1 research outputs found

    The etiology of foreign bodies found during aspiration of the respiratory airways of children

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    Departamentul Pediatrie USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”The aspiration of foreign bodies into the respiratory airways in children is an important cause of death and raises the risk of severe pulmonary diseases. The aim of the study was to evaluate the etiological, clinical and endoscopic effects on children undergoing foreign body aspiration. We present a retrospective study of 38 cases of bronchial foreign body in children, who presented in the pulmonary pediatric clinic during 2011-2012 they had a median age of 3.6 years +/- 0.2. Foreign body aspiration frequently is presented as a paediatric emergency and sunflower seeds are the commonest cause. Aspiraiţia de corpi străini în căile respiratorii la copii este o cauză importantă de deces si are riscuri majore de maladii pulmonare severe. Scopul nostru a fost studierea particularităţilor etiologice, clinico-evolutive si endoscopice la copiii cu corp străin endobronşic. Se prezintă un studiu descriptiv a 38 de cazuri de corp străin în bronhii la copii cu vârsta de 3,26±0,2 ani. Corpii străini bronşici prezintă o urgenţă pediatrică frecventă cauzată preponderent de aspiraţii cu seminţe de floarea-soarelui