449 research outputs found

    Recovery of vegetative bacteria from eccofoam FP and diatomaceous earth

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    Serratia marcescens cells used to study survival and viability in plastic materials and diatomaceous eart

    Comparison of the level of microbial contamination on stainless steel, aluminum, glass, and lucite protection branch report of test no. 15-65

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    Microbial contamination obtained on stainless steel, aluminum, glass, and lucite surfaces after twenty days exposure to room ai

    Dry heat sterilization of microorganisms at 105 deg c

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    Dry heat sterilization of microorganisms on glass surfaces at 100 deg

    Comparison of microbial contamination levels on barbac and cotton herringbone twill cloth

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    Microbial contamination levels on barbac and cotton twill for astronaut isolation garment

    Effectiveness of Dry Heat and Ethylene Gas upon Spore Contamination Located Between Mated Surfaces and on Exterior Surfaces of Various Materials

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    Effectiveness of dry heat and ethylene oxide gas on spore contamination located between mated surfaces and on exterior surfaces of material

    Quantitative spore recoveries from diatomaceous earth pellets used as protective material in dry heat sterilization studies

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    Quantitative spore recoveries from diatomaceous earth pellets used to simulate electronic components in dry heat sterilization studie

    Confluence Park, a proposal for revitalization of the Colorado riverfront in Grand Junction, Colorado

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    Endorsement Clauses in a Post-White Legal System: Why These Restrictions Do Not Violate a Judicial Candidate\u27s First Amendment Right to Free Speech

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    Elections have remained an integral method of statejudicial appointments for over two centuries. However,because the Founding Fathers imposed upon judges theduty to neutrally uphold the U.S. and state constitutions,state legislatures, per the recommendation of the ABA,have imposed certain restrictions on the speech andactions of judicial candidates to maintain impartiality. In2002, the Supreme Court struck down one category ofthese provisions in Republican Party of Minnesota v.White. The Court declared Minnesota\u27s announce clause,which prohibited judicial candidates from voicing theiropinions on issues likely to come before the bench, to be anunconstitutional First Amendment violation. The after-effects of this decision have varied among the circuitcourts, particularly regarding the constitutionality ofendorsement clauses, which prohibit a judge or judicialcandidate from endorsing a political candidate. SinceWhite, lower courts have struggled in deciding whether toapply the decision as precedent in cases challengingendorsement clauses. By analyzing the history of judicialelections, recounting the purposes and obligations of thejudiciary, and applying strict scrutiny, this Note concludesthat endorsement clauses do not violate the FirstAmendment and should be upheld as constitutional, evenin a post-White legal system

    Junior Recital:Emily M. Portner, Oboe

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    Kemp Recital Hall Friday Evening March 19, 2004 8:30p.m

    Sterilization of liquids by filtration and certification of probability

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    Sterilization of liquids by hydrosol filtratio
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