54 research outputs found

    Polyphenolic composition of Lantana camara and Lippia chevalieri, and their Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities

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    In the present study, the antioxidant and antibacterial activities of methanolic extracts of two Verbenaceae (Lantana camara L. and Lippia chevalieri Moldenke: aerial part) were investigated. Their polyphenolic composition in the ethyl acetate and aqueous fractions were characterized by HPLC-DAD. The antioxidant capability of the methanolic extracts was assessed by the Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) and the scavenging activity of the free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). The Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MIC) of the methanolic extracts (25 µg mL-1), and the minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBC) (12.5 µg mL-1) against 13 pathogenic bacteria and four serotyped bacteria from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) were also determined by the agar-well diffusion method. The results indicated that the L. chevalieri extracts are rich in phenolic compounds (among the 27 polyphenolic compounds detected, 20 belong to L. chevalieri) and showed the highest antioxidant activities, simultaneously on iron (III) to iron (II)-reducing activity and the radical scavenging activity. However, L. camara displayed the best and the broadest antimicrobial spectrum, especially on Shigella flexneri and Pantoea sp. (two Gram-negative strains of bacteria). The nature of polyphenolics compounds detected (phenol acid and flavone) in the L. camara can justify this activity.Key words: Verbenaceae, HPLC-DAD, antioxidant activity, antimicrobial activity, polyphenolic compound

    Productive restructuring and the reallocation of work and employment: a survey of the “new” forms of social inequality

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    O propósito do presente artigo consiste em questionar a inevitabilidade dos processos de segmentação e precarização das relações de trabalho e emprego, responsáveis pela inscrição de “novas” formas de desigualdade social que alicerçam o actual modelo de desenvolvimento das economias e sociedades. Visa-se criticar os limites da lógica econômica e financeira, de contornos globais, que configuram um “novo espírito do capitalismo”, ou seja, uma espécie de divinização da ordem natural das coisas. Impõe-se fazer, por isso, um périplo analítico pelas transformações em curso no mercado de trabalho, acompanhado pela vigilância epistemológica que permita enquadrar e relativizar as (di)visões neoliberais e teses tecnodeterministas dominantes. A perspectivação de cenários sobre o futuro do trabalho encerrará este périplo, permitindo-nos alertar para os condicionalismos histórico-temporais, para a urgência de se desocultar o que de ideológico e político existe nas actuais lógicas de racionalização e para os processos de ressimbolização do trabalho e emprego enquanto “experiência social central” na contemporaneidade.The scope of this paper is to question the inevitability of the processes of segmentation and increased precariousness of the relations of labor and employment, which are responsible for the introduction of “new” forms of social inequality that underpin the current model of development of economies and societies. It seeks to criticize the limits of global financial and economic logic, which constitute a “new spirit of capitalism,” namely a kind of reverence for the natural order of things. It is therefore necessary to conduct an analytical survey of the ongoing changes in the labor market, accompanied by epistemological vigilance which makes it possible to see neoliberal (di)visions and dominant technodeterministic theses in context. The enunciation of scenarios on the future of work will conclude this survey and will make it possible to draw attention to both the historical and temporal constraints and to the urgent need to unveil what is ideological and political in the prevailing logic of rationalization and processes to reinstate work and employment as a “central social experience” in contemporary times

    Rôles,impacts et services issus des élevages en Europe. Synthèse du rapport d’expertise scientifique collective

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    L’élevage, secteur majeur pour l’économie de nombreux territoires et structurant beaucoup de paysages ruraux européens, fait l’objet de controverses, depuis au moins une décennie, notamment du fait des dommages environnementaux qu’il engendre. Dans un tel contexte, il est apparu nécessaire d’étayer les débats en faisant le point sur l’état des connaissances scientifiques relatives aux rôles, impacts et services environnementaux, économiques et sociaux issus des élevages européens et leurs produits. Pour ce faire, les ministères français en charge de l’Environnement et de l’Agriculture ainsi que l’Agence de l’environnement et de la maîtrise de l’énergie (Ademe) ont sollicité l’Inra pour réaliser une expertise scientifique collective (ESCo) abordant conjointement les multiples conséquences sur les milieux et le climat, l’emploi et le travail, les marchés et certains enjeux sociaux et culturels, de la production et de la consommation humaine de produits d’origine animale (bovins, ovins, caprins, porcins et avicoles). L’analyse de ces diverses dimensions s’appuie sur les démarches d’évaluation rapportées dans la littérature scientifique internationale. Abordées, dans un premier temps, de manière analytique et globale, les connaissances ont ensuite été mobilisées par « bouquet de services » au sein de territoires contrastés. Les relations entre les différents impacts ou services permettent d’identifier des compromis et des leviers d’action envisageables pour les systèmes d’élevage. Livestock production is a sector of major economic importance that defines many European rural areas. It has become the focus of controversy over the past decade or more, particularly with regard to the environmental impacts it causes. In this context, it seemed useful to support this debate with a critical review of the state of scientific knowledge on the role, impacts, and services – environmental, economic, and social – associated with European livestock production. Accordingly, the French ministries responsible for Agriculture and the Environment, in cooperation with the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME), requested INRA to undertake a collective scientific assessment addressing the many consequences – for the environment and the climate, for employment and labor, for markets, and for a variety of social and cultural issues – related to the production and human consumption of animal products (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and poultry). Analysis of these diverse dimensions was based on assessment methods utilized and described in the international scientific literature. Using a broad, analytical overview as a starting point, the review proceeded by identifying the "service bundles" associated with livestock production in contrasting areas

