3 research outputs found

    Nonparametric estimation of the purity of a quantum state in quantum homodyne tomography with noisy data

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    The aim of this work is to estimate a quadratic functional of a unknown Wigner function from noisy tomographic data. The Wigner function can be seen as the representation of the quantum state of a light beam. The estimation of a quadratic functional is done from result of quantum homodyne measurement performed on identically prepared quantum systems. We start by constructing an estimator of a quadratic functional of the Wigner function. We show that the proposed estimator is optimal or nearly optimal in a minimax sense over a class of infinitely differentiable functions. Parametric rates are also reached for some values of the smoothness parameters and the asymptotic normality is given. Then, we construct an adaptive estimator that does not depend on the smoothness parameters and prove it is minimax over some set-ups

    Quadratic functional estimation in inverse problems

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    We consider in this paper a Gaussian sequence model of observations YiY_i, i≥1i\geq 1 having mean (or signal) θi\theta_i and variance σi\sigma_i which is growing polynomially like iγi^\gamma, γ>0\gamma >0. This model describes a large panel of inverse problems. We estimate the quadratic functional of the unknown signal ∑i≥1θi2\sum_{i\geq 1}\theta_i^2 when the signal belongs to ellipsoids of both finite smoothness functions (polynomial weights iαi^\alpha, α>0\alpha>0) and infinite smoothness (exponential weights eβire^{\beta i^r}, β>0\beta >0, 0<r≤20<r \leq 2). We propose a Pinsker type projection estimator in each case and study its quadratic risk. When the signal is sufficiently smoother than the difficulty of the inverse problem (α>γ+1/4\alpha>\gamma+1/4 or in the case of exponential weights), we obtain the parametric rate and the efficiency constant associated to it. Moreover, we give upper bounds of the second order term in the risk and conjecture that they are asymptotically sharp minimax. When the signal is finitely smooth with α≤γ+1/4\alpha \leq \gamma +1/4, we compute non parametric upper bounds of the risk of and we presume also that the constant is asymptotically sharp