4 research outputs found


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    The selectivity of five insecticides, regularly used in peach farming, was assessed for larvae of the predator Chrysoperla externa (Hagen) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) by means of bioassay in semi-field conditions. The bioassay was based on the counting of captured larvae after release in peach trees treated with the insecticides (% of active ingredient in spray liquid): deltamethrin (0.001), fenthion (0.050), phosmet (0.100), lufenuron (0.005) and malathion (0.200). Bait-cards with eggs of Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) were used to capture larvae from treated plants; five of them were fixed in plant canopy and five others left on the soil around stem. A protective barrier made up of galvanized steel sheet was used for each plant to avoid loss of larvae. The number of larvae feeding on the bait-cards was measured for four days. According to the number of captured larvae, each insecticide effect was estimated and classified into toxicity categories as stated by the International Organization for Biological and Integratec Control of Noxious Animals and Plants (IOBC). Based on observations, the insect growth regulator lufenuron was harmless, while the neurotoxins deltamethrin and malathion were slightly harmful; and lastly, fenthion and phosmet were moderately harmful to C. externa larvae in semi-field conditions. Thus, lufenuron should be recommended for integrated pest management, since it would preserve this predator species in peach orchards

    Profundidade da amostragem de solo e de raízes e índice de infestação de Oryzophagus oryzae (Costa Lima, 1936) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) em cultivares de arroz Sampling depth of soil and roots and Oryzophagus oryzae (Costa Lima, 1936) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) infestation index in rice cultivars

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    Oryzophagus oryzae é o inseto-praga chave da cultura do arroz irrigado por inundação na Região Sul do Brasil. Suas larvas, conhecidas por bicheira-da-raiz, causam perdas significativas de produtividade quando danificam o sistema radicular das plantas de arroz. No monitoramento da população larval de O. oryzae em arrozais, ou em levantamentos em experimentos, atualmente são empregadas amostras padrão de solo e raízes, com 8,5cm de profundidade e 10cm de largura, desintegradas por submersão e agitamento em peneira com água, para a contagem de larvas. A visualização de larvas, principalmente de 1o e 2o instar, torna-se difícil na suspensão formada pelo solo das amostras com tais dimensões e a água do interior das peneiras. Assim sendo, foi realizado um experimento para determinar uma profundidade de amostragem que viabilize a captura e a visualização de um maior número possível de larvas, num menor volume possível de solo, em diferentes cultivares de arroz. O experimento foi instalado num Planossolo Háplico, no delineamento de quadrado latino, e incluiu como tratamentos seis cultivares de arroz ('BRS Atalanta'; 'BRS Firmeza'; 'BRS Ligeirinho'; 'BRS Querência'; 'BRS Sinuelo CL'; 'IRGA 417') e três profundidades (3, 6 e 9cm) de retirada de amostras de solo e raízes, todas com 10cm de diâmetro. De imediato à retirada de amostras, foi registrado o número de larvas. Posteriormente, em avaliações periódicas, foi registrado o número de adultos emergidos de amostras mantidas intactas em baldes plásticos com lâmina de água de 13, 16 e 19cm, cobertos por tecido telado. Ocorreu interação significativa entre profundidades de amostragem e as cultivares 'BRS Sinuelo CL' e 'BRS Querência' quanto ao índice de infestação larval e de adultos de O. oryzae, respectivamente. No caso de ambas as variáveis, o índice na profundidade de 6cm foi significativamente maior do que na de 3cm, mantendo-se intermediário na de 9cm. Concluiu-se que, num Planossolo Háplico, amostras de solo e de raízes de arroz retiradas à profundidade de 6cm são mais apropriadas à captura e à visualização de larvas de O. oryzae, na suspensão (solo e água) formada nas peneiras usadas para a sua contagem, e à obtenção de adultos desse inseto.Oryzophagus oryzae is the key insect pest in flooded rice fields in southern Brazil. Their larvae, known as rice water weevil cause significant yield losses when they cut the roots of rice plants. For the monitoring and survey of the larval population of O. oryzae, on rice fields and rice trials, respectively, are currently used standard samples of soil and roots, with 8.5cm deep and 10cm wide, blown away by submersion and shaking in a sieve with water for the counting of larvae. The visualization of larvae, especially the 1st and 2nd instars, becomes difficult in the suspension formed by the soil samples with these dimensions and the water inside the sieves. Thus, an experiment was conducted in a Typic Albaqualf soil according to the Latin square design to determine a sampling depth of soil and roots that makes possible the capture and display a larger number of larvae in a smallest possible volume of soil, in different rice cultivars. The treatments consisted of six rice cultivars ('BRS Atalanta'; 'BRS Firmeza'; 'BRS Ligeirinho'; 'BRS Querência'; 'BRS Sinuelo CL'; 'IRGA 417') and three depths (3, 6 and 9cm) for removing samples of soil and roots, every 10cm diameter. In the immediate withdrawal of samples, it was announced the number of larvae. Subsequently, in periodic evaluations, it was announced the number of adults emerged from samples kept intact in plastic buckets with water depth of 13, 16 and 19cm, covered by screened mesh fabric. It was detected a significant interaction between sampling depths and the rice cultivars 'BRS Sinuelo CL' and 'BRS Querência' in the rate of infestation of larvae and adults of O. oryzae, respectively. In the case of both variables the number of insects per sample was significantly higher at 6 cm depth than at 3cm, an intermediate in 9cm. It was concluded that in Typic Albaqualf soil, samples (soil and rice roots) taken from a depth of 6cm are more effective to capture and visualize larvae of O. oryzae in suspension (soil and water) formed in the sieves used for counting larvae, and also for the collection of adults of this insect