1,879 research outputs found

    The Gamma Ray Pulsar Population

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    We apply a likelihood analysis to pulsar detections, pulsar upper limits, and diffuse background measurements from the OSSE and EGRET instruments on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory to constrain the luminosity law for gamma-ray pulsars and some properties of the gamma-ray pulsar population. We find that the dependence of luminosity on spin period and dipole magnetic field is much steeper at OSSE than at EGRET energies (50-200 keV and >100 MeV, respectively), suggesting that different emission mechanisms are responsible for low- and high-energy gamma-ray emission. Incorporating a spin-down model and assuming a pulsar spatial distribution, we estimate the fraction of the Galactic gamma-ray background due to unidentified pulsars and find that pulsars may be an important component of the OSSE diffuse flux, but are most likely not important at EGRET energies. Using measurements of the diffuse background flux from these instruments, we are able to place constraints on the braking index, initial spin period, and magnetic field of the Galactic pulsar population. We are also able to constrain the pulsar birthrate to be between 1/(25 yr) and 1/(500 yr). Our results are based on a large gamma-ray beam, but they do not scale in a simple way with beam size. With our assumed beam size, the implied gamma-ray efficiency for the EGRET detections is no more than 20%. We estimate that about 20 of the 169 unidentified EGRET sources are probably gamma-ray pulsars. We use our model to predict the pulsar population that will be seen by future gamma-ray instruments and estimate that GLAST will detect roughly 750 gamma-ray pulsars as steady sources, only 120 of which are currently known radio pulsars.Comment: 32 pages, including figures. submitted to Ap


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    Are We Seeing Magnetic Axis Reorientation in the Crab and Vela Pulsars?

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    Variation in the angle α\alpha between a pulsar's rotational and magnetic axes would change the torque and spin-down rate. We show that sudden increases in α\alpha, coincident with glitches, could be responsible for the persistent increases in spin-down rate that follow glitches in the Crab pulsar. Moreover, changes in α\alpha at a rate similar to that inferred for the Crab pulsar account naturally for the very low braking index of the Vela pulsar. If α\alpha increases with time, all pulsar ages obtained from the conventional braking model are underestimates. Decoupling of the neutron star liquid interior from the external torque cannot account for Vela's low braking index. Variations in the Crab's pulse profile due to changes in α\alpha might be measurable.Comment: 14 pages and one figure, Latex, uses aasms4.sty. Accepted to ApJ Letter

    Searching for sub-millisecond pulsars from highly polarized radio sources

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    Pulsars are among the most highly polarized sources in the universe. The NVSS has catalogued 2 million radio sources with linear polarization measurements, from which we have selected 253 sources, with polarization percentage greater than 25%, as targets for pulsar searches. We believe that such a sample is not biased by selection effects against ultra-short spin or orbit periods. Using the Parkes 64m telescope, we conducted searches with sample intervals of 0.05 ms and 0.08 ms, sensitive to submillisecond pulsars. Unfortunately we did not find any new pulsars.Comment: 2 pages 1 figure. To appear in "Young Neutron Stars and Their Environments" (IAU Symposium 218, ASP Conference Proceedings), eds F. Camilo and B. M. Gaensle

    Birth and Evolution of Isolated Radio Pulsars

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    We investigate the birth and evolution of Galactic isolated radio pulsars. We begin by estimating their birth space velocity distribution from proper motion measurements of Brisken et al. (2002, 2003). We find no evidence for multimodality of the distribution and favor one in which the absolute one-dimensional velocity components are exponentially distributed and with a three-dimensional mean velocity of 380^{+40}_{-60} km s^-1. We then proceed with a Monte Carlo-based population synthesis, modelling the birth properties of the pulsars, their time evolution, and their detection in the Parkes and Swinburne Multibeam surveys. We present a population model that appears generally consistent with the observations. Our results suggest that pulsars are born in the spiral arms, with a Galactocentric radial distribution that is well described by the functional form proposed by Yusifov & Kucuk (2004), in which the pulsar surface density peaks at radius ~3 kpc. The birth spin period distribution extends to several hundred milliseconds, with no evidence of multimodality. Models which assume the radio luminosities of pulsars to be independent of the spin periods and period derivatives are inadequate, as they lead to the detection of too many old simulated pulsars in our simulations. Dithered radio luminosities proportional to the square root of the spin-down luminosity accommodate the observations well and provide a natural mechanism for the pulsars to dim uniformly as they approach the death line, avoiding an observed pile-up on the latter. There is no evidence for significant torque decay (due to magnetic field decay or otherwise) over the lifetime of the pulsars as radio sources (~100 Myr). Finally, we estimate the pulsar birthrate and total number of pulsars in the Galaxy.Comment: 27 pages, including 15 figures, accepted by Ap

