6 research outputs found

    Egy heterogén erdőállomány avarlakó szárazföldi ászkarák-közösségeinek (Isopoda: Oniscidea) összehasonlítása - Comparison of litter inhabiting terrestrial isopod (Isopoda: Oniscidea) communities of a heterogenious woodland

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    The aim of our research was an ecofaunistic investigation of isopod communities living in different habitats (three different oak woods, two acacia woods, and a pine-grove) of a heterogeneous forest. In particular, we described and compared the species composition, the dominance structure and diversity indices of the communities (Shannon, Rényi) in the habitats. The researched area (“Községi forest”) situated near the Deseda-lake (Kaposvár, Somogy County). Nine Barber pitfall traps were laid in three parallel lines in six sampling patches. The traps had been working from March to November, 2011 and were emptied eleven times during this interval. The traps caught a total of 8769 isopods belonging to 10 species. Protracheonicus politus had the largest (80.21%) proportion of the total sample so this species is the dominant woodlouse of the Községi forest. The ratio of Porcellium collicola (12.77%), Trachelipus rathkii (4.56%) and Trachelipus ratzeburgii (1.96%) were also noticeable. The amount of the other species was low (1-50 specimens). Some of these species (Haplophthalmus danicus, Hyloniscus riparius, Trichoniscus provisorius) live in the soil or in decaying trees so usually they are under-represented in pitfall samples. An average of six species was found in each habitat. The highest numbers of species (7) occurred in the acacia forests and in an oak wood habitat, while the smallest (5) in another oak wood by the lake. The species compositions of an acacia and an oak wood were identical using Sørensen similarity index. The isopod community of the pine-grove was also similar. The sample of the ruderal weed vegetation differed in the highest degree from the woody habitats. By the results, the isopod community could be very similar in different woody habitats. We found the highest Shannon diversity values in the weedy habitat. The Rényi diversity ordering gave the same result

    A Porcellium collicola (Verhoeff, 1907) (Oniscidea: Trachelipodidae) populáció-dinamikája

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    Population characteristics of Porcellium collicola (Verhoeff 1907) was analysed to describe the sex ratio and the fluctuation of the proportions of male, gravid female, postgravid female and non-reproductive female individuals. Material was collected by pitfall traps in 2011, in seven sampling sites in a heterogeneous woodland by the Deseda lake, near Kaposvár, Somogy County, South-Transdanubia, Hungary. During the sampling period 2898 specimens of P. collicola were trapped. The sex ratio was female biased (1:6,3). Surface activity of males was high in April and May and later their proportion gradually decreased until November. Gravid females were detected from the end of April to August and their number peaked in June. Percentage of postgravid females reached its highest value in the end of June and July. The proportion of non-reproductive females was high during the entire sampling period

    Na efikasnost H-klopki utjeÄŤe izloĹľenost suncu

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    In recent years, H-trap-type insect traps have been used to reduce horsefly densities. We investigated the impact of the factors affecting the efficacy of H-traps. Catching data of 15 H-traps were analyzed. The traps were deployed at an outdoor equestrian paddock (Sántos, Somogy county) from May to July 2018. In twelve weeks, the traps collected 10,556 horsefly specimens, dominated by Tabanus autumnalis and Haematopota italica. In the first experiment we found that the distribution of caught individuals was inhomogeneous among the samples. According to the amount of caught individuals, trap efficacy showed spatial and temporal inhomogeneity. In the second experiment, after the rearrangement of traps, we found that traps placed in open, sunny places in the centerline area caught significantly more horseflies than those in shady border regions. It can be concluded that the positioning of H-traps in sunny areas significantly enhances their tabanid-catching efficacy.Posljednjih godina za smanjivanje gustoće obada koriste se klopke H-tipa. Istraživali smo utjecaj različitih čimbenika na efikasnost H-klopki. U radu se analiziraju podaci o ulovu 15 H-klopki. Klopke su bile aktivirane unutar ograde za konje (Sántos, županija Somogy) od svibnja do srpnja 2018. u 12 tjedana klopke su prikupile 10.556 primjeraka obada, među kojima su dominirale vrste Tabanus autumnalis i Haematopota italica. U prvom pokusu utvrdili smo da je zastupljenost uhvaćenih vrsta među uzorcima nehomogena. Klopke su pokazivale prostornu i vremensku nehomogenost u odnosu na prikupljene primjerke. U drugom pokusu, nakon preraspodjele klopki, utvrdili smo da su klopke postavljene na otvorene sunčana mjesta na središnjoj liniji plohe uhvatile značajno više obada nego one u sjenovitim graničnim područjima. Može se zaključiti da smještanje H-klopki na sunčana mjesta znatno povećava njihovu efikasnost prikupljanja obada

    A Dél-Dunántúl bögöly faunájáról (Diptera: Tabanidae)

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    This paper presents all published faunistic data of the Tabanidae in South-Transdanubia from 1956 up to 2016. The faunistic research of tabanids in Somogy, Baranya and Tolna Counties resulted in 53 tabanid species. An annotated checklist with collecting sites is given

    Isopod communities of Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) plantations in Transdanubia (Hungary)

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    Terrestrial isopod communities were studied in 27 Black locust forest in Transdanubia between 1995 and 2011 by hand sampling and pitfall trapping. The investigations yielded 17 species. The most common isopod species of Transdanubia (Porcellium collicola, Armadillidium vulgare, Trachelipus rathkii, T. nodulosus and Hyloniscus riparius) proved to be frequent in the Black locust plantations, too. All of these species are generalists. The assemblages consisted of 4-5 species. Dominant species of the communities were A. vulgare or P. collicola, alternatively. Species diversity and evenness of the assemblages were low. Strong association was pointed out between A. vulgare, P. collicola and T. rathkii while negative association was calculated between T. nodulosus and H. riparius

    Preliminary List of Horse Flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) of Lake Kolon Nature Reserve

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    The first faunistic data of the horse fly (Diptera:Tabanidea) from the Lake Kolon Nature Reserve (Hungary, Kiskunság National Park) are published in this paper. The samples were collected in the summer of 2020, with H-traps, on a pasture of El Bronco Ranch, near Soltszentimre. A total of 1,038 horse flies belonging to 11 species were collected. Eudominant elements were Haematopota pluvialis, Tabanus maculicornis, Hybomitra ciureai, Chrysops viduatus and H. muehfeldi, while Tabanus autumnalis and T. bovinus proved to be subrecent