148 research outputs found

    Physiological responses of sub1A QTL under induced dehydration stress for varying days in rice

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    This study analysed the rice genotype with sub1A quantitative trait loci that may interact with ongoing exposure of dehydration. cv. Swarna Sub1 had more nutrients efficiency with increased membrane permeability than cv. Swarna. sub1A QTL with its expression to water / osmotic deficit, however, indirectly to impede the oxidative stress under dehydration might help cv. Swarna Sub1. At maximum dehydration cv. Swarna Sub1 had 1.12 fold excess electrolyte leakages than cv. Swarna under dehydration. cv. Swarna Sub1 had better Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-malic enzyme activity to secure carbon dioxide exchange. A proportional increase in enzyme activity all through dehydration stress maximize under light in cv. Swarna Sub1. At maximum dehydration cv. Swarna Sub1 at saturating substrate concentration was increased by 1.12 fold than other cultivar. The ratio of glutathione (GSH:GSSG) more depleted in cv. Swarna Sub1 through the dehydration period. cv. Swarna could be more promising to retrieve the activity by 1.80 fold than cv. Swarna Sub1 under maximum dehydration. Dehydroascorbate reductase activity was also maintained in cv. Swarna with 1.20 fold ahead than cv. Swarna Sub1 under same condition. As a biomarker of oxidative stress cv. Swarna Sub1 appeared to be less sensitive with the loss of protein oxidation, however, recorded with 25% less carbonyl content than cv. Swarna. Both the genotypes had scored a significant sensitivity with tissue specific distribution for reactive oxygen species as detected by histochemical assay

    Coordination Control for Grid Connected Photovoltaic and Fuel Cell system

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    ABSTRACT: Power system plays important role for the generation of power from conventional sources, transmutation and distribution power at different consumer applications it will faces a so many problems. This can be overcome to implement the micro grid concept. The micro grid concept introduces the power is generated from the renewable energy sources like P.V Wind, Fuel cell, Micro Turbine etc will give signifying moment in near future. These power generating stations interconnected to form a micro grid system. IN this paper power generated from P.V and Fuel Cell (PEM). Here Both are the DC power generating stations for the purpose of power generating from the P.V in night time, rain session and cloud time face difficulties. this can be overcome to power is generating by using fuel cell and without any interruption of energy supplies to load and this system can interconnected to the utility grid and coordinately between these two system by using P-Q control theory in bidirectional converter system. This concept to reduces multiple reserve conversions and it will consists of both A.C and D.C networks connected to distribution generation through multi-bidirectional converters and to maintain stable operation of system by using proposed coordination schemes in the MATLAB simulink environment. KEYWORDS: micro grid, grid-tied mode, coordination control operations, PV system, Fuel Cell power generation. I.INTRODUCTION The ever increasing energy consumption, the soaring cost and the exhaustible nature of fossil fuel, and the worsening global environment have created increased interest in green [renewable based energy sources] power generation systems. Wind and solar power generation are two of the most promising renewable power generation technologies. The growth of wind and photovoltaic (PV) power generation systems has exceeded the most optimistic estimation. Nevertheless, because different alternative energy sources can complement each other to some extent, multisource hybrid alternative energy systems (with proper control) have great potential to provide higher quality and more reliable power to customers than a system based on a single resource. Because of this feature, hybrid energy systems have caught worldwide research attention A hybrid scheme consists of wind PV[3] array and fuel cell with power electronic convertors and power balancing controls are proposed in this paper for the purpose of reduces the reversible covert ions smooth power variation between sources and maintain stable operation in the system. The battery bank, which is charged during the daytime, will supply the inverter during the night to provide fuel cell necessary. when solar irradiation reaches its peak, the proposed scheme with appropriate choice of the sizes of the PV array and fuel cel

    Modalities of NADP-malic enzyme activities under light and darkness indicate its regulation with reference to C4 weed

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    NADP –ME is the key enzyme for decarboxylation reactions in C4 CO2 concentration pathways. So, Amaranthus viridis has been evaluated with regards to photosynthetic NADP-malic enzyme for its response under light and darkness. Illumination (1000–1200 µEm-2s-1) for 40 minutes under 2 mM bicarbonate (HCO3-) sensitivity increased activity by 1.97 & 3.77-fold over darkness under 4.0 mM and 0.01 mM malate respectively. Limiting (0.01 mM) and saturated (4.0 mM) malate concentration had significant changes in enzyme activities. The different kinetic parameters indicated had the feedback inhibition under illumination. The activity with the inducer (citrate and succinate) and inhibitor (pyruvate and oxalate) was significant with substrate concentrations. Dithiol had reduced the activity by inhibition of the diminishing effect of light activation treatment. Therefore, NADP-ME is stringently regulated by redox changes with illumination as a key factor. Moreover, the pattern of polymorphic gene expression may be supportive in molecular modulation under light/darkness. This study may support the role of NADP-ME as a biomarker for C4 weed species under oxidative stress through light/darkness