    Observations of 20 millisecond pulsars in 47 Tucanae at 20 cm

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    We have used a new observing system on the Parkes radio telescope to carry out a series of pulsar observations of the globular cluster 47 Tucanae at 20-cm wavelength. We detected all 11 previously known pulsars, and have discovered nine others, all of which are millisecond pulsars in binary systems. We have searched the data for relatively short orbital period systems, and found one pulsar with an orbital period of 96 min, the shortest of any known radio pulsar. The increased rate of detections with the new system resulted in improved estimates of the flux density of the previously known pulsars, determination of the orbital parameters of one of them, and a coherent timing solution for another one. Five of the pulsars now known in 47 Tucanae have orbital periods of a few hours and implied companion masses of only ~ 0.03 Msun. Two of these are eclipsed at some orbital phases, while three are seen at all phases at 20 cm but not always at lower frequencies. Four and possibly six of the other binary systems have longer orbital periods and companion masses ~ 0.2 Msun, with at least two of them having relatively large orbital eccentricities. All 20 pulsars have rotation periods in the range 2-8 ms.Comment: 15 pages, 6 embedded EPS figures, to be published in The Astrophysical Journa

    Neutron star magnetic field evolution, crust movement and glitches

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    Spinning superfluid neutrons in the core of a neutron star interact strongly with co-existing superconducting protons. One consequence is that the outward(inward) motion of core superfluid neutron vortices during spin-down(up) of a neutron star may alter the core's magnetic field. Such core field changes are expected to result in movements of the stellar crust and changes in the star's surface magnetic field which reflect those in the core below. Observed magnitudes and evolution of the spin-down indices of canonical pulsars are understood as a consequence of such surface field changes. If the growing crustal strains caused by the changing core magnetic field configuration in canonical spinning-down pulsars are relaxed by large scale crust-cracking events, special properties are predicted for the resulting changes in spin-period. These agree with various glitch observations, including glitch activity, permanent shifts in spin-down rates after glitches in young pulsars, the intervals between glitches, families of glitches with different magnitudes in the same pulsar, the sharp drop in glitch intervals and magnitudes as pulsar spin-periods approach 0.7s, and the general absence of glitching beyond this period.Comment: LaTex, 28 pages, 8 figs, accepted for publication in Ap

    Discovery of 14 radio pulsars in a survey of the Magellanic Clouds

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    A systematic survey of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds for radio pulsars using the Parkes radio telescope and the 20-cm multibeam receiver has resulted in the discovery of 14 pulsars and the redetection of five of the eight previously known spin-powered pulsars believed to lie in the Magellanic Clouds. Of the 14 new discoveries, 12 are believed to lie within Clouds, three in the Small Cloud and nine in the Large Cloud, bringing the total number of known spin-powered pulsars in the Clouds to 20. Averaged over all positions within the survey area, the survey had a limiting flux density of about 0.12 mJy. Observed dispersion measures suggest that the mean free electron density in the Magellanic Clouds is similar to that in the disk of our Galaxy. The observed radio luminosities have little or no dependence on pulsar period or characteristic age and the differential luminosity function is consistent with a power-law slope of -1 as is observed for Galactic pulsars.Comment: In press, Ap

    Pulsar magnetic alignment and the pulsewidth-age relation

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    Using pulsewidth data for 872 isolated radio pulsars we test the hypothesis that pulsars evolve through a progressive narrowing of the emission cone combined with progressive alignment of the spin and magnetic axes. The new data provide strong evidence for the alignment over a time-scale of about 1 Myr with a log standard deviation of around 0.8 across the observed population. This time-scale is shorter than the time-scale of about 10 Myr found by previous authors, but the log standard deviation is larger. The results are inconsistent with models based on magnetic field decay alone or monotonic counter-alignment to orthogonal rotation. The best fits are obtained for a braking index parameter n_gamma approximately equal to 2.3, consistent the mean of the six measured values, but based on a much larger sample of young pulsars. The least-squares fitted models are used to predict the mean inclination angle between the spin and magnetic axes as a function of log characteristic age. Comparing these predictions to existing estimates it is found that the model in which pulsars are born with a random angle of inclination gives the best fit to the data. Plots of the mean beaming fraction as a function of characteristic age are presented using the best-fitting model parameters.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA
