at EDBT 202

    CFH, C3 and ARMS2 Are Significant Risk Loci for Susceptibility but Not for Disease Progression of Geographic Atrophy Due to AMD

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a prevalent cause of blindness in Western societies. Variants in the genes encoding complement factor H (CFH), complement component 3 (C3) and age-related maculopathy susceptibility 2 (ARMS2) have repeatedly been shown to confer significant risks for AMD; however, their role in disease progression and thus their potential relevance for interventional therapeutic approaches remains unknown. Here, we analyzed association between variants in CFH, C3 and ARMS2 and disease progression of geographic atrophy (GA) due to AMD. A quantitative phenotype of disease progression was computed based on longitudinal observations by fundus autofluorescence imaging. In a subset of 99 cases with pure bilateral GA, variants in CFH (Y402H), C3 (R102G), and ARMS2 (A69S) are associated with disease (P = 1.6x10(-9), 3.2x10(-3), and P = 2.6x10(-12), respectively) when compared to 612 unrelated healthy control individuals. In cases, median progression rate of GA over a mean follow-up period of 3.0 years was 1.61 mm(2)/year with high concordance between fellow eyes. No association between the progression rate and any of the genetic risk variants at the three loci was observed (P>0.13). This study confirms that variants at CFH, C3, and ARMS2 confer significant risks for GA due to AMD. In contrast, our data indicate no association of these variants with disease progression which may have important implications for future treatment strategies. Other, as yet unknown susceptibilities may influence disease progression

    Log data analysis through tick discretisation

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    Nowadays almost every major company has a monitoring system and produces log data to analyse their systems. To perform analysation on the log data and to extract experience for future decisions it is important to transform and synchronize different time series. For synchronizing multiple time series several methods are provided so that they are leading to a synchronized uniform time series. This is achieved by using discretisation and approximation methodics. Furthermore the discretisation through ticks is demonstrated, as well as the respectivly illustrated results

    B-splines als Finite Elemente

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    A note on tensor product spline approximation via extension operators

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    In this note we look at anisotropic approximation of smooth functions on bounded domains with tensor product splines. The main idea is to extend such functions and then use known approximation techniques on Rd. We prove an error estimate for domains for which bounded extension operators exist. This obvious approach has some limitations. It is not applicable without restrictions on the chosen coordinate degree even if the domain is as simple as the unit disk. Further for approximation on Rd there are error estimates in which the grid widths and directional derivatives are paired in an interesting way. It seems impossible to maintain this property using extension operators

    Stability of B-Splines on Bounded Domains

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    We construct a uniformly stable family of bases for tensor product spline approximation on bounded domains in R d. These bases are derived from the standard B-spline basis by normalization with respect to the L p-norm and a selection process relying on refined estimates for the de Boor-Fix functionals.

    Personalsituation Pflege

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    In Politik und Presse ist die hohe Arbeitsbelastung in der Pflege immer wieder Thema. Der steigende finanzielle Druck auf die Krankenhäuser der letzten Jahre hatte zur Folge, dass die Anzahl der Pflegepersonen sehr oft nicht den Fallzahlsteigerungen, also der Zunahme an zu versorgenden Patient*innen, angepasst wurde (Reifferscheid et al., 2016). Dadurch entstanden Defizite in der Versorgung der Patient*innen. Um dem entgegenzuwirken, wurden von Seiten der Politik in einzelnen Fachbereichen der Medizin Personaluntergrenzen definiert und entsprechend umgesetzt. Der Bereich der Hämatologie und Onkologie war zum Zeitpunkt der Fragebogenerhebung der hier vorliegenden Studie noch nicht berücksichtigt und es war offen, ob dies für die Hämatologie und die Onkologie in naher Zukunft gefordert werden wird. Dem Vorstand der DGHO war es wichtig, ein Bild der aktuellen Situation in der Onkologie in Deutschland zu erhalten, das dann als Ausgangspunkt für ein weiteres Vorgehen dienen könnte. Diese Erhebung sollte nicht nur die Nurse-Patient-Ratio (NPR) - also die Anzahl der zu versorgenden Patient*innen pro Pflegekraft - abbilden, sondern auch den jeweiligen pflegerischen Aufwand der zu versorgenden Patient*innen und auch Tätigkeiten aufzeigen, die eigentlich erforderlich wären, aber aus Zeitgründen nicht geleistet werden konnten