8 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Reverse Osmosis Membranes in Concentration of Beetroot Peel Extract

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    Recovery of valuable products from organic wastes with conventional extraction method plus modern separation technology is becoming popular in solid waste management. The major attention of this project was to test the efficiencies of two different types of reverse osmosis membranes (RO99 and X20) on juice concentration extracted from peel of beetroot which is "waste". The extractions of beetroot peel were completed using water and ethanol-water (15 v/v%) solvents at 22 °C for 60 minutes. The applied transmembrane pressure, temperature, and recirculation flow rate of membrane separation process were 40 bars, 30 °C, and 400 L/h, respectively. Quantifications of valuable compounds were detected using spectrophotometer. The permeate flux profiles were investigated and lower permeate flux was experienced with RO99 compared to X20 in both methods. Additionally, from the aspect of efficiency, RO99 outstripped X20 membrane on concentration of some compounds such as betalains, and phenolic components. Betaxanthin, betacyanin, antioxidant and TPC contents in final retentates of RO99 membrane concentration were as follow: 292.47±1.93 mg/L, 499.03±1.3 mg/L, 1133.15±25.74 mg/L,1243.96±106.56 mg/L (water solvent) and 337.26±4.31 mg/L, 585.2±5.83 mg/L, 698.55±22.53 mg/L, 1268.87±48.69 mg/L (ethanol-water solvent), respectively. From this experiment, expectation can be made that membrane technology can widen its applications in food and pharmaceutical industries

    Recovery of aroma compounds from model solution by pervaporation membrane

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    The aim of our study was to examine applicability of pervaporation in reference to the apple aroma recovery and the effects of the operating parameters on the process. Based on performed experiments the pervaporation, as membrane process, may be capable to reduce the loss of aroma compounds in the beverages production, due to its low operating temperature and high aroma recovery efficiency so organoleptic characteristics of the products would satisfy the growing consumer expectations as well. The studied main aroma compounds were i-amyl-alcohol, ethanol, butanol, i-butanol, ethyl-acetate, which could be separated with high selectivity. The values of activation energy of investigated compounds follow their order of polarity that requires further investigation. The data were analysed statistically, which showed negligible effects of flow-rate and initial concentration on the process

    Effects of Static Mixing on the Ultrafiltration of Milk Whey

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    The promotion of efficiency and the reduction of energy consumption are very important tasks in every industrial process as well in food production. Although membrane filtration is a low-energy and environmental friendly separation method it still needs improvement in many fields. In our earlier research it was stated that a static mixer combined with ceramic tube membrane results higher permeate flux and lower specific energy consumption in case separation of oily wastewater. This paper deals with the extension of this combined method to the separation of milk whey. It was found that static turbulence promotion inside a tube membrane during ultrafiltration of whey can increase permeate flux and decrease energy consumption, inside a given spectra of operating parameters, compared to the conventional mode (when no static mixing applied in the process)

    Removal of cold trub from hopped wort by crossflow microfiltration : analytical aspects

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    Removing cold trub (cold break) from hopped wort is important, because of yeast viability, beer quality and less fouling during fermentation in a Membrane Bioreactor (MBR). Cold trub can be removed from hopped wort by several methods, but Crossflow Microfiltration (CFMF) would be an alternative technology. For the membrane filtration experiment a pale wort was made in pilot scale. The membrane filtration was performed with the following operating parameters: temperature (10±1°C), Transmembrane Pressure (0.4 bar) and Retentate Flow Rate (50 l/h). The size of particles in cold trub is about 0.5 µm, the nominal pore size of the used membrane was 0.2 µm. The Initial Flux and Steady State Flux of the membrane filtration were calculated. Chemical and physical properties (β-glucan content, bitterness, colour, dynamic viscosity, extract content, free amino nitrogen content, pH, turbidity, particle size distribution) of original wort and permeate samples were measured and retentions of different components (β-glucan, iso-alpha acids, extract, free amino nitrogen) were calculated. The Initial Flux and Steady State Flux of the membrane filtration were 16.75 L/(m2 h) and 4.89 L/(m2 h), respectively. Changing of the analytical parameters are appropriate, for example, retention of β-glucan was 40.17 % and free amino nitrogen content of original wort and permeate were same. According to the particle size distribution measurement cold trub can be completely removed by CFMF. CFMF is an alternative method for removing cold trub from hopped wort based on the results, but the optimization of the technology is needed for purposes of increasing Flux values and improve analytical parameters

    Studying beer dealcoholization by reverse osmosis

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    The production of low-alcohol beer (LAB) or alcohol-free beer (AFB) is important because of several reasons. In this research, pale lager beer samples were dealcoholized by reverse osmosis (RO) at a temperature of 15 ± 1 °C. Alfa Laval RO99 membrane with 0.05 m2 active surface was used for dealcoholization processes. Flux values were measured during the separations. Dynamic viscosity values and ethanol content of beer and permeate samples were measured. Initial flux values were determined by linear regression. Initial ethanol flux (JEtOH 0) values were calculated from initial flux values and ethanol content values. 2P type full factorial experimental design was applied, the two factors were the following: Transmembrane Pressure (TMP): 10, 20, 30 bar and Retentate Flow Rate (Q): 120, 180, 240 L hr-1 . JEtOH 0 was considered as a response of the full factorial experimental design. The effect sizes of the significant parameters were calculated. The global maximum of the objective function was found with self-developed Grid Search code. The best fitted linear function was as follows: JEtOH 0 = 80.871 + 41.094 × xTMP The effect size of the significant parameter was the following: TMP: 1.20. The optimal value of the factor amounted to TMP = 30 bar. The predicted JEtOH 0 under the above condition was 121.965 g m-2 hr-1 . The detailed method in this study can be implemented by breweries

