321 research outputs found

    Thermal vibrational convection in near-critical fluids. Part 2. Weakly non-uniform heating

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    The governing equations and effective boundary conditions to describe thermal vibrational convection in a near-critical fluid are derived with the help of the multiple-scale method and averaging procedure. In contrast to Part 1, this paper focuses on the effects of density non-homogeneities caused not by external heating but by vibrational and gravity stratifications due to the divergent mechanical compressibility of near-critical media. It is shown that vibrations generate non-homogeneities in the average temperature, which result in the onset of thermal convection even under isothermal boundary conditions. An agreement with the results of previous numerical and asymptotical analyses and with experiments is found.<br/

    Heat flow and thermal history of the moon

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    An analysis was made of current heat flow data and thermal models of lunar evolution which satisfy the diverse information that has accumulated on internal processes

    Physical Parameters of Polymer Composite Materials Created on the Basis of Low and High Molecular Weight Rubbers

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    ABSTRACT. The theoretical foundations of the structural and mechanical behavior of filled three-dimensional cross-linked elastomers are supplemented. Numerical experiments are carried out, based on the data of numerical experiments, three dimensional cross linked, filled with dispersed particles frost-resistant elastomers based on low and high molecular weight rubbers are developed. Theoretical and experimental data are compared and their good convergence is shown. Comparison of the physical parameters of the composites created by the authors on the basis of low and high molecular weight rubbers showed that the deformation characteristics of the composite based on high molecular weight rubbers are many times superior to composites based on low molecular weight, as well as their glass transition temperature is also very different. The created composites are recommended as a structural material in relation to the engineering problem of creating wear-resistant parts and components of road and air transport operated in a wide temperature range, including the Far North and the Arctic. &nbsp


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    Power consumption is one of the most important indicators of the region’s development. For the forecast of power consumption, the trend methods - econometric and normative - is usually used. Each of the methods has its drawbacks and peculiarities. In the article the forecast of power consumption of the economy and population of the Altai Territory is calculated by various methods. The most significant factors and their influence on the region’s energy consumption are determined: gross regional product, investment volume and industrial production index, population wages, electricity tariffs. A high degree of convergence of the results of forecasts is determined

    Patched receptors sense, interpret and establish an epidermal Hedgehog signalling gradient

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    By employing the sensitivity of single molecule fluorescent in situ hybridisation (smFISH) we have precisely quantified the levels and defined the temporal and spatial distribution of Hedgehog signalling activity during embryonic skin development, and uncovered that there is a Hedgehog signalling gradient along the proximal-distal axis of developing hair follicles. In order to explore the contribution of Hedgehog receptors Ptch1 and Ptch2 in establishing the epidermal signalling gradient, we quantitated the level of pathway activity generated in Ptch1 and Ptch1;Ptch2-deficient skin and defined the contribution of each receptor to regulation of the levels of Hedgehog signalling identified in wild-type skin. Moreover, we show that both the cellular phenotype and level of pathway activity featured in Ptch1;Ptch2-deficient cells faithfully recapitulates the Peak level of endogenous Hedgehog signalling detected at the base of developing follicles, where the concentration of endogenous Shh is predicted to be highest. Taken together, these data demonstrate that both Ptch1 and Ptch2 play a crucial role in sensing the concentration of Hedgehog ligand and regulating the appropriate dose-dependent response


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    Background. In the environments of Western Siberia, oat is one of the main cultivated cereals. Six varieties of common oat are included in the State Register for Tyumen Province: 'Perona', 'Megion',  'Tyumensky Golozerny', 'Talisman', 'Otrada' and 'Foma'. Currently,  not only traditional methods of breeding are used for the  development of new cultivars of intensive type in Tyumen Province, but also biochemical markers - prolamins. The aim of the  research was to study the component composition of avenins and  allelic status of avenin-coding loci in common oat varieties cultivated in Tyumen Province as well as to identify alleles specific to the region.Materials and methods. For laboratory analysis we used 100  kernels selected at random from each of the oat varieties.  Electrophoretic separation of avenin was carried out on vertical  plates of polyacrylamide gel.Results and conclusion. The varieties 'Perona', 'Talisman', 'Foma' and 'Tyumensky Golozerny' were found to be homogeneous in their  avenin component composition, while 'Megion' and 'Otrada' included  two biotypes with a 2:1 ratio. Their heterogeneity is determined by  the presence of two allelic variants controlled by the Avn A locus. Clustering by the UPGMA method showed that the studied varieties  were divided into two clusters. The first cluster included 'Tyumensky Golozerny' and 'Megion', while the second harbored 'Perona', 'Talisman', 'Otrada' and 'Foma'. The genetic distance between the  varieties 'Talisman' and 'Perona' was zero, and their avenin formulas  coincided: Avn A4 B4 C2. The identity of their storage protein  spectra is due to the fact that these allelic variants of prolamin  component blocks are linked to valuable economic and adaptive  features. Blocks of the components А4, В4, С1 and С2 prevail in the frequency of occurrence in the spectra of the investigated  varieties. These blocks can act as markers of gene associations with  adaptive significance and economic value. Thus, when performing  breeding work in Tyumen Province, it is necessary to pay attention to oat varieties whose prolamin spectra contain the aforementioned blocks of avenin components

