16 research outputs found

    Az ügyfélnyilvánosság kérdései: közigazgatási jogi kiindulópont a büntetőeljárásban

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    The right to a fair trial by an independent and impartial tribunal is a fundamental right everybody is entitled to. Through such right, transparency and publicity become an important guarantee of the administration of justice, in a broader sense, and as a procedural principle of different court proceedings as well. The administration of justice and the judiciary is a fundamental subsystem, an independent branch of public power of modern democracies, with the publicity of court proceedings being an organic principle thereof. The need to realize responsibility and hold people accountable as part of this structure has more or less the same age as humankind itself. The judicial proceedings are community acts, with an indispensable part being played by the individual. Members of a community were and are present in the proceedings, not only as “controllers”, but also in concrete, distinguishable procedural roles, either as plaintiffs or defendants thus clients. The paper examines a narrow cross-section of the publicity of criminal proceedings, the issue of the so-called “client publicity” by looking at how an administrative law concept can be applied to criminal proceedings, what the concept of client means in criminal proceedings, how client publicity can be enforced in criminal proceedings, and what are the consequences of violating the relevant rules. This paper, after a general overview of the principle of publicity, will examine the concepts of client in the legal literature, the rules that apply when a closed trial is ordered, and the consequences of breaching these rules