5 research outputs found

    Indução de ovulação em pacientes com tumor estrogênio‐dependente: diretrizes clínicas da Sociedade Brasileira de Reprodução Humana

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    ResumoA oncofertilidade é um campo de interesse interdisciplinar de desenvolvimento recente que busca mesclar os conhecimentos em oncologia e medicina reprodutiva, com a contribuição das técnicas de reprodução assistida, para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de preservação da função gonadal e oferecer a possibilidade da procriação biológica aos sobreviventes de câncer. As estratégias de preservação da fertilidade feminina em pacientes oncológicas atualmente aceitas para a prática rotineira são a criopreservação de embriões e a criopreservação de oócitos maduros. Ocorre que, para execução de ambos, a indução de ovulação é obrigatória e, com ela, vêm os riscos teóricos de estimulação do crescimento de tumores estrogênio‐dependentes e a postergação do início do tratamento antineoplásico. Os protocolos de estimulação ovariana de início aleatório contemplam a intenção de se minimizar o atraso no início da quimioterapia ou radioterapia e o bloqueio ao crescimento tumoral e oferecem resultados satisfatórios, semelhantes aos obtidos em protocolos de início habitual. Apresentamos neste artigo as diretrizes clínicas da Sociedade Brasileira de Reprodução Humana para indução de ovulação em pacientes com tumor estrogênio‐dependente.AbstractOncofertility is an interdisciplinary interest field of recent development, which aims to merge the knowledge in oncology and reproductive medicine, with the help of assisted reproductive technologies, to develop strategies for gonadal function preservation and to offer the possibility of biological procreation to cancer survivors. Preservation strategies of female fertility in oncological patients currently accepted for routine practice are the cryopreservation of embryos and cryopreservation of mature oocytes. It happens that ovulation induction is mandatory for executing both strategies, and with it the theoretical risk of stimulation of estrogen‐dependent tumors growth and the postponement of anti‐neoplastic treatment. Random‐start ovarian stimulation protocols include the intention of minimizing the delay in onset of chemo‐radiotherapy and to block tumor growth, providing satisfactory results, similar to those obtained in the usual beginning protocols. This article presents the clinical guidelines of the Brazilian Society of Human Reproduction for ovulation induction in patients with estrogen‐dependent tumors

    Efficacy of sperm motility after processing and incubation to predict pregnancy after intrauterine insemination in normospermic individuals

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    Background: Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is widely used to treat infertility, and its adequate indication is important to obtain good pregnancy rates. To assess which couples could benefit from IUI, this study aimed to evaluate whether sperm motility using a discontinuous gradient of different densities and incubation in CO2 in normospermic individuals is able to predict pregnancy.Methods: A total of 175 couples underwent 175 IUI cycles. The inclusion criteria for women were as follows: 35 years old or younger (age range: from 27 to 35 years) with normal fallopian tubes; endometriosis grades I-II; unexplained infertility; nonhyperandrogenic ovulatory dysfunction. Men with normal seminal parameters were also included. All patients underwent ovarian stimulation with clomiphene citrate and human hMG or r-FSH. When one or (at most) three follicles measuring 18 to 20 mm were observed, hCG (5000 UI) or r-hCG (250 mcg) was administered and IUI performed 36-40 h after hCG. Sperm processing was performed using a discontinuous concentration gradient. A 20 microliters aliquot was incubated for 24 h at 37 degrees C in 5% CO2 following a total progressive motility analysis. The Mann-Whitney and Chi-square tests, as well as a ROC curve were used to determine the cutoff value for motility.Results: Of the 175 couples, 52 (in 52 IUI cycles) achieved clinical pregnancies (CP rate per cycle: 29.7%). The analysis of age, duration and causes of infertility did not indicate any statistical significance between pregnancy and no pregnancy groups, similar to the results for total sperm count and morphology analyses, excluding progressive motility (p < 0.0001). The comparison of progressive motility after processing and 24 h after incubation between these two groups indicated that progressive motility 24 h after incubation was higher in the pregnancy group. The analysis of the progressive motility of the pregnancy group after processing and 24 h after incubation has not shown any motility difference at 24 h after incubation; additionally, in couples who did not obtain pregnancy, there was a statistically significant decrease in progressive motility 24 h after incubation (p < 0.0001). The ROC curve analysis generated a cutoff value of 56.5% for progressive motility at 24 h after incubation and this cutoff value produced 96.1% sensitivity, 92.7% specificity, 84.7% positive predictive value and 98.3% negative predictive value.Conclusions: We concluded that the sperm motility of normospermic individuals 24 h after incubation at 37 degrees C in 5% CO2, with a cutoff value of 56.5%, is predictive of IUI success

