25 research outputs found

    System analysis of properties of coatings and indicators of the process of plasma and electrolytic oxidations quality

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    The article is devoted to solution of the problem of systematization of the parameters for the model that associate the properties of the obtained coatings with the qualitative properties of coatings on the basis of the method of plasma-electrolytic oxidation (PEO) of valve metals. Nowadays for the synthesis of the required parameters of technological processing regimes (electrical regimes, concentrations of the components of the electrolyte) in the process of coatings’ forming various measured parameters of the coating are use


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    The article is dedicated to finding out the specific features of the behavior of rare-earth metals in hydrometallurgical processing of pyrochlore-monazite-goetite ores of the Chuktukonsky ore field is shown in the work. Chuktukonsky ore field is a potential source of rare earth metals. The mentioned ores are practically unenforceable. Hydrometallurgical methods for their complex processing were suggested. Agitational and autoclave nitric acid leaching depending on such technological parameters as temperature, HNO3 concentration, process duration, S:L ratio and the use of H2O2 were studied. The possibility of transferring manganese (that is present in a significant amount in the ore) into a nitric acid solution by hydrogen peroxide was considered. Based on the results of the conducted studies, the distribution of REM in the products of the hydrometallurgical conversion of pyrochlore-monazitegoetite ore was estimated. It was found out that incomplete opening of the ore material was observed during agitational leaching: average REM recovery into the solution is 60%. The study made it possible to solve the problem of purifying nitric acid solutions from phosphorus that hinders the subsequent extraction and separation of rare earth metal ions forming strong complexes with rare earths. Removal of phosphorus from the solution was achieved by conducting the process under pressure at elevated temperatures (200-230 0C). It was found that the optimal decomposition conditions ensuring the transfer of almost 99% of the REM into the nitric acid solution are: 25% solution of HNO3, ore size - 0.071 mm; 5% by volume H2O2; t(160 0С) = 1 h; t(230 0С) = 1 h, gradual temperature increase from 160 to 230 0С; S:L = 1:8. Autoclave nitric-acid leaching allows selecting rare earth metals from the main part of iron, phosphorus and niobium.Работа посвящена выявлению особенностей поведения редкоземельных металлов при гидрометаллургической переработке пирохлор-монацит-гётитовых руд Чуктуконского рудного поля, являющегося потенциальным источником получения РЗМ. Указанные руды практически необогатимы. Предложены гидрометаллургические методы их комплексной переработки. Изучено агитационное и автоклавное азотнокислое выщелачивание в зависимости от таких технологических параметров, как температура, концентрация HNO3, продолжительность процесса, отношение Т:Ж и др. Рассмотрена возможность перевода марганца, в значительных количествах присутствующего в руде, в азотнокислый раствор пероксидом водорода. На основании результатов проведенных исследований дана оценка распределения РЗМ по продуктам гидрометаллургического передела. Выявлено, что при агитационном выщелачивании имеет место неполное вскрытие рудного материала: степень извлечения РЗМ в раствор составляет в среднем 60%. Решена задача очистки азотнокислых растворов от фосфора, затрудняющего последующее экстракционное извлечение и разделение ионов РЗМ, которые образуют с фосфором прочные комплексы. Удаление фосфора из раствора достигается путем проведения процесса под давлением при повышенных температурах (200-230 оС). Установлено, что оптимальными условиями разложения, обеспечивающими перевод почти 99% РЗМ в азотнокислый раствор, являются: автоклавное выщелачивание 25%-ым раствором HNO3, крупность руды -0.071 мм; 5% об. H2O2; τ (160 оС) = 1 ч; τ (230 оС) = 1 ч, последовательное повышение температуры от 160 до 230 оС; Т:Ж=1:8. Автоклавное азотнокислое выщелачивание позволяет обеспечить отделение РЗМ от основной части железа, фосфора и ниобия

    Использование экстрагентов фенольного типа в технологии галлия и скандия

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    The possibility of phenolic oligomeric extractants utilization for the gallium and scandium extraction from the industrial products of aluminium ores processing has been studied. The technological schemes of the processes have been offeredИзучена возможность использования олигомерных экстрагентов феноль- ного типа для извлечения галлия и скандия из промпродуктов переработки алюминиевых руд. Предложены принципиаль- ные технологические схемы процессов


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    Modern methods of teaching Russian can be divided into three main areas: 1) Russian as native language, 2) Russian as non-native language, 3) Russian as foreign language. The second direction is the least developed and often misinterpreted as ‘Russian in the national school’. The experience of the Intercultural Communication Department of Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia in organizing the teaching process of Russian as non-mother tongue, and its linguo-didactic support in the multicultural school, is closely analyzed


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    The article is dedicated to finding out the specific features of the behavior of rare-earth metals in hydrometallurgical processing of pyrochlore-monazite-goetite ores of the Chuktukonsky ore field is shown in the work. Chuktukonsky ore field is a potential source of rare earth metals. The mentioned ores are practically unenforceable. Hydrometallurgical methods for their complex processing were suggested. Agitational and autoclave nitric acid leaching depending on such technological parameters as temperature, HNO3 concentration, process duration, S:L ratio and the use of H2O2 were studied. The possibility of transferring manganese (that is present in a significant amount in the ore) into a nitric acid solution by hydrogen peroxide was considered. Based on the results of the conducted studies, the distribution of REM in the products of the hydrometallurgical conversion of pyrochlore-monazitegoetite ore was estimated. It was found out that incomplete opening of the ore material was observed during agitational leaching: average REM recovery into the solution is 60%. The study made it possible to solve the problem of purifying nitric acid solutions from phosphorus that hinders the subsequent extraction and separation of rare earth metal ions forming strong complexes with rare earths. Removal of phosphorus from the solution was achieved by conducting the process under pressure at elevated temperatures (200-230 0C). It was found that the optimal decomposition conditions ensuring the transfer of almost 99% of the REM into the nitric acid solution are: 25% solution of HNO3, ore size - 0.071 mm; 5% by volume H2O2; t(160 0С) = 1 h; t(230 0С) = 1 h, gradual temperature increase from 160 to 230 0С; S:L = 1:8. Autoclave nitric-acid leaching allows selecting rare earth metals from the main part of iron, phosphorus and niobium

    Utilization of phenolic oligomeric extractants in gallium and scandium technology

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    The possibility of phenolic oligomeric extractants utilization for the gallium and scandium extraction from the industrial products of aluminium ores processing has been studied. The technological schemes of the processes have been offere