467 research outputs found

    Perancangan Dan Implementasi Perangkat Lunak Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Multi Kriteria Menggunakan Metode AHP

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    Sejalan dengan pesatnya perkembangan industri, pengambilan keputusan yang cepat dan akurat menjadi bagian yang penting dalam suatu instansi agar roda organisasi berjalan dengan lancar. Untuk mendukung hal tersebut, dibuat suatu sistem berbasis komputer yang dapat memudahkan proses pengambilan keputusan yaitu Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK). Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) merupakan salah satu metode Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) yang dapat digunakan dalam pengambilan keputusan. Agar dapat digunakan secara efektif, AHP perlu dibuat secara user friendly dengan fitur yang mudah digunakan. Pada penelitian ini, dibuat perangkat lunak SPK yang dibangun dengan mengimplementasikan model AHP untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan pengambilan keputusan. Pada metode AHP, permasalahan dimodelkan dalam sebuah hirarki dan ranking alternatif ditentukan berdasarkan prioritas. Prioritas dihitung berdasarkan nilai perbandingan berpasangan yang diberikan oleh decision maker pada setiap level hirarki. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa perangkat lunak yang dibangun memberikan ranking alternatif yang sama dengan penelitian sebelumnya sehingga dengan adanya perangkat lunak ini decision maker tidak perlu membangun perangkat lunak baru untuk permasalahan yang berbeda

    Dose Area Product Performance in Fluoroscopy as Supporting Modalities Lithrotripsi Extracorporeal Shock Wave (ESWL) Action for Kidney Stone Localization Resolution

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    This is an observational method with a quantitative approach to study the magnitude of dose area product who received ESWL patients and the level of safety in accordance with the rules of radiation safety in the use of X-ray. Processing and analysis of the data is done by calculating the dose area product ( DAP ) received by the patients at each exposure based on the thickness of the patients were detected with the TLD. Comparison is done with the use of standard flouroscopy examination. Result shows that 10 cm material thickness in 0.008 minutes results 187mGy.cm2 and 5095 mGy.cm2 DAP in 5 minutes. While in 20 cm phantom thickness and in 0.008 minutes result 424 mGy.cm2 and DAP obtained in 5 minutes is 2 20912 mGy.cm. The use of fluoroscopy on ESWL in Dr . Kariadi hospital is still within the safe limits: < 100 mGy / min , the dose rate exposure on a 10 cm phantom thickness is 3.38 mGy / min and in 20 cm phantom thickness is 13.89 mGy / min , exposure dose rate per minute on the phantom thickness of the 23 cm is 17.03 mGy / min and the rate of patient exposure dose obtained by the observation of 17.61 mGy / min

    Tourism Based on the Model of Strategic Place Triangle (a Case Study in Wisata Bahari Lamongan)

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    Tourism is a very promising prospects to support the economic development of a region. We assess Wisata Bahari Lamongan (WBL) as a tourism object. WBL was having significant decreased visitors in the last six years, thus a strategic plan is need to re-increase the number of visitors. Thisstudy used Strategic Triangle Place (SPT) model as an analysis tool to assess the strategic planning in WBL. SPT is an approach that includes three key components, namely: Positioning, Differentiation and Brand (PDB). This research used Soft System Methodology (SSM) which relevant to analyzethe strategic plan model which is expected to be recommendations from tourists on problems in WBL.The result of this showed that the strategic planning of WBL did not completely accordance with the SPT model. Positioning and differentiation elements were still weak, and the brand was not well developed. Therefore, we recommend WBL to set targeted segmentation of all social backgrounds and ages, especially children. WBL shouldmade the sea as main differentiated factor, thus it has marine tourism potential. WBL should build an image by providing best service quality, security, comfortness, cleanliness, and best quality rides. Keywords: Strategic Planning, Strategic Place Triangle, Positioning, Differentiation, Bran

    Gambaran Hitung Leukosit Pre Operatif Pada Tiap-tiap Tingkat Keparahan Apendisitis Akut Anak (Berdasarkan Klasifikasi Cloud) Di RSUD Arifin Achmad Provinsi Riau Periode Januari 2011-desember 2012

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    Pediatric acute appendicitis is surgical case which one of diagnosis component islaboratory test. The leukocyte count is one of the most common laboratory tests usedbecause leukocyte count increased approximately 70% in children with acuteappendicitis. Acute appendicitis in pediatric is based on Cloud Classification consistsof simple, suppurative, gangrene, abscess and perforation. The aim of this study wasinvestigate pre operative white blood count toward diagnosis of acute appendicitis inpediactric based on Cloud Classification. This retrospective descriptive study wasdone since February 2014. About 75 patients were include in this study. Data wereobtained from medical record at Department of Surgical RSUD Arifin AchmadPeriod January 2011-December 2012. It was found that the largest age group 13-18year (78,7%). The number of men and women was relatively equal. A total of 61,3%of children had leukocytosis and leukocyte count mean value increases with theseverity of appendicitis, there were simple 12.500/mm3, suppurative 14.000/mm3,gangrene 15.800/mm3, abscess 17.400/mm3 and perforation 22.000/mm3. Theconclusion of this study was an increase in leukocytes at each level of appendicitisbased on Cloud Classification

    Media Promosi dan Informasi Guna Penunjang Iklan Sport Party (GOFIT) PT. Arka Mahesa Pratama Jakarta

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    PT. Arka Mahesa Pratama Jakarta at the moment still use media design or events to websites but the result of such media are still less effective so many masyakat yet mengetahiunya. PT. Arka Mahesa Pratama Jakarta desperately needs the project shaped media video ads so the public know more. On the concept of there stages of preproduction, production and postproduction. To get the maximum project then the need of supporting applications that will be used so that the end result of the work of the project video more interesting
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