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    Objectives: The objectives of the study were to assess clinical profile (age of onset, age of presentation, gender, site of involvement, severity (stage), type of vitiligo, triggering factors, and associated diseases), prescription patterns (monotherapy, combination therapy, oral, topical, and therapeutic categories of drugs prescribed) and to monitor and report adverse drug reactions (based on World Health Organization [WHO] causality assessment scale) in vitiligo patients. Methods: A hospital-based prospective observational study was carried out by evaluating and assessing the clinical profile and prescription patterns of 85 patients who attended dermatology venereology and leprosy (DVL) outpatient department at Sri Padmavathi Medical College for Women, SVIMS, Tirupati, over a period of 6 months from June 2019 to December 2019. Results: In our study, forty four (51.77%) patients were female, vitiligo vulgaris is the most common morphological type observed in twenty seven (31.76%) patients. 31–50 years was the predominant age group. The mean age of onset and presentation was 38.35 (standard deviation of 18.37) and 43.27 (standard deviation of 17.96) years, respectively. Forty-one (48.23%) patients were having Stage 1 vitiligo. Fifty (58.85%) patients were having vitiligo at more than 1 site. Twelve (14.11%) patients were having a positive family history of vitiligo. Thirty-seven (43.53%) patients had triggering factors. Associated diseases were found in thirty (35%) patients. Combination therapy was given to sixty one (71.77%) patients. Topical medications were given to fifty two (61.18%) patients. During the study, we did not have a single patient complaining of any adverse drug reaction. Conclusion: Longer the time after appearance of vitiligo, lesser the number of patients attending follow-up. If vitiligo is diagnosed at the earliest stage, more are the chances for complete repigmentation. Patients with a poor economic background are less bothered about their skin condition and are not using medications properly

    Porphyromonas gingivalis and Treponema denticola Mixed Microbial Infection in a Rat Model of Periodontal Disease

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    Porphyromonas gingivalis and Treponema denticola are periodontal pathogens that express virulence factors associated with the pathogenesis of periodontitis. In this paper we tested the hypothesis that P. gingivalis and T. denticola are synergistic in terms of virulence; using a model of mixed microbial infection in rats. Groups of rats were orally infected with either P. gingivalis or T. denticola or mixed microbial infections for 7 and 12 weeks. P. gingivalis genomic DNA was detected more frequently by PCR than T. denticola. Both bacteria induced significantly high IgG, IgG2b, IgG1, IgG2a antibody levels indicating a stimulation of Th1 and Th2 immune response. Radiographic and morphometric measurements demonstrated that rats infected with the mixed infection exhibited significantly more alveolar bone loss than shaminfected control rats. Histology revealed apical migration of junctional epithelium, rete ridge elongation, and crestal alveolar bone resorption; resembling periodontal disease lesion. These results showed that P. gingivalis and T. denticola exhibit no synergistic virulence in a rat model of periodontal disease

    Cellular response of oxidative stress when sub1A QTL of rice receives water deficit stress

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    In this experiment, sub1A quantitative trait loci (sub1A QTL) of rice were evaluated for dehydration responses through different aspects of cellular responses. Through variations of dehydration exposure, rice seedlings recorded a significant increase in superoxide (O2.-) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), the former by 1.80 fold and the latter by 2.10 fold. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase activity fairly correlated with lipid peroxidation (r = 1.96). Both 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS) had similar IC50 values over the control at p ? 0.05. Reducing power of the extract had 1.31 fold increase. The antioxidant moieties like total phenolics and flavonoids were 1.04 and 1.23 fold upregulated under stress. On the other hand anthocyanin and glutathione (GSH) did not vary much under stress except at maximum duration of stress. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) was initially stable but maximized at 8 days by 1.30 fold increase. On the contrary, guaiacol peroxidase (GPX) was seen to be downregulated by 40.94% all through the days of stress. Catalase (CAT) activity followed a similar trend, but was not significant as compared to control

    A Multicenter Experience with Long-Acting Somatostatin Analogues in Patients with Congenital Hyperinsulinism

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    Background/Aims: Congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is a rare disease characterized by recurrent severe hypoglycemia. In the diffuse form of CHI, pharmacotherapy is the preferred choice of treatment. Long-acting somatostatin analogues have been used in children as off-label medication. However, the efficacy, outcomes, and adverse effect profiles of long-acting somatostatin analogues have not been described in multicentered studies. The aim of this retrospective study is to summarize the experience with long-acting somatostatin analogues in a large group of children with CHI. Methods: Data were obtained retrospectively from 27 patients with CHI who received long-acting somatostatin analogues in 6 different centers in Europe. These included information on glycemic stability, auxology, and adverse effect profile in clinical follow-up assessments. Results: Blood glucose control improved in most patients (89%). No life-threatening side effects occurred. Thirteen patients (48%) experienced side effects; in 3 patients (11%), the side effects were the main reason for discontinuation of the treatment. The most frequent side effect was elevated liver enzymes (n = 10, 37%). Conclusion: Long-acting somatostatin analogues are effective in glycemic control of patients with CHI. However, in 37% of all patients increased liver enzymes were observed. It is important to monitor liver function in all patients receiving long-acting somatostatin analogue therapy. (C) 2017 S. Karger AG, Base

    A Database of Domain Definitions for Proteins with Complex Interdomain Geometry

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    Protein structural domains are necessary for understanding evolution and protein folding, and may vary widely from functional and sequence based domains. Although, various structural domain databases exist, defining domains for some proteins is non-trivial, and definitions of their domain boundaries are not available. Here, we present a novel database of manually defined structural domains for a representative set of proteins from the SCOP “multi-domain proteins” class. (http://prodata.swmed.edu/multidom/). We consider our domains as mobile evolutionary units, which may rearrange during protein evolution. Additionally, they may be visualized as structurally compact and possibly independently folding units. We also found that representing domains as evolutionary and folding units do not always lead to a unique domain definition. However, unlike existing databases, we retain and refine these “alternate” domain definitions after careful inspection of structural similarity, functional sites and automated domain definition methods. We provide domain definitions, including actual residue boundaries, for proteins that well known databases like SCOP and CATH do not attempt to split. Our alternate domain definitions are suitable for sequence and structure searches by automated methods. Additionally, the database can be used for training and testing domain delineation algorithms. Since our domains represent structurally compact evolutionary units, the database may be useful for studying domain properties and evolution