26 research outputs found

    Health and Disease Idioms: A Cognitive Perspective

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    The article investigates English idioms denoting the human condition in health and disease. It is noted that the semantic structure of idiomatic expressions is motivated by underlying mechanisms of conceptual metaphors. The basic conceptual metaphors, reflected in the analyzed lexical material, have been considered. The application of achievements in cognitive linguistics is productive in the course of learning a foreign language, particularly in mastering the English idiomology by students of higher medical educational institutions

    Narrative Unreliability in Doctor-Patient Communication

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    The study of patients’ accounts in terms of narrative unreliability is a productive linguistic trend which can significantly promote the process of establishing diagnosis and therefore it is worth paying attention to this concept within the anamnestic data in greater detail. In particular, the application of Gricean conversation maxims is potentially effective in the context of doctor-patient communication: case histories and illness narratives can be considered in terms of complying with maxims of quality, quantity, manner and relation

    Concepts of communicative behavior in the english discourse of medicine

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    У статті досліджено подієві та ознакові концепти комунікативної поведінки в англомовному дискурсі медицини. Виокремлені концепти комунікативної поведінки лікаря і пацієнта проаналізовано з точку зору їх вербалізації в англомовному медичному дискурсі; В статье исследованы событийные и признаковые концепты коммуникативного поведения в англоязычном дискурсе медицины. Выделенные концепты коммуникативного поведения врача и пациента проанализированы с точки зрения их вербализации в англоязычном медицинском дискурсе; The paper examines the concepts of communicative behavior in the English discourse of medicine. The distinguished concepts of doctor’s and patient’s communicative behavior were analyzed from the point of view of their verbalization in the English medical discourse

    The Expressionist Transfusion: Metalepsis in Gustav Meyrink’s Novels

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    The paper examines the phenomenon of narrative metalepsis in terms of its vivid implementation in Expressionist prose. It is argued that in Meyrink’s works (The White Dominican and The Angel of the West Window), a special metaleptic type termed as “mental metalepsis” propels the dialectical relationship between the Ancestor and his Descendant whose interactions consistently demonstrate the convergence of uncompromising struggle and profound unity

    Енантіосемія в англомовному медичному дискурсі

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    У статті досліджено явище енантіосемії, що передбачає сумісність полярно протилежних значень у внутрішній структурі слова. Матеріал дослідження – корпус наукових статей, внесених до електронної бази даних медичних публікацій “PubMed”. Проаналізовано способи утворення та особливості вживання енантіосемії в англомовному медичному дискурсі. Розглянуто основні контекстуальні ситуації, у межах яких функціонують енантіосемічні мовні одиниці. У результаті дослідження виявлено, що продуктивними способами утворення контронімів постають афіксація, зміщення суб’єктно-об’єктних відносин, а також функціонування енантіосемічних пар у міжтермінологічній проекції

    Metaphoric Term Formation in Medical Discourse

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    The article considers the metaphoric mechanisms of medical terminology formation. The basic categories of medical terms created by metaphorical transfer of meaning, as well as their functions and text-producing potential have been analyzed

    The use of Latin terminology in medical case reports: quantitative, structural, and thematic analysis

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    Background. This paper focuses on the prevalence of Latin terms and terminological collocations in the issues of Journal of Medical Case Reports (February 2007–August 2017) and discusses the role of Latin terminology in the contemporary process of writing medical case reports. Methods. The objective of the research is to study the frequency of using Latin terminology in English-language medical case reports, thus providing relevant guidelines for medical professionals who deal with this genre and drawing their attention to the peculiarities of using Latin in case reports. The selected medical case reports are considered, using methods of quantitative examination and structural, narrative, and contextual analyses. Results. We developed structural and thematic typologies of Latin terms and expressions, and we conducted a quantitative analysis that enabled us to observe the tendencies in using these lexical units in medical case reports. The research revealed that the use of Latin fully complies with the communicative strategies of medical case reports as a genre. Owing to the fact that Latin medical lexis is internationally adopted and understood worldwide, it promotes the conciseness of medical case reports, as well as contributes to their narrative style and educational intentions. Conclusions. The adequate use of Latin terms in medical case reports is an essential prerequisite of effective sharing of one’s clinical findings with fellow researchers from all over the world. Therefore, it is highly important to draw students’ attention to Latin terms and expressions that are used in medical case reports most frequently. Hence, the analysis of structural, thematic, and contextual features of Latin terms in case reports should be an integral part of curricula at medical universities