    Répartition spatiale et préférences trophiques de

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    Dans le foyer de maladie du sommeil de Zoukougbeu (Côte d'Ivoire), plus d'un quart des glossines capturées s'étaient gorgées sur cochon en zone de plantations, lieux préférentiels de transmission de la trypanosomose humaine. En outre, on y observe une concordance nette entre la localisation des sites où Glossina palpalis palpalis a été capturée gorgée sur ces animaux et la présence de trypanosomés. Ceci laisse penser que, dans le foyer de Zoukougbeu, mais peut-être aussi dans d'autres foyers de trypanosomose humaine africaine du secteur forestier, le cochon joue un rôle plus actif qu'on ne le pense généralement, dans la transmission de l'endémie en permettant une large diffusion du parasite par l'intermédiaire des glossines

    Répartition spatiale et préférences trophiques de Glossina palpalis palpalis dans le foyer forestier de Zoukougbeu (Cote d'Ivoire). Implications épidémiologiques

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    Dans le foyer de maladie du sommeil de Zoukougbeu (Côte d'Ivoire), plus d'un quart des glossines capturées s'étaient gorgées sur cochon en zone de plantations, lieux préférentiels de transmission de la trypanosomose humaine. En outre, on y observe une concordance nette entre la localisation des sites où Glossina palpalis palpalis a été capturée gorgée sur ces animaux et la présence de trypanosomés. Ceci laisse penser que, dans le foyer de Zoukougbeu, mais peut-être aussi dans d'autres foyers de trypanosomose humaine africaine du secteur forestier, le cochon joue un rôle plus actif qu'on ne le pense généralement, dans la transmission de l'endémie en permettant une large diffusion du parasite par l'intermédiaire des glossines

    Potentially inappropriate medication among community-dwelling older adults : A public health issue in Burkina Faso

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    PIM is defined as a lack of demonstrated indication, high risk of side effects, and a sub-optimal cost effectiveness and/or cost benefit. Little data on potentially inappropriate medications (PIM) in older adults with comorbidity are available in sub-Saharan Africa. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence and the factors associated with the use of PIM in community-dwelling older adults in Burkina Faso. In 2012, we did a cross-sectional household survey which included 389 older adults in Bobo-Dioulasso. Updated 2012 Beers criteria were used to assess the PIM in older adults aged ≥ 60 years. Medications from formal medical source (prescribing) and informal source (informal market, over-the counter and traditional medicines) were included. A multivariate analysis was performed to determine factors associated with the use of PIM. Proportion of older adults used at least one PIM was 59% (196/332). The most common PIM were traditional medicines 28.97% (62/214), diclofenac 21.03% (45/214) 17.5% (45/214), ibuprofen 7.76% (38/214), aspirin 7.01% (15/214), nifedipine 5.61% (12/214) and reserpine 5.61% (12/214). Polypharmacy (≥ 3 drugs), is the independent factor associated with PIM. Our findings highlight the need to think about integrated health care system in order to reduce the PIM among older adults with multiple comorbidities..Keywords: potentially inappropriate medication, older adults, comorbidit

    Direct cost of care for hypertensive patients in Burkina Faso

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    In Burkina Faso, the high blood pressure represents the first cardiovascular risk factor. Few data are available about the costs paid by hypertensive patients for public policies guidance. This study aimed to estimate the direct average cost for hypertensive patient care according to their income in urban area in Burkina Faso. In 2015, from January to December, we performed across-sectional study in the different levels of health care system in Bobo-Dioulasso. Study included hypertensive patients (more than 18 years old) who are regularly followed-up for at least twelve months and without complication of hypertension. We carried outa randomcluster sampling with a consecutive recruitment of the patients. One-way-ANOVA test was performed to compare the monthly average income and the direct average cost for hypertensive patient care. One hundred and fifty six (156) non-complicated hypertensive patients were included. The direct average cost was of 74 626.9 FCFA per patient-year (138 USD), IC95% [66 303.4 FCFA (123 USD) – 82 950.3 FFA (154 USD)] patient-year, corresponding to 6219 FCFA (11.5USD) per patient-month. The drugs represented 66.9% of the wholetotal costs. The monthly low income was associated with the high direct average cost for hypertensive patient care. Free health care policies are implementing in West Africa. Considering equity of access to health care by poorest, a subsidy of antihypertensive drug could be a great opportunity to reduce financial barrier to care for hypertensive patients, and so, avoiding its complications.Keywords: hypertension, direct cost, income, sub-saharan Africa

