25 research outputs found

    Halmazelméleti topológia = Set-theoretic topology

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    Ebben az OTKA-pályázatban -- kutatási tervünknek megfelelően -- kutatásokat végeztünk és jelentős eredményeket értünk el a következő négy területen: (I) Halmazelméleti topológia (kompakt terek, szétszórt terek, számosságfüggvények, felbonthatóság) (II) Leíró halmazelmélet (III) Végtelen és véges kombinatorika (IV) Valós analízis és mértékelmélet . Eredményeinket 45 dolgozatban írtuk le, amelyek túlnyomó többsége a megfelelő terület legrangosabb nemzetközi folyóirataiban jelentek meg, illetve fognak megjelenni (ezek közül 6 dolgozatot már benyujtottunk, de eddig még nem lettek elfogadva). Kutatócsoportunk 8 résztvevővel indult, de sajnos egyikünk -- Gerlits János) 2008-bqn elhunyt. Kutatási eredményeinkről számos nemzetközi konferencián is számot adtunk, sok esetben közülünk négyen (Elekes, Juhász, Mátrai, Soukup) mint plenáris és/vagy meghívott előadó. | In the present project, following our research plan, we have done research and established a number of significant results in the following four areas: (I) Set-theoretic topology (compact spaces, scattered spaces, cardinal functions, resolvability) (II) Descriptive set-theory (III) Infinite and finite combinatorics (IV) Real analysis and measure theory We presented our results in 45 papers almost all of which appeared or will appear in the leading international journals of these fields (6 of these papers have been submitted but not accepted as yet). Our research group consisted of 8 people, one of us -- J. Gerlits -- unfortunately passed away in 2008. We also participated at a large number of international conferences, four of us (Elekes, Juhász, Mátrai, Soukup) as plenary and/or invited speakers at many of these

    A magyar emlőrákos betegek igényei a korszerű onkoplasztikus emlősebészeti ellátásra

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    The significant need for breast reconstruction resulting from the spread of oncoplastic breast surgery raises a number of systemic issues. Clarification and regulation of the indications are needed for aesthetic changes of the reconstructed breast due to oncotherapy treatments, ageing and technical problems of implants; a number of operations, targeted aesthetic goals as well as surgical capacities and financial background should also be determined.Our aim was to conduct a survey on the opinions and needs of the Hungarian breast cancer population about a modern breast reconstruction system.A study was conducted enrolling 500 patients who underwent mastectomy with immediate or delayed reconstruction. A structured questionnaire containing eleven questions was used to measure the attitude for loss and reconstruction of breast, the expectation of cosmetic outcome and qualification of the operating surgeon and the needs relating to the health system and funding.The median age was 47 years (min.-max.: 26-73), 59% (n = 294) was married and 52% (n = 260) had graduated in university. The majority of women (70%; n = 348) would like to have nakedly also similar breasts after the reconstruction process. To achieve this, 43% (n = 217) and 37% (n = 184) would undergo maximum two or four procedures, respectively, supported by the national health insurance company. 86% (n = 430) would like to choose qualified breast surgeon for her treatment.The modern oncoplastic treatment raises complex, systemic issues. Women with breast cancer would like to have qualified breast surgeons restoring their breasts by two operations, all funded by the national health insurance company. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(29): 1221-1228

    A módosított Regnault „B” emlőmegtartó műtét mint II. szintű standard onkoplasztikus emlősebészeti technika

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    Bevezetés és célkitűzés: A szerzők a Regnault „B” típusú emlőfelvarrás sebészi technikájának módosításával végzett onkoplasztikus műtéti technikát és az új emlősebészeti módszer alkalmazásához kapcsolódó retrospektív klinikopatológiai vizsgálat eredményeit mutatják be. Módszer: 2012. április és 2018. október között, emlőrák miatt, módosított Regnault „B” technikával operált 215 nőbeteg klinikopatológiai adatait prospektíven vezetett adatbázis alapján retrospektív módon vizsgáltuk. A betegek életminőségét validált kérdőív segítségével mértük fel, míg a műtétek esztétikai eredményét a szintén validált Breast Cancer Conservative Treatment (BCCT.core) számítógépes program és az 5 pontos Likert-skála alapján értékeltük. Eredmények: A betegek átlagéletkora 53 év (szórás: 29–81 év) volt. A medián utánkövetési idő 47 hónap (szórás: 7–85 hónap) volt. Az átlag műtéti idő 47 perc (szórás: 35–85 perc) volt, míg a patológiai tumorméret átlagosan 33 mm-nek (szórás: 18–58 mm) bizonyult. Pozitív sebészi szél miatt 13 (6%) esetben irányított reexcisióra, míg 3 (1,4%) esetben mastectomiára kényszerültünk. Az összesített szövődményarány 7,4% (n = 16) volt. Az esztétikai eredmények Likert-skála szerinti átlagértéke 4,2 (szórás: 2–5), míg a BCCT.core program alapján 1,3 pont (szórás: 1–4 pont) volt. Az életminőséggel kapcsolatos kérdőívek eredményei magas betegelégedettséget igazoltak. Következtetés: A módosított Regnault „B” emlőmegtartó technika biztonságos és hatékony standard ’level II.’ onkoplasztikus emlősebészeti technika. A műtét magas betegelégedettséggel, illetve kozmetikai eredménnyel képes a közepes vagy nagyobb térfogatú emlők külső, illetve külső-felső negyedeinek T1–T3-as tumorai miatt az emlők akár 20–50%-ának eltávolítására, majd egyidejű parenchymaáthelyezéssel történő rekonstrukciójára. A módszer előnye, hogy nem igényel ellenoldali szimmetrizációs műtétet, míg hátránya, hogy az emlő bőrpalástján vezetett metszések komplettáló mastectomia esetén az azonnali rekonstrukciót nehezítik

