3,359 research outputs found

    The PAMELA excess from neutralino annihilation in the NMSSM

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    We examine whether the cosmic ray positron excess observed by PAMELA can be explained by neutralino annihilation in the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM). The main dark matter annihilation products are the lightest CP-even scalar h1 plus the lightest CP-odd scalar a1, with the a1 decaying into two muons. The energetic positrons needed to explain PAMELA are thus obtained in the NMSSM simply from kinematics. The required large annihilation cross section is obtained from an s-channel resonance with the heavier CP-odd scalar a2. Various experiments constrain the PAMELA-favored NMSSM parameter space, including collider searches for a light a1. These constraints point to a unique corner of the NMSSM parameter space, having a lightest neutralino mass around 160 GeV and a very light pseudoscalar mass less than a GeV. A simple parameterized formula for the charge-dependent solar modulation effects reconciles the discrepancy between the PAMELA data and the estimated background at lower energies. We also discuss the electron and gamma ray spectra from the Fermi LAT observations, and point out the discrepancy between the NMSSM predictions and Fermi LAT preliminary results and possible resolution. An NMSSM explanation of PAMELA makes three striking and uniquely correlated predictions: the rise in the PAMELA positron spectrum will turn over at around 70 GeV, the dark matter particle mass is less than the top quark mass, and a light sub-GeV pseudoscalar will be discovered at colliders.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures; final version for PR

    Gauge Unification and Quark Masses in a Pati-Salam Model from Branes

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    We investigate the phase space of parameters in the Pati-Salam model derived in the context of D-branes scenarios, requiring low energy string scale. We find that a non-supersymmetric version complies with a string scale as low as 10 TeV, while in the supersymmetric version the string scale raises up to ~2 x 10^7 TeV. The limited energy region for RGE running demands a large tan(beta) in order to have experimentally acceptable masses for the top and bottom quarks.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 7 figures include

    Dual Response Models for the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect

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    It is shown that the Jain mapping between states of integer and fractional quantum Hall systems can be described dynamically as a perturbative renormalization of an effective Chern-Simons field theory. The effects of mirror duality symmetries of toroidally compactified string theory on this system are studied and it is shown that, when the gauge group is compact, the mirror map has the same effect as the Jain map. The extrinsic ingredients of the Jain construction appear naturally as topologically non-trivial field configurations of the compact gauge theory giving a dynamical origin for the Jain hierarchy of fractional quantum Hall states.Comment: 8 pages LaTe

    Brane Boxes: Bending and Beta Functions

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    We study the type IIB brane box configurations recently introduced by Hanany and Zaffaroni. We show that even at finite string coupling, one can construct smooth configurations of branes with fairly arbitrary gauge and flavor structure. Limiting our attention to the better understood case where NS-branes do not intersect over a four dimensional surface gives some restrictions on the theories, but still permits many examples, both anomalous and non-anomalous. We give several explicit examples of such configurations and discuss what constraints can be imposed on brane-box theories from bending considerations. We also discuss the relation between brane bending and beta-functions for brane-box configurations.Comment: latex, 18 pages, 8 figure

    Gauge Invariant Effective Lagrangian for Kaluza-Klein Modes

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    We construct a manifestly gauge invariant Lagrangian in 3+1 dimensions for N Kaluza-Klein modes of an SU(m) gauge theory in the bulk. For example, if the bulk is 4+1, the effective theory is \Pi_{i=1}^{N+1} SU(m)_i with N chiral (\bar{m},m) fields connecting the groups sequentially. This can be viewed as a Wilson action for a transverse lattice in x^5, and is shown explicitly to match the continuum 4+1 compactifed Lagrangian truncated in momentum space. Scale dependence of the gauge couplings is described by the standard renormalization group technique with threshold matching, leading to effective power law running. We also discuss the unitarity constraints, and chiral fermions.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    On High-Energy Behavior of Cross Sections in Theories with Large Extra Dimensions

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    We discuss the high-energy behavior of cross sections in theories with large extra dimensions and low-scale quantum gravity, addressing two particular issues: (i) the tension of the D-branes, and (ii) bounds on the cross section and their relation to approximations in the mode sum over Kaluza-Klein-graviton exchanges.Comment: 6 pages, late

    Compact Hyperbolic Extra Dimensions: Branes, Kaluza-Klein Modes and Cosmology

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    We reconsider theories with low gravitational (or string) scale M_* where Newton's constant is generated via new large-volume spatial dimensions, while Standard Model states are localized to a 3-brane. Utilizing compact hyperbolic manifolds (CHM's) we show that the spectrum of Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes is radically altered. This allows an early universe cosmology with normal evolution up to substantial temperatures, and completely negates the constraints on M_* arising from astrophysics. Furthermore, an exponential hierarchy between the usual Planck scale and the true fundamental scale of physics can emerge with only order unity coefficients. The linear size of the internal space remains small. The proposal has striking testable signatures.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    AdS/CFT for Four-Point Amplitudes involving Gravitino Exchange

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    In this paper we compute the tree-level four-point scattering amplitude of two dilatini and two axion-dilaton fields in type IIB supergravity in AdS5 x S5. A special feature of this process is that there is an "exotic" channel in which there are no singleparticle poles. Another novelty is that this process involves the exchange of a bulk gravitino. The amplitude is interpreted in terms of N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory at large 't Hooft coupling. Properties of the Operator Product Expansion are used to analyze the various contributions from single- and double-trace operators in the weak and strongly coupled regimes, and to determine the anomalous dimensions of semi-short operators. The analysis is particularly clear in the exotic channel, given the absence of BPS states.Comment: 32 pages, 1 figure. Published Version. Minor change

    Successful Yukawa structures in Warped Extra Dimensions

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    For a RS model, with SM fields in the bulk and the Higgs boson on the TeV-brane, we suggest two specific structures for the Yukawa couplings, one based on a permutation symmetry and the other on the Universal Strength of Yukawa couplings hypothesis (USY). In USY, all Yukawa couplings have equal strength and the difference in the Yukawa structure lies in some complex phase. In both scenarios, all Yukawa couplings are of the same order of magnitude. Thus, the main features of the fermion hierarchies are explained through the RS geometrical mechanism, and not because some Yukawa coupling is extremely small. We find that the RS model is particularly appropriate to incorporate the suggested Yukawa configurations. Indeed, the RS geometrical mechanism of fermion locations along the extra dimension, combined with the two Yukawa scenarios, reproduces all the present experimental data on fermion masses and mixing angles. It is quite remarkable that in the USY case, only two complex phases of definite value +-Pi/2 are sufficient to generate the known neutrino mass differences, while at same time, permitting large leptonic mixing in agreement with experiment.Comment: 11 page