    Facteurs associés aux décès des patients atteints de tuberculose pulmonaire au service de pneumo phtisiologie du Centre hospitalier universitaire Yalgado Ouédraogo de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso : étude cas témoin

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    la tuberculose (TB) reste l’une des maladies transmissibles causant le plus de décès dans le monde. elle figure désormais au même titre que le Vih parmi les principales causes de décès dans le monde. le rapport 2015 de l’oMS décrit un total plus élevé de nouveaux cas de tuberculose (9,6  millions) que les années précédentes dont 6 millions (63%) ont été notifiés et 1,5 million de décès enregistrés (1,1 million de personnes Vih-négatives et 0,4 million personnes Vih-positives). l’afrique est le continent qui  présente le taux d’incidence le plus élevé : 281 cas pour 100 000  habitants. les résultats des études menées montrent des niveaux de  mortalités variables, le rôle favorisant de la co-infection au Vih, ainsi que du faible niveau socio-économique. Très peu d’études ont cependant  exploré les facteurs de risque de décès des patients tuberculeux dans le contexte de la relative disponibilité des traitements antirétroviraux (TaRV). notre étude vise à identifier les facteurs de risque de décès des patients tuberculeux dans un contexte de disponibilité et d’accessibilité élargies aux TaRV au Burkina Faso. l’objectif de notre étude était d’identifier les facteurs de risque de décès des patients atteints de tuberculose pulmonaire dans le service de pneumo phtisiologie du Chu-Yo, de ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. une étude cas-témoin a été menée au service de pneumo phtisiologie du Chu-Yo, de ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, s’appuyant sur les données de 2011 à 2015. les cas de décès ont été identifiés à travers la revue des dessiers et registres d’hospitalisation. Ce groupe de cas de décès a été comparé à un groupe témoin constitué d’un nombre égal de malades adultes choisis parmi les malades également atteints de tuberculose pulmonaire à microscopie positive(TPM+) hospitalisés au cours de la même période et qui sont sortis vivants du service. les facteurs de risque ont été identifiés à partir d’une régression logistique simple en utilisant le logiciel stata version 13. au total, 54 cas de décès et 54 témoins ont été inclus dans l’analyse. l’analyse multi variée a identifié comme facteurs de risque de décès des patients atteints de TPM+ : le sexe masculin (oRa= 3,81 ; p= 0,04), l’absence de vaccination par le BCg (oRa= 15,34 ; p= 0,03), la co-infection par le Vih (oRa= 9,04 ; p= 0,002), la présence de comorbidités (oRa= 19,99 ; p= 0,000) et l’anorexie (oRa= 8,14 ; p= 0,000). les  résultats de notre étude montrent que la co-infection par le Vih demeure un des facteurs de mauvais pronostic pour les malades atteints de la  tuberculose à microscopie positive en dépit d’une plus grande disponibilité des aRVs. la vaccination par le BCg a aussi un effet protecteur contre le décès.Mots-clés : Tuberculose pulmonaire, décès, adultes, comorbidité, ouagadougou.Death risk factors in pulmonary tuberculosis infected patients at Yalgado Ouedraogo Teaching University hospital of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: a case control studyTuberculosis (TB) remains one of the communicable diseases with  important death toll in the world. henceforward, it figures along with hiV among the main causes of deaths from infectious diseases in the world. according to the 2015 report of who the number of new cases of  Tuberculosis (9.6 million) is higher than the previous years including 6 million (63%) that were notified, and 1.5 million deaths recorded. Previous research results showed differences in terms of the burden disease, the contributing role of hiV in both the acquisition and death from TB, and the important role of the socio-economic status in the occurrence of cases of deaths. Very few studies have investigated death risk factors in TB infected patients following the large availability of antiretroviral treatment (aRT) in poor resource settings. our study aims to identify risk factors for deaths from TB in the context of availability of aRT in Burkina Faso. a case-control study was conducted in ouagadougou’s main university Teaching hospital. we reviewed charts and in-patient registries for the period 2011-2015. in total of 54 deaths among TB infected patients were found and included in the study. This death case group was compared to a control group  formed by an equal number of TB infected patients that were hospitalized in the same hospital during the same period with the cases and that were discharged alive from the hospital. death risk factors were identified using a binary logistic regression in Stata Version 13.1 software. Multivariate analysis identified the following risk factors: (i) sex, with higher odds in males (aoR = 3.81; p = 0.04), (ii) the absence of BCg vaccination (aoR = 15.34; p = 0.03), (iii) the co-infection by hiV (aoR = 9.04; p = 0.002), (iv) the presence of other comorbidities (aoR = 19.99; p = 0.000) and (v) anorexia (aoR = 8, 14; p = 0.000). our study showed that the co-infection by hiV remains a significant risk factor for death in TB infected patients despite the relative availability of aRTs. Vaccination against TB showed also a significant protective effect against death.Keywords: Pulmonary tuberculosis, death risk factors, adults, Burkina Faso.
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