    Sentinel lymph node biopsy following previous axillary surgery in recurrent breast cancer.

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    Ipsilateral breast recurrence or second primary breast cancer can develop in patients who have undergone breast conserving surgery (BCS) and axillary surgery. The purpose of this study was to examine the feasibility of a reoperative sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) as a repeated axillary staging procedure.From August 2014 through January 2017 patients with locally recurrent breast cancer or with BRCA mutation requiring risk reduction mastectomy as a second surgical procedure, underwent repeat SLNB in three Hungarian Breast Units with a radiocolloid (and blue dye) technique.Hundred and sixty repeat SLNBs were analysed, 80 after previous SLNB and 80 after previous total or partial axillary lymph node dissection (ALND). SLN identification was successful in 106 patients (66%); 77/80 (77.5%) and 44/80 (55%) in the SLNB and ALND groups, respectively. (p < 0.003). Extra-axillary lymph drainage was more frequent in the ALND group (19/44, 43,2% versus 7/62, 11,3%; p < 0.001). Lymphatic drainage to the contralateral axilla was observed in 14 patients (11 in the ALND group, p = 0.025), isolated parasternal drainage was detected in 4 patients (p = 0.31). Only 9/106 patients with successful repeat SLNB (8,8%, all with 1 SLN removed) had SLN metastases CONCLUSIONS: Repeat SLNB is feasible in patients with ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence or new ipsilateral primary tumor after previous BCS and axillary staging. Repeat SLNB should replace routine ALND as the standard axillary restaging procedure in recurrent disease with a clinically negative axilla. Preoperative lymphoscintigraphy is important to explore extra-axillary lymphatic drainage in this restaging setting

    Modern Breast Cancer Surgery 1st Central-Eastern European Professional Consensus Statement on Breast Cancer

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    This text is based on the recommendations accepted by the 4th Hungarian Consensus Conference on Breast Cancer, modified on the basis of the international consultation and conference within the frames of the Central-Eastern European Academy of Oncology. The recommendations cover non-operative, intraoperative and postoperative diagnostics, determination of prognostic and predictive markers and the content of cytology and histology reports. Furthermore, they address some specific issues such as the current status of multigene molecular markers, the role of pathologists in clinical trials and prerequisites for their involvement, and some remarks about the future

    Aging and Comorbidities in Acute Pancreatitis I: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review Based on 194,702 Patients

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    Background: Acute pancreatitis (AP) is one of the most common cause of hospitalization among gastrointestinal diseases worldwide. Although most of the cases are mild, approximately 10-20% of patients develop a severe course of disease with higher mortality rate. Scoring systems consider age as a risk factor of mortality and severity (BISAP; >60 years, JPN >70 years, RANSON; >55 years, APACHE II >45 years). If there is a correlation between aging and the clinical features of AP, how does age influence mortality and severity? Aim: This study aimed to systematically review the effects of aging on AP. Methods: A comprehensive systematic literature search was conducted in the Embase, Cochrane, and Pubmed databases. A meta-analysis was performed using the preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis statement (PRISMA). A total of 1,100 articles were found. After removing duplicates and articles containing insufficient or irrelevant data, 33 publications involving 194,702 AP patients were analyzed. Seven age categories were determined and several mathematical models, including conventional mathematical methods (linear regression), meta-analyses (random effect model and heterogeneity tests), meta-regression, funnel plot and Egger's test for publication bias were performed. Quality assessment was conducted using the modified Newcastle-Ottawa scale. The meta-analysis was registered in the PROSPERO database (CRD42017079253). Results: Aging greatly influences the outcome of AR There was a low severe AP incidence in patients under 30 (1.6%); however, the incidence of severe AP showed a continuous, linear increase between 20 and 70 (0.193%/year) of up to 9.6%. The mortality rate was 0.9% in patients under 20 and demonstrated a continuous linear elevation until 59, however from this age the mortality rate started elevating with 9 times higher rate until the age of 70. The mortality rate between 20 and 59 grew 0.086%/year and 0.765%/year between 59 and 70. Overall, patients above 70 had a 19 times higher mortality rate than patients under 20. The mortality rate rising with age was confirmed by meta-regression (coefficient: 0.037 CI: 0.006-0.068, p = 0.022; adjusted r(2): 13.8%), and severity also (coefficient: 0.035 CI: 0.019-0.052, p < 0.001; adjusted r(2) : 31.6%). Conclusion: Our analysis shows a likelihood of severe pancreatitis, as well as, pancreatitis-associated mortality is more common with advanced age. Importantly, the rapid elevation of mortality above the age of 59 suggests the involvement of additional deteriorating factors such as co-morbidity in elderly

