3 research outputs found

    Genetic Analysis Method for Staphylococcus chromogenes Associated with Goat Mastitis

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    Nekada su tvrtke svoje zaposlenike o novostima u poduzeću informirale putem oglasnih ploča, no u današnje vrijeme to se čini putem e-maila ili interneta, a interno komuniciranje čini sve važniji dio odnosa sa javnošću poduzeća. Ono je prisutno u svim organizacijama, bez obzira na veličinu ili predmet poslovanja poduzeća. Međutim, ono se često zanemaruje jer se ne prepoznaje njegova važnost za poduzeće. Osnovni cilj ovoga rada je prikazati značaj interne komunikacije za poduzeća, kao i utjecaj menadžera i rukovoditelja u obavljanju poslova poduzeća. Dolazi se do zaključka da komunikacija između zaposlenika (horizontalna komunikacija) i komunikacija između podređenih i nadređenih (vertikalna komunikacija) u poduzeću utječe na zadovoljstvo i sami rad zaposlenika. Razlog tome je nedostatak informacija koji rezultira u neefikasnom radu zaposlenika, a tim i njihovim nezadovoljstvom. Najznačnije informacije koje se komuniciraju uključuju razna znanja, iskustva te razmjenu podataka značajnih za poslovanje tvrtki i rad njenih djelatnika. U samom radu pojasnit će se djelovanje internog komuniciranja u poduzećima; značaj internog komuniciranja, imidža i strategije za poslovanje poduzeća; problemi internog komuniciranja u poduzećima, a samim tim i dobre strane internog komuniciranja

    Genetic Analysis Method for Staphylococcus chromogenes Associated with Goat Mastitis

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    Mastitis in goats is mainly caused by coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (CNS). The identification methods for this group are based on evaluating the expression of phenotypic characteristics such as the ability to metabolize various substrates; however, this is disadvantageous as these methods are dependent on gene expression. In recent years, genotyping methods such as the Multiple Locus Variable-Number Tandem Repeat Analysis (MLVA) and gene identification have been useful for epidemiological study of several bacterial species. To develop a genotyping method, the genome sequence of Staphylococcus chromogenes MU970 was analysed. The analysis showed nine virulence genes described in Staphylococcus aureus. The MLVA was developed using four loci identified in the genome of S. chromogenes MU970. This genotyping method was examined in 23 strains of CNS isolated from goat mastitis. The rate of discrimination for MLVA was 0.8893, and the highest rates of discrimination per the index of Simpson and Hunter-Gaston were 0.926 and 0.968 for the locus 346_06, respectively. The virulence genes were present in all strains of S. chromogenes but not in other CNS. The genotyping method presented in this paper is a viable and easy method for typifying CNS isolates from mastitis cases in different regions and is an ideal mean of tracking this disease

    Characterization of Salmonella spp. and E. coli Strains Isolated from Wild Carnivores in Janos Biosphere Reserve, Mexico

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    Enterobacteriaceae are considered one the most important zoonotic pathogens. In this study, we analyzed the characteristics of E. coli and Salmonella spp. strains present in carnivores from Janos Biosphere Reserve, Mexico. These microorganisms had been isolated from a wide range of domestic and free-range animals, including wild carnivores. Fifty-five individuals were sampled, and the presence of Salmonella and E. coli was determined by bacteriological standard methods. Strains isolated were characterized by molecular methods and in vitro infection assays. Eight different species of carnivores were captured, including coyotes (Canis latrans), gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), desert foxes (Vulpes macrotis), striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis), hooded skunks (Mephitis macroura), lynxes (Lynx rufus), raccoons (Procyon lotor), and badgers (Taxidea taxus). Salmonella spp. and E. coli were isolated from four species of carnivores. Five Salmonella spp. strains were isolated, and their molecular characterization revealed in three of them the presence of fimbrial and virulence genes associated with cell invasion. In vitro evaluation of these strains showed their capability to invade human Hep2 cells. Sixty-one E. coli strains were isolated; different serotypes and phylogroups were observed from these strains. Additionally, the presence of virulence genes showed differently