2 research outputs found

    Place de la securisation dans les dispositifs juridique et institutionnel fonciers Beninois

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    La performance des instruments juridiques de gouvernance foncière demeure toujours problématique particulièrement dans les pays ouest-africains. Dans ce contexte, le présent article a analysé la place de la sécurisation foncière dans l’arsenal juridique béninois. L’analyse part du postulat que la définition de la sécurisation foncière doit prendre en compte simultanément quatre piliers dont : la propriété/transfert, l’usage ou l’utilisation, l’accessibilité et la conservation des terres. Ainsi, une analyse de contenu des différents instruments juridiques, institutions et acteurs de la gestion foncière au Bénin à travers leurs objectifs et missions a été effectuée. Il ressort que les réformes entreprises dans la gestion foncière ont faiblement pris en compte des aspects de conservation de la terre et de biodiversité. Le cadre juridique et institutionnel mis en oeuvre dans la gestion foncière ne garantit pas la conservation des terres et la biodiversité au Bénin. Cette recherche suggère la prise en compte du pilier conservation dans l’arsenal juridique qui régit le foncier pour une gouvernance responsable des régimes fonciers au Bénin. English title: the place of security in Benin’s legal and institutional arsenal on land tenure systems Abstract The performance of legal instruments for land governance remains problematic, particularly in West African countries. In this context, this article analyzes the place of land tenure security in the Benin legal arsenal. The analysis is based on the assumption that the definition of land tenure security must simultaneously take into account four main elements: ownership/transfer, use or utilization, accessibility and conservation of land. Thus, a content analysis of the different legal instruments (Livre Blanc, laws), institutions and land management agents in Benin was carried out through its objectives and missions. It emerged that the reforms undertaken in land management have shown gaps in terms of taking into account aspects of land conservation and biodiversity in the different laws developed, the missions and objectives of institutions and development projects oriented towards land management in Benin. Thus, the legal and institutional framework implemented in land management does not guarantee the conservation of land and biodiversity in Benin. This research suggests that the conservation aspect should be taken into account in the legal arsenal governing land tenure for responsible governance of land in Benin. Keywords: Land security, land conservation, legal reform, Benin

    Schistosoma haematobium infection modulates Plasmodium falciparum parasite density and antimalarial antibody responses

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    Aims Schistosomiasis and malaria are endemic in sub-Saharan Africa where Schistosoma haematobium (Sh) and Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) coinfections are thus frequent. We explored the effect of Sh infection on antibody responses directed to Pf merozoite antigens and on malaria susceptibility in Beninese children. Methods and results A total of 268 children were followed during a malaria transmission season. Detection of Pf infection was performed by microscopy and rapid diagnostic tests. Sh infection was determined in urine by microscopy. Antimalarial antibody, cytokine and HLA-G concentrations were quantified by ELISA. The expression of HLA-G receptors by immune cells was assessed by flow cytometry. Children infected by Sh had higher concentrations of IgG1 directed to MSP3 and GLURP(R0), IgG2 directed to GLURP(R0) and IgG3 directed to MSP3, GLURP(R0) and GLURP(R2) and have lower Pf densities than those uninfected by Sh. No difference in cytokine and HLA-G concentrations was observed between Sh egg carriers and non-carriers. Conclusion Schistosoma haematobium modulates host immune responses directed to Pf antigens. The absence of immune downregulation usually observed during helminth infections is surprising in our study. We hypothesize that the stage of Sh development could partly explain the immune pathways leading to increased antibody levels that favour better control of Pf parasitemia