274 research outputs found

    Tradisi Lisan dan Identitas Bangsa: Studi Kasus Kampung Adat Sinarresmi, Sukabumi

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    Tradisi lisan adalah warisan leluhur yang banyak menyimpan kearifan lokal, kebijakan, dan filosofi hidup yang terekspresikan dalam bentuk mantera, pepatah-petitih, pertunjukan, dan upacara adat. Tradsi lisan, yang terdapat di Nusantara, sekaligus juga menyimpan identitas bangsa karena pada tradisi lisan terletak akar budaya dan akar tradisi sebagai subkultur atau kultur Indonesia. Beberapa isu penting yang menghadang Indonesia saat ini, yakni kemiskinan, ketimpangan sosial, identitas, dan nasionalisme. Salah satu upaya penguatan identitas dan ideologi nasionalisme adalah dengan jalan memberikan perhatian yang lebih pada pembangunan dan pengembangan budaya. Dalam kaitan itu, makalah ini mengangkat kasus kampung adat di Sinarresmi, Sukabumi, yang memperlihatkan bagaimana komunitas adat di kampung tersebut mampu memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari dari sumber daya alam yang ada di kampung tersebut. Mereka mengelola alam tanpa merusak alam, secara ekonomi bisa menafkahi diri mereka dari alam di lingkungan tersebut dengan pranata sosial yang berjalan harmonis.Penelitian ini menerapkan teori yang berkaitan dengan tradisi lisan yang dikemukakan, antara lain oleh Walter J. Ong, Vansina, dan Ikram, sedangkan metode yang digunakan adalah metode modern yang dipaparkan oleh Danandjaja

    Afiks Pembentuk Verba Dalam Bahasa Pamona

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    The focus of this research problem is (1) what affixes can form verbs in Pamona language ?, (2) what is the function and meaning of verb-form affix in Pamona language ?. The purpose of this research are: (1) to describe verbal forming affixes in Pamona language, (2) to identify the function and meaning of verbal-form affix in Pamona language. This research uses the method of referring, with tapping technique and technique of luctive conversation. Further analyzed and presented using referential method, and in data analysis used formal and informal method. The verbal-forming affix in Pamona is (1) the prefix {maN-}, {moN-}, {me}, {na-}, {mombe-}, {mampo-}, {mampaka-}, {te- }, {-i} with the group, {-waka} with the group, {maN - / - ka}, {na - / - ka}, and {-um-}

    Efektifitas Pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving Berbasis Eksprimen dalam Pembelajaran Fisika untuk Melatihkan Literasi Teknologi Siswa

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang dampak penerapan pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving berbasis eksprimen pada konsep hambatan jenis terhadap kemampuan literasi teknologi siswa. Desain eksprimen yang digunakan adalah one group posttest only design. Subyek penelitian adalah 32 siswa SMP di propinsi Riau. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes literasi teknologi tentang konsep hambatan jenis dalam bentuk tes uraian essay yang diberikan kepada kelompok siswa setelah treatment berupa pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving berbasis Eksprimen. Dari hasil analisis statistik diketahui bahwa persentase kuantitas siswa yang mencapai skor diatas 75 untuk skor ideal 100 berjumlah 68,75 %. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Creative Problem Solving berbasis eksprimen merupakan salah satu metode pembelajaran yang cukup efektif untuk digunakan dalam rangka melatihkan literasi teknologi siswa dalam pembelajaran fisika

    Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan Infrastruktur Kampung Tengah (Studi Aloaksi Dana Desa di Kampung Tengah Kecamatan Mempura Kabupaten Siak Tahun 2016)

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    Centralized develoment has led to disparities between urban and rural areas from different perspectives. One of the government's strategies to establish to reduce disparities and make villages more autonomous and self-reliant is to allocate village funds which then involve all members of the community at every stage of the activities resulting from this policy.The pupose and research is to identify; 1. Know the infrastructure development in the middle village in 2016; 2. Analyze the factore that development in the middle village by 2016. The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative approach. Data type is primary data and secondary data. Data collection techiques in the study are interviews and documentation. Tachniqu and data analysis used is desciptive qualitative data analysis.Based on the result of the results of this study concluded that the particiption of the community in the development of the village is through the use of village funds, overall sosiety is still low public participation, this lavks the opportunity that is owned as a sciety to participate with the ability and willingness of the community is still not able to reach a higher stage.The village apparatus is being linked in the aducation of the village apparatus is considered minimal, the training and education only once in 2016

    Strategi Positioning Slank Dalam Menanamkan Citra Sebagai Salah Satu Grup Band Di Indonesia

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     Abstract: This research is aimed to analyze the positioning strategy of music group band, the Slank, that still now can exist in Indonesia.The Slank is offering some differentiation that can be identified, offering an unique selling proposition (USP) that can be differentiate among their competitors. Some several findings in the research are: the Slank delivers a tagline “polos dan apa adanya†(means innocent and just be yourself) which contains solid and clear messages to their audience. This message divulged in their overall activities including in how they communicate and promote to their audience. The message “polos dan apa adanya†have been emerging in various of a medium that Slank used to communicate, including music and the lyrics of the songs, video clips, their performances or life style in their daily activities, their cover and logo, Slank’s live show and Slank’s merchandises. From their lyrics of the Slank song titled Seperti Para Koruptor, the Slank gives a clear message to persuade the audiences to live with humble and just be ourselves because in the living world, happiness and peaceful is much more worthed instead of being rich and famous. With all that efforts, the Slank tries to place their image among their audience and trying to be unique and different. Positioning strategy that pertain to the Slank should be managed and controlled in order to surviving Slank among of the competitors

    Analisis Tingkat Kesehatan PERUM DAMRI Semarang Periode 2008-2010

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    This study aimed to analyze the level of health of PERUM DAMRI SEMARANG period 2008-2010. Because PERUM DAMRI SEMARANG is a part of BUMN (Badan Usaha Milik Negara), which is profitable state's institution. It's necessary to know about the healthy of this institution. The type of this research was a quantitative descriptive analysis. In analyzing the level of health by using three aspects (financial, operational and administration). Each aspect had a different population and sample. On the financial, and the administration aspect did not examine population and samples. While the operational aspects, the whole population and the sample were DAMRI SEMARANG PERUM management (using the census method). The data analysis techniques used were financial ratios, the elements of activity considered the most dominant in order to support the success of operations in accordance with the vision and mission, and the data regarding the calculation of annual reports, draft RKAP, and periodic reports. The results of the research seen from three aspects, namely in 2008 reached a score of 78 or 82.98% of the total score should be 94. So this year the company was in the category of healthy with predicate AA. In the year 2009 reached a score of 68.5 or 72.87% of the total score should be 94. So this year the company entered the healthy category with predicate A. By 2010, it achieved a score of 64.5 or 68.62% of the total score should be 94. So this year the company entered the healthy category with predicate A
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