71 research outputs found

    Using honey bees to disseminate the biocontrol agent Gliocladium catenulatum J1446 to strawberries for Botrytis cinerea control

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    Using honey bees to disseminate the biocontrol agent Gliocladium catenulatum J1446 to strawberries for Botrytis cinerea control was investigated in this study

    Meemesilase ja biofungitsiidi Prestop Mix kasutamine aedmaasika hahkhallituse tÔrjes

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    The study was conducted in 2010 in five experimental areas of Tartu County. Honey bee hives were placed at the edge of strawberry fields at first bloom; each hive had a special dispenser attached containing the biofungicide Prestop Mix, which is a preparation of the parasitic fungus Gliocladium catenulatum. As the bees exited the hive through the dispenser, they were dusted with the Prestop Mix preparation and carried it to the strawberry field. Two treatments were established: 1) a bee-excluded untreated check (covered with exclusion cages), and 2) a bee-delivered Prestop Mix treatment. We compared the bee-disseminated treatment with the untreated check by counting the healthy and Botrytis-infected berries; we also compared strawberry varieties. Our results show that treating the strawberry plants with the bee-dispersed Prestop Mix reduced the proportion of infected berries over 10% compared to the check. We also found that the efficiency of the treatment depended somewhat on the strawberry variety: the variety ‘Sonata’ compared to ‘Polka’ was slightly more efficient

    Effect of Gliocladium catenulatum J1446 to the respiration rate of the bumble bee Bombus terrestris

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    The effect of Gliocladium catenulatum J1446 to the respiration rate of the bumble bee Bombus terrestris was investigated

    Kimalaste Ôietolmu korje sÔltuvalt aedmaasika kasvatustehnoloogiast

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    Strawberry is a fruit crop grown worldwide. There are two main strawberry production systems: open fields and protected cultures (greenhouses or high tunnels). Growing strawberries under high tunnels has many advantages such as protection from different weather conditions, but also disadvantages such as lack of pollinators. The aim of this study was to investigate whether additional pollinators (bumble bees) visit strawberry flowers at different rate under high tunnels compared to open fields. Field experiment was performed to collect and analyze bumble bee corbicular pollen from hives located under high tunnels and open fields. We found that bumble bees under high tunnels gathered more pollen from plant species (strawberry and white clover) present there. By bringing additional pollinators under high tunnels attention should be paid, what kind of other plant species and how abundantly they are flowering there besides strawberry. Under high tunnels the weather conditions are somewhat different which also may affect bumble bee foraging behaviour

    Kimalaste efektiivsus biotÔrjepreparaatide siirutamisel sÔltub konkureerivatest toidutaimedest

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    SĂŒnteetiliste taimekaitsevahendite laialdane kasutamine ning nendega kaasnev vĂ”imalik negatiivne mĂ”ju keskkonnale ja inimeste tervisele on tĂ€napĂ€eva pĂ”llumajanduses ĂŒks kĂ”ige rohkem muret tekitav teema. Aedmaasika (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) kui ĂŒhe maailmas enim kasvatatud marjakultuuri suurima kahjustaja, seene Botrytis cinerea Pers. pĂ”hjustatava hahkhallituse tĂ”rjumisel kasutatakse praeguseni kĂ”ige sagedamini sĂŒnteetilisi fungitsiide. Arvestades nende kasutamisega seotud vĂ”imalikke probleeme, nĂ€iteks pestitsiidijÀÀkide kogunemist viljadesse ja resistentsuse teket seenhaiguste suhtes (DiĂĄnez jt., 2002; Mommaerts jt., 2011), pĂŒĂŒtakse jĂ€rjest enam leida vĂ”imalusi, kuidas asendada keemiline tĂ”rje biotĂ”rjega. Biopreparaadid on sageli kallid ja nende taimedele kandmine tavameetoditega töömahukas ning preparaadi kadu suur. Üheks alternatiivseks vĂ”imaluseks on rakendada uudset meetodit – vektortehnoloogiat, milles tolmeldajad siirutavad biotĂ”rjepreparaate taimede Ă”iteni. Tehnoloogia vĂ€ljatöötamine on eriti olulise tĂ€htsusega mahepĂ”llumajanduse jaoks, et tĂ€iendada olemasolevat vĂ€hest tĂ”rjemeetodite valikut. Eestis vĂ”ivad vektortehnoloogia edukal kasutamisel avamaastikus osutuda probleemiks aedmaasikaga samal ajal Ă”itsevad tolmeldajate toidutaimed, mis on kimalastele samuti atraktiivsed ja vĂ€hendavad seega biopreparaadi siirutamise tĂ”husust. Antud uurimistöö eesmĂ€rgiks oli selgitada, kas kimalaste efektiivsus biopreparaatide kandmisel sĂ”ltub teiste, aedmaasikaga samal ajal Ă”itsevate toidutaimede esinemisest

