4 research outputs found
Per-gene model summaries (9-species analysis) from Bacterial sepsis triggers stronger transcriptomic immune responses in larger primates
Interspecific betas for allometry model estimates and credible intervals for each individual gene tested. Identified by ENSEMBL and HGNC names, with Deschamps et al. immune function annotations
Supplementary figures and table from Bacterial sepsis triggers stronger transcriptomic immune responses in larger primates
Additional plots and results from orthrogroup and 6-species analyses, and diagnostic plot
Sample metadata from Bacterial sepsis triggers stronger transcriptomic immune responses in larger primates
Identities and locations of sampled individuals, with date and time of collection and processing, age and body size, and other notes. Tab-delimited
Per-gene model summaries (6-species analysis) from Bacterial sepsis triggers stronger transcriptomic immune responses in larger primates
Interspecific betas for allometry model estimates and credible intervals for each individual gene tested. Identified by ENSEMBL and HGNC names, with Deschamps et al. immune function annotations