61 research outputs found

    Organic seeds: towards a transparent European market

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    The use of organic seeds and propagating material is one of the fundamental principles of organic agriculture. This is reflected in current European regulations which stipulate that the use of organically produced plant reproductive material is mandatory if a crop is to be sold as organic produce

    Ein FiBL für Europa

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    Im Juli eröffnet in Brüssel das europäische Büro des Forschungsinstituts für biologischen Landbau - FiBL Europe. An dessen Spitze steht Dóra Mészáros. Gabriel Werchez Peral hat mit ihr über das neue Institut gesprochen

    A munkahelyi stresszel való megküzdés egészségügyi szakdolgozók körében - lehetőségek a kiégés és depresszió megelőzésének szolgálatában

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    Background: The prevalence of depression and burnout among health care professionals is high in Hungary. However, there is limited empirical data on disease prevention among these populations. Aims: This study aims at evaluating the mediating role of coping mechanisms in preventing depression and burnout. Methods: Cross-sectional survey among 1333 health care professionals. Participants completed self-administered questionnaires about their perception of work stress, burnout and depressive symptoms, as well as their preferred coping strategies. Analyses were performed using structural equation modelling. Results: The prevalence of severe depression and lack of personal accomplishment was 5.6% and nearly 50%, respectively. Work stress predicted symptoms of burnout and depression both directly and indirectly through the mediation by coping strategies. Of the coping strategies, cognitive restructuring, which accentuates the realistic assessment of challenging situations, was found to reduce the probability of the development of burnout and depression symptoms. Conclusions: This study provides further data for the development of cognitive interventional strategies and highlights the significance of these strategies in the prevention of depression and burnout among Hungarian health care professionals. Orv. Hetil., 2013, 154, 449-454

    A viselkedésterápia eredményeinek vizsgálata az elhízás kezelésében egy év távlatában.

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    INTRODUCTION: Treatment of obesity has become one of the most challenging issues. AIM: The aims of the authors were to present the results of standard behavior therapy weight loss program combined with self-help and the results of one-year follow-up. METHOD: The 24-week program involved 41 participants of which 33 subjects participated in the follow-up. Anthropometric data were obtained and the participants were asked to fill questionnaires (the 21 items Three Factor Eating Questionnair Revised 21 items; Physical Exercise: Steps of change [Short Form]. RESULTS: 87.8% of participants achieved a minimum weight loss of 5% which is the rate expected in professional therapies for obesity. Significant changes in maladaptive eating pattern and an increase in the rate of regular exercise were observed. Significant association was found between the increase of cognitive restraint and the rate of weight loss during treatment. At one-year follow-up the majority of participants (75.8%) did keep their minimum weight loss of 5% and they showed significant change in eating pattern. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that standard behavior therapy extended with self-help elements may be a cost-effective treatment of obesity. Orv. Hetil., 2014, 155(30), 1196-1202

    Potenzial der Mid-Infrarot-Spektrometrie bei Kuhmilchproben zur Abschätzung der Rationszusammensetzung

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    Milk composition of dairy animals is influenced by the composition of the ration fed. The objective of this study was to determine if the percentages and absolute amounts of hay, grass silage, pasture, maize silage and concentrate in the feed ration can be estimated using MIR spectrometry of milk. A total of 10200 milk samples from 90 dairy cows were collected, and the intakes of all ration components were measured. Using partial least squares regression (PLS), equations were developed to estimate ration compositions corresponding to each milk sample. To evaluate accuracy, the correlation between observed and estimated values (R) and ratio to performance (RPD) were used. Notable R values (for kg/for %) were observed for the ration proportion of pasture (0.85/0.87), maize silage (0.74/0.75) and concentrate intake (0.75/0.73). Estimation of groups of feedstuffs (all forages, energy-dense feedstuffs) resulted in R values of >0.8. Including the parameters milk yield and/or concentrate intake into PLS improved R values by up to 0.08. The results indicate a potential use of MIR spectra as a promising predictor for ration composition of dairy cows

    A fehérjék táplálkozás-élettani hatása, szerepük a sporttáplálkozásban = The nutritional and physiological effect of proteins, their influences on sports nutrition

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    A fehérjék hosszú láncú aminosavakból felépülő makromolekulák. A humán genetikai állomány 20-féle aminosavat kódol, azonban szervezetünkben megtalálhatók további speciális aminosavak is. A WHO szerinti javasolt fehérjebevitel 19 év feletti, átlagos aktivitású személyek számára 0,8 g/ttkg/nap. Ennél magasabb, átlagosan 1,2 – 2 g/ttkg napi fehérjebevitel hozzájárul az izommunka során keletkezett mikrosérülések javításához; izom hypertrophiájához; izmok, inak, ínszalagok, csontok terheléshez való adaptálásához; nitrogénegyensúly létrehozásához. Sporttáplálkozási szempontból a mennyiségi tényezőkön túl többek között célszerű figyelembe venni az időzítést is. Ugyanis a testedzést követő két órán belül elfogyasztott magas biológiai értékű fehérje, valamint az elalvás előtti kazein is elősegíti az izomfehérje-szintézist. Különbséget kell tennünk sportáganként, ha fehérjebeviteli ajánlásról beszélünk. Állóképességi sportolóknak napi 1,2 – 1,4 g/ttkg javasolt; erő- és rezisztenciaedzést végző sportolóknál 1,6 – 1,7 g/ttkg szükséges. Zsírtömegből való fogyást nagy százalékkal rezisztencia típusú edzést végző, szigorú energiamegszorítás melletti kétszeres napi fehérjebeviteli mennyiség mellett tapasztaltak