    Perfil hormonal sexual de mulheres em programa crônico de diálise em tratamento com eritropoetina humana recombinante

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    A IRC (insuficiência renal crônica) terminal é acompanhada por alterações sistêmicas, inclusive do eixo hipotálamo-hipofisário-gonadal. Após o aparecimento da EPO (eritropoetina humana recombinante), surgiram relatos de melhora da disfunção sexual em homens, havendo relativa escassez de dados sobre dosagens hormonais e função sexual das mulheres. No Brasil, há poucos dados sobre o perfil hormonal de mulheres em programa crônico de diálise. OBJETIVOS: Avaliação e comparação do perfil hormonal sexual, através das dosagens de FSH (hormônio folículo estimulante), LH (hormônio luteinizante), PRL (prolactina) e E2 (estradiol) de mulheres em programa crônico de diálise, sob terapêutica com EPO. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas 47 mulheres (uma em diálise peritoneal intermitente, quatro em diálise peritoneal ambulatorial contínua e 42 em hemodiálise), subdivididas em três grupos: (1) Grupo I, de mulheres com menos de 48 anos de idade e menstruando regularmente; (2) Grupo II, de mulheres com menos de 48 anos de idade e amenorreicas; (3) Grupo III, de mulheres com mais de 48 anos de idade e amenorreicas. Os grupos foram comparados entre si através do teste de Mann-Whitney para duas amostras independentes. RESULTADOS: Todos os grupos mostraram valores normais das dosagens séricas de FSH, LH e E2, e não houve diferença estatisticamente significante nos níveis desses hormônios entre as mulheres que menstruam e as amenorreicas com idade inferior a 48 anos. Os níveis de PRL encontravam-se acima da normalidade em todos os grupos, independentemente da idade e do padrão menstrual, não havendo diferenças estatísticas significantes entre os grupos. As pacientes do grupo III apresentaram perfis hormonais compatíveis com a menopausa, ou seja, níveis séricos de FSH e LH elevados e de E2 diminuídos.<br>OBJECTIVE: The end stage renal disease has accompaniments in body systems, including hormonal changes. The present study was designed to evaluate the pattern of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin (PRL) and estradiol (E2) in 47 women with end stage renal disease (ESRD), on regular dialysis and receiving recombinant human erythropoietin (r-HuEPO). METHODS: One patient was on intermitent peritoneal dialysis, 4 on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis and 42 on maintenance haemodialysis. They were divided into: Group I consisted of 10 women with regular menses, aged lesser than 48 years; Group II consisted of 15 women with amenorrhea, aged lesser than 48 years and; Group III, consisted of 22 women with amenorrhea, aged 48 years or more. Levels of FSH, LH, PRL e E2 were obtained by ELISA. RESULTS: All groups showed FSH, LH and E2 levels in the normal range for normal women without renal failure, and there was no statistical significance in the levels of these hormones between women with regular menses or women with amenorrhea aged lesser than 48 years. The serum concentrations of PRL were above the normal range in all groups. The patients aged 48 or more showed hormonal profile consistent with post-menopausal (i.e. high FSH, high LH and low estradiol). CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that ovarian function is intact on ESRD and we have to search for other causes for amenorrhea in women that do not have na abnormal hormonal sex profile