76 research outputs found
The optimal tax treatment of housing capital in the neoclassical growth model
In a dynamic setting, housing is both an asset and a consumption good. But should it be taxed like other forms of consumption or like other forms of saving? We consider the optimal taxation of the imputed rent from owner housing within a version of the neoclassical growth model. We find that the optimal tax rate on the imputed rent is quite sensitive to the constraints imposed on the other available tax rates. In general, it is not optimal to tax the imputed rent at the same rate as the business capital income.housing; capital taxation; optimal taxation
On the importance of borrowing constraints for house price dynamics
We study how a household borrowing constraint the the form of a down payment requirement affects house price dynamics in an OLG model with standard preferences. We find that in certain situations the borrowing constraint shapes house price dynamics substantially. The importance of the constraint depends very much on whether house price changes are driven by interest rate or aggregate income shocks. Moreover, because of the borrowing constraint, house price dynamics display substantial asymmetries between large positive and large negative income shocks. These results are related to the fact that the share of borrowing-constrained households is different following different shocks.house prices; dynamics; borrowing constraints; down payment constraint
Housing taxation in the Nordics : efficiency and equity
In many countries, owner-occupied housing enjoys a tax-favoured status relative to rental housing and many other forms of wealth. I first use simple examples to illustrate why the tax status of owner-occupied housing relates crucially to the tax treatment of the so-called imputed rent and mortgage interest expenses. I then discuss other issues related to capital income taxation as well as property taxation and housing market transaction taxes against basic principles of good taxation, referring to tax policies in the Nordic countries. I also discuss the connection between certain macroprudential policies and housing taxation.Peer reviewe
T&K-toiminnan verokannustimet ja yritysdynamiikka
Vertaamme erilaisia t&k-toiminnan verokannustinjärjestelmiä numeerisen, yritysten kasvua ja t&k-investointeja kuvaavan mallin avulla. Mallin perusteella verotukien kohdentaminen vain tietyn rajan ylittäville lisäinvestoinneille lisää yritysten t&k-investointeja huomattavasti enemmän kuin verokertymävaikutukseltaan samansuuruinen tuki kaikille t&kinvestoinneille. Lisäinvestointien tukeminen kuitenkin muuttaa t&k-toimintaan soveltuvan henkilöstön allokaatiota eri yritysten kesken paljon enemmän kuin kaikkien investointien tukeminen. Allokaation muutos vähentää kokonaistuotantoa. Sillä, kohdistetaanko t&kinvestointeihin liittyvät veroedut vain voittoa tekeville yrityksille, jotka maksavat yritysveroa, vai kaikille yrityksille, ei ole mallin perusteella suurta merkitystä. Mallin perusteella t&kinvestointeihin kannustavien veroetujen vaikutukset ovat hyvin samantapaiset riippumatta siitä, kohdistetaanko ne pelkästään voittoa tekeviin yrityksiin (jotka maksavat yritysveroa) vai kaikkiin yrityksiin
Should Old-age Benefits Be Earnings-tested
We study the welfare effects of earnings testing flat-rate old-age benefits in a quantitative overlapping generations model with idiosyncratic labor income risk. In our model economy, even a moderate earnings testing reduces individuals’ expected lifetime utility, whenever other taxes are taken into account. Moreover, it also lowers the realized lifetime utilities of those at the bottom of the lifetime utility distribution. Social security; Retirement; Means-testin
Strategic alliances, joint investments, and market structure
This paper examines strategic alliances (SAs) involving joint investments in and sharing of production capacity. We consider a situation where market entry is limited by the availability of an essential production capacity. New capacity becomes sequentially available, and the incumbent firms may form a strategic alliance in order to jointly invest in it. In this setting, SAs may influence competition in the product market by affecting market entry. We characterize the evolution of the market structure. We also show that SAs need not be anticompetitive. That is, banning SAs may lead to a more concentrated market structure than what would otherwise be the case.Tässä tutkimuksessa analysoimme yritysten välisiä strategisia liittoutumia, jotka mahdollistavat yhteisinvestoinnit tuotannolliseen kapasiteettiin. Tarkastelemme tilannetta, jossa uusien yritysten tuloa markkinoille rajoittaa jonkin välttämättömän kapasiteetin saatavuus. Kun uutta kapasiteettia tulee saataville, sitä voivat hankkia sekä markkinoille pyrkivät että markkinoilla jo toimivat yritykset. Tässä tilanteessa strategiset liittoutumat voivat vaikuttaa kilpailutilanteeseen hankkimalla kapasiteettia ja estämällä siten uusien yritysten pääsyn markkinoille. Kuvaamme markkinarakenteen ja uuden kapasiteetin hinnan kehitystä. Lisäksi osoitamme, että strategiset liittoutumat eivät välttämättä vähennä kilpailua lopputuotemarkkinoilla vaan niiden kieltäminen saattaa johtaa markkinarakenteen keskittymiseen
Matching in the Housing Market with Risk Aversion and Savings
Abstract:We develop a model of the housing market that features both financial and matching frictions. In the model, risk-averse households may save or borrow in order to smooth consumption over time and finance owner housing. Each household either rents or owns its house. Some renter households become dissatisfied with rental housing and want to buy a house. Prospective sellers and buyers meet randomly and bargain over the price. We show how the outcome of the bargaining process depends on buyer’s and seller’s asset positions. The results also illustrate how financial frictions magnify the effects of matching frictions. For instance, because of the borrowing constraint, some matches do not result in trade and identical houses are traded at different prices
Hoivavakuutuksen tarve ja arvo erilaisille kotitalouksille
We study old age care expenditures and means to prepare for them. The expected size of the expenditures is described both from the point of view of individuals and the municipalities who provide the services. We use a numerical stochastic life cycle model to research how much various individuals would benefit from a possibility to buy a long term care insurance policy in stead of using private saving to cover the uncertain expenditures. In addition, the influence of customer fees and vouchers on the value of the long term care insurance is analyzed
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