    Implementation of a new pricing mechanism in the heat supply market

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    The article notes the lack of investment in heat supply market, which leads to increased wear and tear of both heat sources and heating networks, huge heat losses and non-competitiveness of district heating systems. A proposal is being considered to implement a new model of the heat market in all regions of Russia and to switch from direct state regulation of tariffs for heat energy (capacity) to contractual tariffs, the maximum level of which is determined by the “alternative boiler house” method. However, for those regions where the existing tariffs for heat energy (capacity) are higher than the established limit levels using the “alternative boiler house” method, the authors propose the use of other approaches and methods of tariff regulation, in particular, examples, advantages and disadvantages of using energy service contracts, tariff regulation based on method of return on invested capital, new legislation in terms of obtaining long-term loans for the modernization of infrastructure from the National Welfare Fund and the Housing and Utilities Reform Assistance Fund

    Effect of a biological product with iron nanoparticles on the activity of soil enzymes and potato yields

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    The paper presents data on a three-year study (2020-2022) of the effect of a liquid-phase biological product containing iron nanoparticles (LPB-Fe), obtained by biosynthesis using green tea extract, on the yield of potatoes of the Skarb variety and the activity of soil enzymes under the conditions of Tverskaya areas. Comparative efficiency of LPB-Fe, the original LPB biopreparation, solution of iron nanoparticles Fe NPs was studied in the field against the background of NPK application. The results showed that the maximum productivity (669.1 g/bush) of potatoes was obtained by foliar treatment of vegetative plants with a 1% solution of LPB-Fe – 16.9 % more than the control variant (NPK background). With the separate use of a 1% solution of LPB and a 1% solution of Fe NPs, the productivity was 628.4 and 550.6 g/plant, respectively, which indicates an increase in their impact on potato plants when used together as part of LPB-Fe. It was noted that the activity of invertase correlated with the content of humus in the soil, and the activity of the protease correlated with the content of readily hydrolysable nitrogen. In addition, the study of the activity of enzymes in the soil under potatoes (catalase, dehydrogenase, invertase, cellulase and protease) showed that they have a significant impact on the yield of potatoes at different stages of the growing season with various technological methods of using biological preparations. For example, when treating potato tubers at the seedling stage, an inverse relationship was found between catalase activity in the soil and yield: the higher the enzyme activity, the lower the yield (correlation coefficient is -0.82). And in the case of cellulase, with the same technological method, on the contrary, a direct dependence is observed: the higher the activity of the enzyme in the soil at the seedling stage, the greater the yield (correlation coefficient is 0.72). Thus, when soil and plants are exposed to Fe-containing biological products, the activity of enzymes responsible for the transformation of the main biogenic elements (carbon and nitrogen) and redox processes occurring in the soil changes, which ultimately leads to a change in soil fertility and, therefore, either decrease or increase of crop yields.method, on the contrary, a direct dependence is observed: the higher the activity of the enzyme in the soil at the seedling stage, the greater the yield (correlation coefficient is 0.72). Thus, when soil and plants are exposed to Fe-containing biological products, the activity of enzymes responsible for the transformation of the main biogenic elements (carbon and nitrogen) and redox processes occurring in the soil changes, which ultimately leads to a change in soil fertility and, therefore, either decrease or increase of crop yields

    Prospects and directions of digital transformation of Russian oil and gas companies

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    The article analyzes the current state of digital technologies in industry in general and in the oil industry in particular. To understand the essence of digitalization, the authors consider some of the provisions set out in the state program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”. Relevant digital technologies are proposed for use for each stage of the oil cycle, considering the technological and economic features, and the possibility of introducing digital technologies into the business processes of oil and gas companies is assessed. In the final part of the article, based on the analysis of the prospects for the implementation of digital economy technologies in oil and gas companies, the results from the implementation of these technologies are identified, which manifest themselves both in the financial aspect and in intangible assets. At the same time, the article also identifies the most significant risks associated with the implementation and operation of business processes based on digital technologies

    Influence of metal structural heterogeneity on corrosion of steam boiler pipes

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    The degree of metal structural heterogeneity and its influence on intergranular and intragranular creep and processes of general and pitting pipe corrosion of steam boilers connected with them has been estimated on the basis of the roentgenophase analysis of samples taken from pipe steel 20