16,067 research outputs found


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    Emphasizes the importance of the awareness of visit frequency savings potential.Agribusiness,


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    Agribusiness graduate students should do problem-solving and take business courses to understand the environment in which they will practice their theory. The longer we wait to teach them application, the greater are the chances of losing our critical mass in terms of relevancy and political support. We can, and should, cultivate a broader range of agribusiness problems and clientele groups. We can effect change immediately by doing more agribusiness research. We can assure our long-run existence through a stronger political support base by educating our graduate students in the ways of firm-level agribusiness application.Agribusiness, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession,

    Longitudinal Polarization at future e+ee^+e^- Colliders and Virtual New Physics Effects

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    The theoretical merits of longitudinal polarization asymmetries of electron-positron annihilation into two final fermions at future colliders are examined, using a recently proposed theoretical description. A number of interesting features, valid for searches of virtual effects of new physics, is underlined, that is reminiscent of analogous properties valid on top of ZZ resonance. As an application to a concrete example, we consider the case of a model with triple anomalous gauge couplings and show that the additional information provided by these asymmetries would lead to a drastic reduction of the allowed domain of the relevant parameters.Comment: 18 pages and 1 figure. e-mail: [email protected]

    Maximizing Activity in Ising Networks via the TAP Approximation

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    A wide array of complex biological, social, and physical systems have recently been shown to be quantitatively described by Ising models, which lie at the intersection of statistical physics and machine learning. Here, we study the fundamental question of how to optimize the state of a networked Ising system given a budget of external influence. In the continuous setting where one can tune the influence applied to each node, we propose a series of approximate gradient ascent algorithms based on the Plefka expansion, which generalizes the na\"{i}ve mean field and TAP approximations. In the discrete setting where one chooses a small set of influential nodes, the problem is equivalent to the famous influence maximization problem in social networks with an additional stochastic noise term. In this case, we provide sufficient conditions for when the objective is submodular, allowing a greedy algorithm to achieve an approximation ratio of 11/e1-1/e. Additionally, we compare the Ising-based algorithms with traditional influence maximization algorithms, demonstrating the practical importance of accurately modeling stochastic fluctuations in the system

    Nuclides as a liquid phase of SU(2)L×SU(2)RSU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R chiral perturbation theory I: emergence of pion-less SU(2) χ\chi PT

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    The Standard Model of particle physics, augmented with neutrino mixing, is at least very nearly the complete theory of interactions of known particles at energies accessible to Nature on Earth. Candidate effective theories of nuclear structure must therefore reflect SM symmetries, especially the chiral global SU(2)L×SU(2)RSU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R symmetry of two-massless-quark QCD. For ground-state nuclei, SU(2) chiral perturbation theory (XPT) enables perturbation in inverse powers of ΛXSB1GeV\Lambda_{XSB}\simeq 1 GeV, with analytic operators renormalized to all loop orders. We show that pion-less "Static Chiral Nucleon Liquids" (SXNL) emerge as a liquid phase of SU(2) XPT of protons, neutrons and 3 Nambu-Goldstone boson pions. Far-IR pions decouple from SXNL, simplifying the derivation of saturated nuclear matter and microscopic liquid drops (ground-state nuclides). We trace to the global symmetries of two-massless-quark QCD the power of pion-less SU(2) XPT to capture experimental ground-state properties of certain nuclides with even parity, spin zero, even proton number Z, and neutron number N. We derive the SXNL effective SU(2) XPT Lagrangian, including all order ΛXSB,ΛXSB0\Lambda_{XSB},\Lambda^0_{XSB} operators. These include: all 4-nucleon operators that survive Fierz rearrangement in the non-relativistic limit, and effective Lorentz-vector iso-vector neutral "ρ\rho-exchange" operators. SXNL motivate nuclear matter as non-topological solitons at zero pressure: the Nuclear Liquid Drop Model and Bethe-Weizsacker Semi-Empirical Mass Formula emerge in an explicit Thomas-Fermi construction provided in the companion paper. For chosen nuclides, nuclear Density Functional and Skyrme models are justified to order ΛχSB0\Lambda_{\chi SB}^0. We conjecture that inclusion of higher order operators will result in accurate "natural" Skyrme, No-Core-Shell, and neutron star models