    Entomovektortehnoloogia kasutamise efektiivsus hahkhallituse (Botrytis cinerea Pers.) bioloogilises tÔrjes aedmaasikal (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.)

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    Hahkhallitus on aedmaasikal suuri saagikadusid pĂ”hjustav seenhaigus (DĂžving ja Mage, 2001; Williamson jt., 2007), mille tĂ”rjumine keemiliste taimekaitsevahenditega on mahetootjale keelatud. SeetĂ”ttu on tekkinud vajadus alternatiivsete taimekaitsemeetodite jĂ€rele, mis oleks loodust sÀÀstvamad ning sobiks ka kasutamiseks mahepĂ”llumajanduses. Üheks selliseks alternatiiviks on entomovektortehnoloogia – biotĂ”rje meetod, kus pulbrilisi biopreparaate viivad taimeĂ”itele mesilaselaadsed putukad. Antud meetod sobib kasutamiseks Ă”isi kahjustavate taimehaiguste ja -kahjurite tĂ”rjel, kuna toitu (Ă”ietolmu, nektarit) otsides kannavad mesilased biopreparaadi tĂ€pselt aedmaasika Ă”itele – see vĂ”imaldab vĂ€hendada preparaadikulu ning sÀÀsta keskkonda. Mesitarude lennuavadele kinnitatakse preparaadiga tĂ€idetud kastikesed ehk dispenserid, millest vĂ€lja lennates kleepub pulber töömesilaste kehakarvade ja jalgade kĂŒlge, kust edasi see kantakse kultuurtaimede Ă”itele. Kuna entomovektoritena kasutatavad mesilased teevad pĂ€eva jooksul mitmeid korjelende, kantakse biopreparaat ka alles Ă€sja avanenud Ă”itele (Mommaerts ja Smagghe, 2011). Antud taimekaitsemeetodi lisaboonuseks on tolmeldamine, mis tĂ”stab aedmaasika saagikust ning viljade kvaliteeti. Entomovektortehnoloogiat on edukalt testitud mitmetes riikides (Mommaerts ja Smagghe, 2011), kuid praktilises tootmises avamaal on seda kasutama hakatud seni vaid Soomes (Hokkanen ja Menzler-Hokkanen, 2009). Seega oleks antud biotĂ”rje meetodit vaja katsetada ka meie kohalikes tingimustes, kus muutlik kliima vĂ”ib mĂ”jutada hahkhallituse levikut. Meie eesmĂ€rgiks oli uurida kui efektiivne on meemesilase poolt levitatav biofungitsiid PrestopMix hahkhallituse tĂ”rjes aedmaasikal Eesti pĂ”llutingimustes

    Bombus terrestris as an entomovector for suppressing Botrytis cinerea in open field strawberry

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    Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) is a fruit crop grown worldwide, but diseases such as the grey mould Botrytis cinerea frequently limit its yield. Most of grey mould infection on the fruits is initiated during the flowering period. Use of foraging bees as disseminators of microbial control agents (MCAs) to flowers is known as entomovector technology. Many researchers have shown that bumble bees can efficiently vector MCAs; however, most studies have been conducted in greenhouse conditions

