22 research outputs found

    International Inuit perspective on development in the Arctic

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    Meeting: World Commission on Environment and Development, Public Hearing, 26-27 May 1986, Ottawa, ON, CARelated to DAP 87-4249 under which IDRC supported the WCED to acquire and duplicate original papers, submissions, tapes and transcripts, became the depository of all original archival materials and received the right to microfiche the collection for broader disseminatio

    Den gode historie i ”Lokale valg” – et udviklingsprojekt i Grønland

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    Artiklen handler om undervisning i skolen, om børn og lærere, som er optaget af at arbejde med faget der i Grønland kaldes ”Lokale valg”. Faget indeholder fire fagområder ”Kunst og arkitektur”, ”Idræt og udeliv”, ”Musik, sang, bevægelse og drama” og ”Håndværk og design”.Vi har valgt at rette vore blikke på, hvordan undervisningen bidrager til, at give elever og lærere fælles gode faglige og personlige oplevelser. Især har vi rettet fokus på de gode historier, læreren fortæller. Det er fortællinger om givende undervisning - set i et lærerperspektiv. Vores sigte er, at rette et pædagogisk blik på de gode historier som læreren oplever dem og de læringsmæssige udfordringer, der knytter sig til undervisningen i fagområdet ”Lokale valg”. Vi ønsker at bidrage til, at studerende får et nuanceret billede af, hvad der foregår i skolen, så disse indtryk kan medvirke til faglig refleksion. I vores metodiske tilgang valgte vi at arbejde med semistrukturerede interviews (Kvale, 2003), og vi anvender de begreber og den metodologiske tilgang som benyttes hos S. Kvale i arbejdet med at producere kvalitative data. I de efterfølgende analyser og i den sociale konstruktion af et meningsindhold anvender vi termer fra Grounded teori. (Guvå & Hylander, 2003) Søkord: metod, sløyd, interview, lærere, læreplanURN:NBN:no-2996

    Prevalence and clinical features of heart failure in Greenland

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    ABSTRACTHeart Failure (HF) constitutes a significant burden for healthcare around the world. In Greenland, risk factors like smoking, diabetes, and obesity are prevalent. Yet, the prevalence of HF remains unexplored. This register-based cross-sectional study uses data from the national medical record in Greenland to estimate the age- and gender-specific prevalence of HF and to describe the characteristics of patients with HF in Greenland. A total of 507 patients (26% women) with a mean age of 65 years were included based on a diagnosis of HF. The overall prevalence was 1.1% and higher among men compared to women (1.6% vs. 0.6%, p < 0.05). The highest prevalence was among men above 84 years (11.1%). More than half (53%) had a body mass index above 30 kg/m2 and 43% were current daily smokers. The proportion diagnosed with ischaemic heart disease (IHD) was 33%. The overall prevalence of HF in Greenland is consistent with that in other high-income countries, yet high among men in some age groups, compared to Danish men. Almost half the patients were obese and/or smokers. A low prevalence of IHD was observed indicating that other factors may play a role in developing HF among Greenlanders