    Aging and Comorbidities in Acute Pancreatitis I: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review Based on 194,702 Patients

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    Background: Acute pancreatitis (AP) is one of the most common cause of hospitalization among gastrointestinal diseases worldwide. Although most of the cases are mild, approximately 10–20% of patients develop a severe course of disease with higher mortality rate. Scoring systems consider age as a risk factor of mortality and severity (BISAP; &gt;60 years, JPN&gt;70 years, RANSON; &gt;55 years, APACHE II &gt;45 years). If there is a correlation between aging and the clinical features of AP, how does age influence mortality and severity?Aim: This study aimed to systematically review the effects of aging on AP.Methods: A comprehensive systematic literature search was conducted in the Embase, Cochrane, and Pubmed databases. A meta-analysis was performed using the preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis statement (PRISMA). A total of 1,100 articles were found. After removing duplicates and articles containing insufficient or irrelevant data, 33 publications involving 194,702 AP patients were analyzed. Seven age categories were determined and several mathematical models, including conventional mathematical methods (linear regression), meta-analyses (random effect model and heterogeneity tests), meta-regression, funnel plot and Egger's test for publication bias were performed. Quality assessment was conducted using the modified Newcastle–Ottawa scale. The meta-analysis was registered in the PROSPERO database (CRD42017079253).Results: Aging greatly influences the outcome of AP. There was a low severe AP incidence in patients under 30 (1.6%); however, the incidence of severe AP showed a continuous, linear increase between 20 and 70 (0.193%/year) of up to 9.6%. The mortality rate was 0.9% in patients under 20 and demonstrated a continuous linear elevation until 59, however from this age the mortality rate started elevating with 9 times higher rate until the age of 70. The mortality rate between 20 and 59 grew 0.086%/year and 0.765%/year between 59 and 70. Overall, patients above 70 had a 19 times higher mortality rate than patients under 20. The mortality rate rising with age was confirmed by meta-regression (coefficient: 0.037 CI: 0.006–0.068, p = 0.022; adjusted r2: 13.8%), and severity also (coefficient: 0.035 CI: 0.019–0.052, p &lt; 0.001; adjusted r2: 31.6%).Conclusion: Our analysis shows a likelihood of severe pancreatitis, as well as, pancreatitis-associated mortality is more common with advanced age. Importantly, the rapid elevation of mortality above the age of 59 suggests the involvement of additional deteriorating factors such as co-morbidity in elderly

    Screening and monitoring of the BTK C481S mutation in a real-world cohort of patients with relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukaemia during ibrutinib therapy

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    The Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) inhibitor ibrutinib has revolutionised the therapeutic landscape of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL). Acquired mutations emerging at position C481 in the BTK tyrosine kinase domain are the predominant genetic alterations associated with secondary ibrutinib resistance. To assess the correlation between disease progression, and the emergence and temporal dynamics of the most common resistance mutation BTKC481S , sensitive (10-4 ) time-resolved screening was performed in 83 relapsed/refractory CLL patients during single-agent ibrutinib treatment. With a median follow-up time of 40 months, BTKC481S was detected in 48·2% (40/83) of the patients, with 80·0% (32/40) of them showing disease progression during the examined period. In these 32 cases, representing 72·7% (32/44) of all patients experiencing relapse, emergence of the BTKC481S mutation preceded the symptoms of clinical relapse with a median of nine months. Subsequent Bcl-2 inhibition therapy applied in 28/32 patients harbouring BTKC481S and progressing on ibrutinib conferred clinical and molecular remission across the patients. Our study demonstrates the clinical value of sensitive BTKC481S monitoring with the largest longitudinally analysed real-world patient cohort reported to date and validates the feasibility of an early prediction of relapse in the majority of ibrutinib-treated relapsed/refractory CLL patients experiencing disease progression