1,897 research outputs found

    UV excess measures of accretion onto young very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs

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    Low-resolution spectra from 3000-9000 AA of young low-mass stars and brown dwarfs were obtained with LRIS on Keck I. The excess UV and optical emission arising in the Balmer and Paschen continua yields mass accretion rates ranging from 2e-12 to 1e-8 Mo/yr. These results are compared with {\it HST}/STIS spectra of roughly solar-mass accretors with accretion rates that range from 2e-10 to 5e-8 Mo/yr. The weak photospheric emission from M-dwarfs at <4000 A leads to a higher contrast between the accretion and photospheric emission relative to higher-mass counterparts. The mass accretion rates measured here are systematically 4-7 times larger than those from H-alpha emission line profiles, with a difference that is consistent with but unlikely to be explained by the uncertainty in both methods. The accretion luminosity correlates well with many line luminosities, including high Balmer and many He I lines. Correlations of the accretion rate with H-alpha 10% width and line fluxes show a large amount of scatter. Our results and previous accretion rate measurements suggest that accretion rate is proportional to M^(1.87+/-0.26) for accretors in the Taurus Molecular Cloud.Comment: 13 pages text, 15 tables, 14 figures. Accepted by Ap

    Mid-infrared imaging of the massive young star AFGL 2591: Probing the circumstellar environment of an outflow source

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    Most, if not all, stars are now believed to produce energetic outflows during their formation. Yet, almost 20 years after the discovery of bipolar outflows from young stars, the origins of this violent phenomenon are not well understood. One of the difficulties of probing the outflow process, particularly in the case of massive embedded stars, is a deficit of high spatial resolution observations. Here, we present sub-arcsecond-resolution mid-infrared images of one massive young stellar object, AFGL 2591, and its immediate surroundings. Our images, at 11.7, 12.5 and 18.0 microns, reveal a knot of emission ~6'' SW of the star, which may be evidence for a recent ejection event or an embedded companion star. This knot is roughly coincident with a previously seen near-infrared reflection nebula and a radio source, and lies within the known large-scale CO outflow. We also find a new faint NW source which may be another embedded lower-luminosity star. The IRAS mid-infrared spectrum of AFGL 2591 shows a large silicate absorption feature at 10 microns, implying that the primary source is surrounded by an optically thick dusty envelope. We discuss the interrelationship of these phenomena and suggest that mid-infrared imaging and spectroscopy provide powerful tools for probing massive star birth.Comment: 14 pages, 3 PostScript figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    The Role of Mass and Environment in Multiple Star Formation: A 2MASS Survey of Wide Multiplicity in Three Young Associations

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    We present the results of a search for wide binary systems among 783 members of three nearby young associations: Taurus-Auriga, Chamaeleon I, and two subgroups of Upper Scorpius. Near-infrared (JHK) imagery from 2MASS was analyzed to search for wide (1-30"; ~150-4500 AU) companions to known association members, using color-magnitude cuts to reject likely background stars. We identify a total of 131 candidate binary companions with colors consistent with physical association, of which 39 have not been identified previously in the literature. Our results suggest that the wide binary frequency is a function of both mass and environment, with significantly higher frequencies among high-mass stars than lower-mass stars and in the T associations than in the OB association. We discuss the implications for wide binary formation and conclude that the environmental dependence is not a direct result of stellar density or total association mass, but instead might depend on another environmental parameter like the gas temperature. We also analyze the mass ratio distribution as a function of mass and find that it agrees with the distribution for field stars to within the statistical uncertainties. The binary populations in these associations generally follow the empirical mass-maximum separation relation observed for field binaries, but we have found one candidate low-mass system (USco-160611.9-193532; Mtot~0.4 Msun) which has a projected separation (10.8"; 1550 AU) much larger than the suggested limit for its mass. (Abridged)Comment: Accepted to ApJ; 27 pages in emulateapj format. The full version of table 2 can be downloaded via http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~alk/tab2.pdf (PDF) or http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~alk/tab2.txt (text

    Bank Vole Prion Protein As an Apparently Universal Substrate for RT-QuIC-Based Detection and Discrimination of Prion Strains

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    Prions propagate as multiple strains in a wide variety of mammalian species. The detection of all such strains by a single ultrasensitive assay such as Real Time Quaking-induced Conversion (RT-QuIC) would facilitate prion disease diagnosis, surveillance and research. Previous studies have shown that bank voles, and transgenic mice expressing bank vole prion protein, are susceptible to most, if not all, types of prions. Here we show that bacterially expressed recombinant bank vole prion protein (residues 23-230) is an effective substrate for the sensitive RT-QuIC detection of all of the different prion types that we have tested so far--a total of 28 from humans, cattle, sheep, cervids and rodents, including several that have previously been undetectable by RT-QuIC or Protein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification. Furthermore, comparison of the relative abilities of different prions to seed positive RT-QuIC reactions with bank vole and not other recombinant prion proteins allowed discrimination of prion strains such as classical and atypical L-type bovine spongiform encephalopathy, classical and atypical Nor98 scrapie in sheep, and sporadic and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans. Comparison of protease-resistant RT-QuIC conversion products also aided strain discrimination and suggested the existence of several distinct classes of prion templates among the many strains tested

