3 research outputs found

    Assessing the effects of socially responsible strategic partnerships on building brand equity of integrated business structures in Ukraine

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    Research background: At present, it is critical to raise awareness on how global trends of doing business within the framework of sustainable development affect the success of each business unit, integration associations, and apparently contribute to a nation’s prosperity. Thus, a study aimed at measuring the effects of socially responsible strategic partnerships on building brand equity of integrated business structures (IBS) will provide deeper insights into assessing the effectiveness and relevance of disseminating CSR practices. Purpose of the article: The paper attempts to evaluate the degree of effect of socially responsible strategic partnerships on building strong brand equity of integrated business structures. Methods: The participants in the assessment have been selected from the Forbes TOP 200 largest companies in Ukraine (the ranking was based not only on sales, such metrics as companies’ financial performance, total assets and their current assessed value were also considered). The input data on the CSR indices were obtained from the Center for CSR Development Ukraine. The index of loyalty to a certain brand was calculated as an integral ratio of satisfaction and importance to customers (based on online survey results). To analyze the impact of the endogenous variable of CSR on IBS branding effectiveness (customer loyalty index and brand equity) and its cost effectiveness, correlation regression and factor analysis methods were applied. Findings & Value added: This study demonstrates the feasibility and economic justification of the impact of socially responsible strategic partnerships on brand equity development for integrated business structures. The research has significant implications for brand management of integrated business structures by providing empirical evidence that will improve understanding of the need to implement the concept of socially responsible branding that right today resonates with the moral society

    Assessing the effects of socially responsible strategic partnerships on building brand equity of integrated business structures in Ukraine

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    Research background: At present, it is critical to raise awareness on how global trends of doing business within the framework of sustainable development affect the success of each business unit, integration associations, and apparently contribute to a nation's prosperity. Thus, a study aimed at measuring the effects of socially responsible strategic partnerships on building brand equity of integrated business structures (IBS) will provide deeper insights into assessing the effectiveness and relevance of disseminating CSR practices. Purpose of the article: The paper attempts to evaluate the degree of effect of socially responsible strategic partnerships on building strong brand equity of integrated business structures. Methods: The participants in the assessment have been selected from the Forbes TOP 200 largest companies in Ukraine (the ranking was based not only on sales, such metrics as companies' financial performance, total assets and their current assessed value were also considered). The input data on the CSR indices were obtained from the Center for CSR Development Ukraine. The index of loyalty to a certain brand was calculated as an integral ratio of satisfaction and importance to customers (based on online survey results). To analyze the impact of the endogenous variable of CSR on IBS branding effectiveness (customer loyalty index and brand equity) and its cost effectiveness, correlation regression and factor analysis methods were applied. Findings & Value added: This study demonstrates the feasibility and economic justification of the impact of socially responsible strategic partnerships on brand equity development for integrated business structures. The research has significant implications for brand management of integrated business structures by providing empirical evidence that will improve understanding of the need to implement the concept of socially responsible branding that right today resonates with the moral society


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    In a global economic competition, the countries that provide favorable conditions for efficient investment and innovation are winning. At the same time, the problem of sufficient investment support for enterprises, which, in turn, can be solved by economic and mathematical modeling of the investment management process becomes especially relevant. In this regard, the purpose of our study is to develop an algorithm for making the optimal decision on the feasibility of implementing a particular innovation project based on the calculation of optimization models of investment management. To achieve this goal, the following methods of scientific research were used: economic-mathematical modeling, abstract-logical method, graphical method. According to the results of the research, the decision-making algorithm on the feasibility of implementing a particular innovation project can be used by entrepreneurs-innovators to plan, forecast, control production processes, cash, material and investment flows at the enterprise, as well as to determine the necessary financial capabilities, efficiency, risk innovative project.Pasaulinėje ekonominėje konkurencijoje laimi šalys, sudarančios palankias sąlygas efektyvioms investicijoms ir inovacijoms. Tuo pat metu ypač aktuali tampa pakankamos investicinės paramos įmonėms problema, kurią savo ruožtu galima išspręsti ekonominiu ir matematiniu investicijų valdymo proceso modeliavimu. Šiuo atžvilgiu mūsų tyrimo tikslas yra sukurti optimalaus sprendimo dėl konkretaus inovacijų projekto įgyvendinimo pagrįstumo, pagrįsto investicijų valdymo optimizavimo modelių skaičiavimu, priėmimo algoritmą. Šiam tikslui pasiekti buvo naudojami šie mokslinių tyrimų metodai: ekonominis-matematinis modeliavimas, abstraktus-loginis metodas, grafinis metodas. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais, sprendimų priėmimo algoritmą dėl konkretaus inovacijų projekto įgyvendinimo galimybių verslininkai-novatoriai gali naudoti planuodami, prognozuodami, kontroliuodami gamybos procesus, grynųjų pinigų, medžiagų ir investicijų srautus įmonėje, taip pat reikalingų finansinių galimybių, efektyvumo, rizikos novatoriško projekto nustatymui