2 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: of Is histologic esophagitis associated with dental erosion: a cross-sectional observational study?

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    GERD Symptoms Questionnaire - The questionnaire assessed the presence of various symptoms and if present, the subjects rated severity on a 3-point Likert scale (mild, moderate, severe) and estimated episode frequency per week [17]. Symptoms included pain (in general and with consumption of fried and spicy foods), dysphagia, nausea, vomiting/regurgitation, chest pain, heartburn, excessive belching, bad breath, excessive crying, poor sleep, and relief from anti-acid medications. (DOC 62 kb

    Additional file 2: of Is histologic esophagitis associated with dental erosion: a cross-sectional observational study?

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    Food-Dental Care Questionnaire - The questionnaire evaluated the presence and frequency of specific dietary consumptions and dental hygiene habits. Diet and medication items assessed included between meal snacks, carbonated beverages, swishing and holding drinks in the mouth, fruit juices before bed, energy drinks, medicines in a syrup form, chewing Vitamin C tablets, asthma inhalers, citrus fruits, yogurt, and pickles. Oral hygiene and habit items included grinding teeth at night, tooth brushing in the morning, tooth brushing before going to bed, use of fluoride treatments, receiving regular dental care, presence of fluoride in drinking water, type of toothbrush, and frequency of brushing. (DOCX 23 kb