    Maximising transparency in a doctoral thesis: The complexities of writing about the use of QSR*NVIVO within a grounded theory study

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    This paper discusses the challenges of how to provide a transparent account of the use of the software programme QSR*NVIVO (QSR 2000) within a Grounded Theory framework (Glaser and Strauss 1967; Strauss and Corbin 1998). Psychology students are increasingly pursuing qualitative research projects such to the extent that the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) advise that students should have skill in the use of computer assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS) (Economic and Social Research Council 2001). Unlike quantitative studies, rigid formulae do not exist for writing-up qualitative projects for doctoral theses. Most authors, however, agree that transparency is essential when communicating the findings of qualitative research. Sparkes (2001) recommends that evaluative criteria for qualitative research should be commensurable with the aims, objectives, and epistemological assumptions of the research project. Likewise, the use of CAQDAS should vary according to the research methodology followed, and thus researchers should include a discussion of how CAQDAS was used. This paper describes how the evolving process of coding data, writing memos, categorising, and theorising were integrated into the written thesis. The structure of the written document is described including considerations about restructuring and the difficulties of writing about an iterative process within a linear document

    An Assessment of Dynamical Mass Constraints on Pre-Main Sequence Evolutionary Tracks

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    [abridged] We have assembled a database of stars having both masses determined from measured orbital dynamics and sufficient spectral and photometric information for their placement on a theoretical HR diagram. Our sample consists of 115 low mass (M < 2.0 Msun) stars, 27 pre-main sequence and 88 main sequence. We use a variety of available pre-main sequence evolutionary calculations to test the consistency of predicted stellar masses with dynamically determined masses. Despite substantial improvements in model physics over the past decade, large systematic discrepancies still exist between empirical and theoretically derived masses. For main-sequence stars, all models considered predict masses consistent with dynamical values above 1.2 Msun, some models predict consistent masses at solar or slightly lower masses, and no models predict consistent masses below 0.5 Msun but rather all models systematically under-predict such low masses by 5-20%. The failure at low masses stems from the poor match of most models to the empirical main-sequence below temperatures of 3800 K where molecules become the dominant source of opacity and convection is the dominant mode of energy transport. For the pre-main sequence sample we find similar trends. There is generally good agreement between predicted and dynamical masses above 1.2 Msun for all models. Below 1.2 Msun and down to 0.3 Msun (the lowest mass testable) most evolutionary models systematically under-predict the dynamically determined masses by 10-30% on average with the Lyon group models (e.g. Baraffe et al. 1998) predicting marginally consistent masses *in the mean* though with large scatter.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ (2004

    Ten-Micron Observations of Nearby Young Stars

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    (abridged) We present new 10-micron photometry of 21 nearby young stars obtained at the Palomar 5-meter and at the Keck I 10-meter telescopes as part of a program to search for dust in the habitable zone of young stars. Thirteen of the stars are in the F-K spectral type range ("solar analogs"), 4 have B or A spectral types, and 4 have spectral type M. We confirm existing IRAS 12-micron and ground-based 10-micron photometry for 10 of the stars, and present new insight into this spectral regime for the rest. Excess emission at 10 micron is not found in any of the young solar analogs, except for a possible 2.4-sigma detection in the G5V star HD 88638. The G2V star HD 107146, which does not display a 10-micron excess, is identified as a new Vega-like candidate, based on our 10-micron photospheric detection, combined with previously unidentified 60-micron and 100-micron IRAS excesses. Among the early-type stars, a 10-micron excess is detected only in HD 109573A (HR 4796A), confirming prior observations; among the M dwarfs, excesses are confirmed in AA Tau, CD -40 8434, and Hen 3-600A. A previously suggested N band excess in the M3 dwarf CD -33 7795 is shown to be consistent with photospheric emission.Comment: 40 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables. To appear in the January 1, 2004 issue of Ap

    Defining appropriateness in coach-athlete sexual relationships: The voice of coaches

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    The sporting culture, with omnipotent coaches, fierce competition for recognition and funding, and ‘win at all cost’ ethos, creates an environment conducive to sexual exploitation of athletes. Recent increased public awareness and the development of child protection policies in sport have led to the questioning of previously accepted coach-athlete relationships. This study is an exploratory investigation into male swimming coaches’ perceptions of appropriateness of coach-athlete sexual relationships. Sexual relationships with athletes under the age of 16 were unanimously considered totally inappropriate. With regard to sexual relationships with athletes above the age of consent for heterosexual sex, opinions ranged from “totally inappropriate” to “it’s a question of civil liberties.” These results are discussed in relation to how coaches have adapted their own behaviours in the face of public scrutiny but are still reluctant to restrict the rights of their fellow coaches