4 research outputs found

    Modern tools for assessing the investment attractiveness of a commercial organization

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    Purpose: Within the framework of the study, a critical analysis of modern tools for assessing the investment attractiveness of a commercial organization is carried out. Design: the methods of economic analysis used to assess the investment attractiveness of a commercial organization are systematized; the disadvantages of the existing methodological support are identified and the criteria determining the quality and practical value of modern developments in the studied area are established. Findings:  it is proved that the main disadvantages of the existing methods of assessing investment attractiveness are: the lack of strategic orientation of the assessment; ignoring the influence of most external and internal factors of activity; the inability to assess the risk of investing in the analyzed object; the need to compare with the level of investment attractiveness of similar organizations for an objective interpretation of the results. Practical implications: to eliminate the significant shortcomings of modern methodological support in this area, the authors recommend the use of scenario method of strategic economic analysis in the process of assessing the investment attractiveness of the organization. Originality: The scenario method of strategic economic analysis proposed by the authors complements the existing approaches with the ability to take into account potential risks when making a far-sighted decision to invest in an organization by combining the results of retrospective analysis and forecasting changes in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of financial and economic activity

    Microplate spectroscopic methods for determination of the organophosphate soman.

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    Two microplate spectroscopic methods for determination of organophosphates, based on inhibition of acetylcholinesterase activity, have been elaborated and evaluated for determination of the chemical weapon agent soman. The principal difference between the methods is that one measures reaction substrate concentration (elaborated from Hestrin), while the other measures reaction product (elaborated from Ellman). The linear ranges of the two methods were found to be similar. Although the limit of quantification was lower for the Ellman method (110 pM), the sensitivity coefficient was in favor of the Hestrin method (1.55-fold higher). The effects of the main soman hydrolysis products were consistent for the two methods: both methylphosphonic acid and pinacolyl methylphosphonic acid did not inhibit acetylcholinesterase activity. The main components of decontaminating solutions showed differential effects: while monoethanolamine had no influence upon results obtained by either method, hydrogen peroxide interfered with the Ellman method at far lower concentrations than with the Hestrin method. In practical applications involving samples containing hydrogen peroxide, the method based on Hestrin should be regarded as much more specific for OP determination than the Ellman method