    Membránműveletek integrálásának és optimálásának elméleti és kísérleti vizsgálata = Theoretical and experimental investigation and optimization of membrane processes

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    A kutatás 4 éves időszaka alatt megvalósítottuk a munkatervben meghatározott feladatokat. A következő témakörökben végeztünk kutatásokat és értünk el nemzetközileg is elismert eredményeket: 1. Feketeribiszke-lé, málnalé és bodzalé besűrítése integrált membrán műveletekkel 2. Homoktövis-lé koncentrálásának kidolgozása 3. Csökkentett nyomású membránszűrés alapjainak kidolgozása 4. A membránon keresztüli anyagtranszport matematikai modellezése, az optimális műveleti paraméterek meghatározása 5. Pervaporáció alkalmazása aromakomponensek kinyerésére Összefoglalásként megállapítható, hogy a kutatás négy éve sikeres volt, mert a témához kapcsolódóan 13 folyóiratcikket publikáltunk (ebből 8 impakt faktoros), hazai és nemzetközi konferenciákon is ismertettük eredményeinket, a konferencia-kiadványokban 20 teljes anyag és 19 absztrakt jelent meg. A témához kapcsolódóan több mint 15 TDK és diplomamunka készült el, és 4 PhD dolgozat (Rektor Attila, Bánvölgyi Szilvia, Vincze Ivetta, Kozák Áron) alapjául szolgáló kísérleti mérések fejeződtek be. | In the 4 years of this research project the obligations were completed. The topic of the researches what were carried out were the following: 1. Concentration of blackcurrant-, raspberry-, elderberry juice using integrated membrane process 2. Concentration of sea-buckthorn juice by membrane filtration 3. Developing the basics of reduced pressure membrane filtration technique 4. Mathematical modelling of the mass transfer through the membrane and determine the optimal operating parameters 5. Recovery of aroma compounds by pervaporation On the basis of the results it can be concluded that the research work in the past four years period was successfull. 13 articles (8 with impact factor) has been published in different journals. The results were presented at numerous national and international conferences, 20 full papers and 19 abstracts were published in the Proceedings of the conferences. For 4 PhD dissertation (Rektor Attila, Bánvölgyi Szilvia, Vincze Ivetta, Kozák Áron) the experimental work has been carried out in the frame of the research. More than 15 MSc thesis is related to the topics of this research work

    Membránszeparációs eljárások elméleti és kísérleti vizsgálata az élelmiszeriparban és környezetvédelemben = Theoretical and experimental investigations of membrane separation process in the food industry and environmental protection

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    A kutatás négyéves időszaka alatt 9 témakörben végeztünk kutatásokat és értünk el nemzetközileg is elismert eredményeket: 1. Bor értékes anyagainak besűrítése, 2. Must besűrítése, magas cukortartalmú sűrítmény előállítása, 3. Cukoripari levekből szennyezők eltávolítása, 4. Instant élelmiszertermékek előállítása kávé-extraktumból és homoktövis levéből, 5. Tejsavó komplex feldolgozása, 6. Ivóvízből huminsav és arzén eltávolítása, 7. Növényolajból foszfatidok eltávolítása, 8. Olajos szennyvizek olajmentesítése. 9. Különböző ipari szennyvizek komplex kezelése a maradék csökkentése és a víz újrahasznosítása céljából. Összefoglalásként megállapítható, hogy a kutatás négy éve sikeres volt, mert a témához kapcsolódóan 27 folyóiratcikket publikáltunk (ebből 15 impakt faktoros), 26 előadás anyaga jelent meg teljes terjedelmében a konferencia nyomtatott kiadványaiban, illetve CD-ROM-on, továbbá 56 előadás és poszter anyagának egyoldalas összefoglalója is megjelent a konferenciakiadványokban. A témához kapcsolódóan két PhD értekezés sikeres védése (HU Xianguo, 2002 és MORA MOLINA Jesus, 2003 ) történt meg az elmúlt időszakban, három PhD dolgozat (Koris András, Kiss István, Galambos Ildikó) kísérleti munkái fejeződtek be, amelyek védése 2006-ban várható. Továbbá több mint 20 a témához diplomamunka készült el az elmúlt négy évben. | In the past 4 years of this research project the investigations was carried out in 9 topics: 1. Concentration of valuable components of wine, 2. Concentration of grape juice (must), production of high sugar content concentrate, 3. Removal of non-sugar compounds from sugar industry juices, 4. Production of instant foods from coffee extract and sea buckthorn juice, 5. Complex treatment of whey, 6. Removal of humic substances and arsenic from drinking water sources, 7. Dry degumming of vegetable oils, 8. Separation of oil in water emulsions, 9. Complex treatment of different wastewaters - waste minimisation and water reuse and recycling. On the basis of the results it can be concluded that the research work in the past four years period was succesfull. In the frame of this investigations 27 articles (15 with impact factor) has been published in different journals. 26 presentations were published in the Proceedings of the congresses/conferences and 56 has been published as abstract. Two PhD dissertations were defended in the topics of this research project (HU Xianguo, 2002 and MORA MOLINA Jesus, 2003), and for another 3 (Koris András, Kiss István, Galambos Ildikó) the experimental work has been carried out. More than 20 MSc thesis is related to the topics of this research work