94 research outputs found


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    The changes of the life style and the way of life have an impact on the preferences of food consumers. The free time not only means an opportunity to have a rest for the consumer of the 21st century, but the customers make efforts to spend it diversely in accordance with the actual trends. The accelerated rhythm of life, the social changes cause the revaluation of the quality of life. A growing stratum is effected by the accelerated pace of work and life and as a result of it the role of time that can be spend up freely is becoming more valuable, determining the way of food consumption and the choosing of the place where to have meal

    International and National Trends in the Market of Eating Out

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    In our paper we examine the Western European and overseas trends of eating out by analyzing relevant secondary data. Behind the increasing role of eating out we can notice several economic social and value changes. One of the stressed factors is time, which has even changed food consuming habits. It is true both in national and international relations that consumers tend to rely on the services of eating out increasingly to have more free time at their disposal. Consequently there is less and less time on food preparation and cooking so new eating trends are on their way. We assume international trends are also reflected in the domestic market of eating out but in an altered form and their effect can be a bit delayed. Like on the level of food consuming preferences, dissonant trends also appear in eating out habits and, as a result the market is being further polarized.eating out, leisure time, national trends, internatinal trends

    The significance of competencies in corporate competitiveness and in education

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    Human resources (hereinafter referred to as HR) have always been playing a decisive role in economic life. The company’s competitiveness, success and market position greatly depends on its human factor organising and running it from the background. Although competency-based HR practices are rather expensive, it is worth the price as the costs spent on recruitment can only be covered when the most suitable, the most competent applicant is hired. On the other hand, retraining, restructuring and stressing the role of competencies in Human Resources Management are also in the centre of attention and are becoming more and more “fashionable” today. In our opinion companies should invest more money to improve their human resources by means of trainings and education, because it pays off even if in the long run and finally results in comparative advantages. Besides, competencies can also contribute to the employment of young starters or graduates of higher education.competencies, job description, job specification, competency-based HR practices, job-related competency profile


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    The concepts of financial culture and financial literacy are today’s popular research topic. Numerous research and analyses deal with topic of the financial culture of the population, and whether it has improved nearly ten years aft er the crisis. Different dimensions of financial culture are distinguished and examined for different age groups of the population. Nowadays, there are no countries that have not taken steps to develop and expand financial knowledge, but these steps have mostly been delayed. Many organizations deal with measuring the financial culture on the national and international level. The results of investigations have already in many cases drawn attention to deficiencies, and to the areas needing development, which is necessary and important. Primary actors of development are educational institutions at the primary, secondary and tertiary level. But do students know the purpose of developing financial culture, do they recognize its importance? Th e aim of the study is to explore the views of students starting higher education on financial culture, financial literacy, the main motivations and goals in order to train future generations for future challenges and expectations in finances.Koncepti financijske kulture i financijske pismenosti danas su popularne teme istraživanja. Brojna istraživanja i analize bave se temom financijske kulture stanovništva i pitanjem je li se ta kultura poboljšala deset godina nakon krize. Razlikuju se i istražuju različite dimenzije financijske kulture za različite dobne skupine stanovništva. Danas su sve države poduzele korake kako bi razvile i proširile financijsku pismenost, ali su ti koraci većinom zakašnjeli. Mnoge organizacije bave se mjerenjem financijske kulture na nacionalnoj i međunarodnoj razini. Rezultati istraživanja već su u mnogim slučajevima ukazali na nedostatke i na područja koja treba dalje razvijati, što je potrebno i važno. Primarni akteri razvoja su obrazovne institucije na primarnoj, sekundarnoj i tercijarnoj razini. Međutim, znaju li studenti svrhu razvijanja financijske pismenosti, prepoznaju li njezinu važnost? Cilj rada je istražiti stavove studenata koji započinju visokoškolsko obrazovanje o financijskoj kulturi, financijskoj pismenosti, motivaciji i ciljevima kako bi se buduće generacije moglo pripremiti za izazove i očekivanja u financijama u budućnosti

    Environment conscious consumers’ opinion on selective waste management

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    Consumers have become environmentally conscious, they are keen on energy efficiency and the increasing importance of the environmental values in general has made this research relevant. We analyse the special elements of eco-marketing so that we can see which are the tools and marketing activities which might help in forming the eco-conscious attitude and behaviour. We have realised that it was not enough to inform people about different types of ecological problems globally and locally, but that they also need to be motivated to become really active. After completing the literature review we also considered the already available and relevant studies.The eco-conscious consumer behaviour was surveyed through the attitude towards selective waste collection. A standardized questionnaire based survey was carried out to analyse the consumers' selective waste collection habits as a primary research. The data was processed with SPSS. At the end of the research we made recommendations concerning the methods of marketing communication, the promotion tools and the motivation of citizens to become more eco-committed