    Pulbriliste biopreparaatide mÔju kimalaste ainevahetusele ja veekaole

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    Bumble bees can be used as vectors to distribute different powdery bioprepartions to control plant pest and diseases. The aim of the study was to test the safety of four powdery substances: wheat flour (used as negative control), bioinsecticide Botanigard 22 WP (based on entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana), biofungicide Prestop Mix (based on soil fungus Gliocladium catenulatum) and kaolin, which is an inert clay mineral used as carrier in Prestop Mix. The effect of those substances on the metabolic rate and water loss of bumble bee foragers after topical treatment was measured using flow-through respirometry

    Estonian bumblebees

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    Bumblebees – who are they and what do they look like? Bumblebees are insects with a burly, furry and colourful appearance. They are members of the bee genus Bombus in the family Apidae. People have given them different names and they can be met in forests, fields, meadows and gardens, both in the countryside and in towns. Bumblebees can be found throughout the world except for Australia and the Tropics. There are over 250 species of bumblebees in the world of which 68 species can be found in Europe. Bumblebees can be divided into true bumblebees and their nest parasites, known as cuckoo bumblebees. In Estonia 21 species of true bumblebees and 8 species of cuckoo bumblebees are found – 18 species of the true bumblebees belong to the species of the conservation category III of the Nature Conservation Act. This publication focuses mainly on true bumblebees (henceforth referred to a bumblebees)

    Entomovektortehnoloogiast tuleneva lisatolmeldamise ja hahkhallituse tĂ”rjumise efektiivsus aedmaasika sortidel ’Polka’ ja ’Sonata’

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    Aedmaasikas on maailmas ĂŒks enam kasvatatavaid marjakultuure. Kuigi enamik aedmaasika Fragaria x ananassa sortidest on isetolmlemisvĂ”imelised, aitab risttolmlemine kaasa suuremate ja kĂ”rgema kvaliteediga viljade moodustumisele (Klatt jt., 2014). Puudulikult tolmeldatud Ă”itest arenenud viljad on sageli ebakorrapĂ€rase kujuga ja vĂ€iksemad. Lisaks on hĂ€sti tolmeldatud viljad ka paremini vĂ€rvunud, tugevama viljalihaga ning sĂ€ilivad korjamisjĂ€rgselt kauem (Klatt jt., 2014). Aedmaasika pĂ”hiliseks kahjustajaks on hahkhallitus, Botrytis cinerea (Legard jt., 2000), mille tĂ”rjumisel on sĂŒnteetiliste preparaatide kĂ”rval osutunud efektiivseks ka mullaseen Gliocladium catenulatum. Selle seene eoseid ja hĂŒĂŒfitĂŒkke sisaldavat preparaati PrestopMix vĂ”ib pritsida vesilahusena taimedele, kuid selle meetodi puhul satub palju preparaati taime lehtedele vĂ”i reavahedesse. Ühena uudsetest meetoditest tegeletakse viimastel aastatel ĂŒle terve maailma entomovektortehnoloogia vĂ€lja töötamisega (Hokkanen ja Menzler-Hokkanen, 2009; Reeh jt., 2014). Mesilaste kasutamisel siirdajate ehk vektoritena on preparaadi kulu vĂ€ga vĂ€ike, sest pulber kantakse otse Ă”ide, kus toimub pĂ”hiline hahkhallitusse nakatumine (Legard jt., 2000). Lisaks toimivad mesilased samaaegselt ka tolmeldajatena. Antud uurimistöö eesmĂ€rgiks oli vĂ€lja selgitada, kas ja kui suurt saagilisa annab lisatolmeldamine aedmaasika sortidel ’Polka’ ja ’Sonata’ ning ĂŒhtlasi uurida bio-fungitsiidi PrestopMix efektiivsust hahkhallituse mahasurumisel entomovektortehnoloogia abil
