5 research outputs found

    Utjecaj elektroničke komunikacije i internetskoga jezika na uporabu jezika i jezični izričaj današnje mladeži

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    The present study retraces how the prestige of written language conventions impacts internet-based communication and how this linguistic subculture influences the use, development and evolution of language. The author’s basic premise is the “linguistic frugality” as a definitive characteristic of the Internet, resulting in the formation of a written slang. The authors shed light at the respective forms used in internet communication. The study explores the main manifestations of the abovementioned slang and investigates idiosyncratic orthographic solutions dominating the World Wide Web. Due to the paralinguistic deficiencies of the written text primarily manifested in the lack of a metalanguage or mimicry, the emotional content of our messages is expressed in the form of smile symbols. Consequently, the phonetic equivalents of the written image tend to dominate texts exhanged via e-mail or chat lines. The increasing domination of the net language by images results in visible semiotic and grammatic consequences. Thus a new metaphoric language is being born as established textual forms start to become obsolete. However, one basic question remains: Will the new digital communication options lead to linguistic vitality, linguistic diversity and creative language use, or the net language will have a negative impact on the development of language and result in overall value loss? In sum, the authors explore the impact of net language or internet-based communication on the language use and linguistic expressions of today’s youth.U ovom istraživannju ispituje se način na koji prestiž konvencija pisanoga jezika oblikuje internetsku komunikaciju i utjecaj novonastale jezične potkulture na korištenje i evoluciju jezika. Polazeći od premise “lingvističke štedljivosti” - neosporne osobine interneta koja dovodi do formiranja pisanoga slenga, autori proučavaju povezane oblike koji se upotrebljavaju u internetskoj komunikaciji, glavne pojave spomenutoga slenga i idiosinkratična pravopisna rješenja koja dominiraju internetom. Zbog paralingvističke manjkavosti pisanoga teksta, prvenstveno izostanka metajezika i mimike, emocionalni sadržaj naših poruka izražava se simbolom osmijeha. Na taj način svakodnevno svjedočimo dominaciji fonetskih ekvivalenata pisanih slika tekstovima koji se razmjenjuju putem e-poruka ili u pričaonicama (chatovima). Sve veća dominacija slika jezikom interneta ima vidljive semiotičke i gramatičke posljedice, vodi zastarijevanju uspostavljenih tekstualnih oblika i daje uzlet novom metaforičkom jeziku. Ipak, osnovno pitanje ostaje: vode li nove digitalno-komunikacijske mogućnosti jezičnoj vitalnosti, raznolikosti i kreativnoj upotrebi jezika ili jezik interneta ima negativan učinak na razvoj jezika i vodi sveopćem obezvrjeđivanju? Zaključno, autori istražuju učinak internetskoga jezika ili komunikacije na internetu na upotrebu jezika i jezični izričaj današnje mladeži

    Travelling into the World of Bilingual (Code-Switching) Concrete Poetry

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    The paper examines the complex phenomenon of intermediality, “multimedial transgression”, and “culturally agitating hybridity” resonating and flashing over ages and cultures. It reviews concrete poetry, which may be considered as a real multimedial text with linguistic and pictorial coded aesthetic message, the poetic intention evolving from the mixture of verb and picture. Examining from the aesthetic of reception, code-switching of concrete poetry comes into the focus of the research. We may feel that for a recipient knowing both languages (for the recipient of concrete poetry), it is more advantageous for the speaker combining the expressions of the two languages since one with a mixed language always relates what he would like to say in the language he can express his thoughts more properly. In fact, this is such a code-switching that the recipient may perceive as a single code on the basis of simultaneity of text and picture

    Helyettesíthető a nonverbális kommunikáció szimbólumokkal?

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    A technológiák fejlődésével a kézzel írott levelek írása háttérbe szorult, és a közösségi médián keresztül kialakult egy újfajta írásmód. Megjelentek az emojik. A publikáció a másodlagos írásbeliségről szól, és arról, hogy vajon ezek az emojik képesek-e a nonverbális kommunikáció helyettesítésére. Ha igen, akkor hogyan? Különböző példákon keresztül választ adunk a kérdésekre és bebizonyítjuk, hogy a nem verbális kommunikáció helyettesíthető képjelekkel