4 research outputs found

    Slight Variations in the Sequence Downstream of the Polyadenylation Signal Significantly Increase Transgene Expression in HEK293T and CHO Cells

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    Compared to transcription initiation, much less is known about transcription termination. In particular, large-scale mutagenesis studies have, so far, primarily concentrated on promoter and enhancer, but not terminator sequences. Here, we used a massively parallel reporter assay (MPRA) to systematically analyze the influence of short (8 bp) sequence variants (mutations) located downstream of the polyadenylation signal (PAS) on the steady-state mRNA level of the upstream gene, employing an eGFP reporter and human HEK293T cells as a model system. In total, we evaluated 227,755 mutations located at different overlapping positions within +17..+56 bp downstream of the PAS for their ability to regulate the reporter gene expression. We found that the positions +17..+44 bp downstream of the PAS are more essential for gene upregulation than those located more distal to the PAS, and that the mutation sequences ensuring high levels of eGFP mRNA expression are extremely T-rich. Next, we validated the positive effect of a couple of mutations identified in the MPRA screening on the eGFP and luciferase protein expression. The most promising mutation increased the expression of the reporter proteins 13-fold and sevenfold on average in HEK293T and CHO cells, respectively. Overall, these findings might be useful for further improving the efficiency of production of therapeutic products, e.g., recombinant antibodies

    Genetic control of kinetochore-driven microtubule growth in drosophila mitosis

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    Centrosome-containing cells assemble their spindles exploiting three main classes of microtubules (MTs): MTs nucleated by the centrosomes, MTs generated near the chromosomes/kinetochores, and MTs nucleated within the spindle by the augmin-dependent pathway. Mammalian and Drosophila cells lacking the centrosomes generate MTs at kinetochores and eventually form functional bipolar spindles. However, the mechanisms underlying kinetochore-driven MT formation are poorly understood. One of the ways to elucidate these mechanisms is the analysis of spindle reassembly following MT depolymerization. Here, we used an RNA interference (RNAi)-based reverse genetics approach to dissect the process of kinetochore-driven MT regrowth (KDMTR) after colcemid-induced MT depolymerization. This MT depolymerization procedure allows a clear assessment of KDMTR, as colcemid disrupts centrosome-driven MT regrowth but not KDMTR. We examined KDMTR in normal Drosophila S2 cells and in S2 cells subjected to RNAi against conserved genes involved in mitotic spindle assembly: mast/orbit/chb (CLASP1), mei-38 (TPX2), mars (HURP), dgt6 (HAUS6), Eb1 (MAPRE1/EB1), Patronin (CAMSAP2), asp (ASPM), and Klp10A (KIF2A). RNAi-mediated depletion of Mast/Orbit, Mei-38, Mars, Dgt6, and Eb1 caused a significant delay in KDMTR, while loss of Patronin had a milder negative effect on this process. In contrast, Asp or Klp10A deficiency increased the rate of KDMTR. These results coupled with the analysis of GFP-tagged proteins (Mast/Orbit, Mei-38, Mars, Eb1, Patronin, and Asp) localization during KDMTR suggested a model for kinetochore-dependent spindle reassembly. We propose that kinetochores capture the plus ends of MTs nucleated in their vicinity and that these MTs elongate at kinetochores through the action of Mast/Orbit. The Asp protein binds the MT minus ends since the beginning of KDMTR, preventing excessive and disorganized MT regrowth. Mei-38, Mars, Dgt6, Eb1, and Patronin positively regulate polymerization, bundling, and stabilization of regrowing MTs until a bipolar spindle is reformed

    RNAi-mediated depletion of the NSL complex subunits leads to abnormal chromosome segregation and defective centrosome duplication in Drosophila mitosis.

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    The Drosophila Nonspecific Lethal (NSL) complex is a major transcriptional regulator of housekeeping genes. It contains at least seven subunits that are conserved in the human KANSL complex: Nsl1/Wah (KANSL1), Dgt1/Nsl2 (KANSL2), Rcd1/Nsl3 (KANSL3), Rcd5 (MCRS1), MBD-R2 (PHF20), Wds (WDR5) and Mof (MOF/KAT8). Previous studies have shown that Dgt1, Rcd1 and Rcd5 are implicated in centrosome maintenance. Here, we analyzed the mitotic phenotypes caused by RNAi-mediated depletion of Rcd1, Rcd5, MBD-R2 or Wds in greater detail. Depletion of any of these proteins in Drosophila S2 cells led to defects in chromosome segregation. Consistent with these findings, Rcd1, Rcd5 and MBD-R2 RNAi cells showed reduced levels of both Cid/CENP-A and the kinetochore component Ndc80. In addition, RNAi against any of the four genes negatively affected centriole duplication. In Wds-depleted cells, the mitotic phenotypes were similar but milder than those observed in Rcd1-, Rcd5- or MBD-R2-deficient cells. RT-qPCR experiments and interrogation of published datasets revealed that transcription of many genes encoding centromere/kinetochore proteins (e.g., cid, Mis12 and Nnf1b), or involved in centriole duplication (e.g., Sas-6, Sas-4 and asl) is substantially reduced in Rcd1, Rcd5 and MBD-R2 RNAi cells, and to a lesser extent in wds RNAi cells. During mitosis, both Rcd1-GFP and Rcd5-GFP accumulate at the centrosomes and the telophase midbody, MBD-R2-GFP is enriched only at the chromosomes, while Wds-GFP accumulates at the centrosomes, the kinetochores, the midbody, and on a specific chromosome region. Collectively, our results suggest that the mitotic phenotypes caused by Rcd1, Rcd5, MBD-R2 or Wds depletion are primarily due to reduced transcription of genes involved in kinetochore assembly and centriole duplication. The differences in the subcellular localizations of the NSL components may reflect direct mitotic functions that are difficult to detect at the phenotypic level, because they are masked by the transcription-dependent deficiency of kinetochore and centriolar proteins