27 research outputs found

    Instantaneous streamlines at peak of the systole.

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    <p>In the case of a normal aorta, the flow is laminar and fully attached to the wall. The presence of a COA significantly alters the flow dynamics in the aorta. The flow detaches from the aortic wall and develops into a high-speed eccentric jet downstream of the COA and the BAV.</p

    Three different geometries considered for the numerical simulations.

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    <p>a normal tricuspid aortic valve and a normal aorta representing normal case, a normal aortic tricuspid valve and an aorta with COA (75% by area), representing isolated COA, a bicuspid aortic valve and an aorta with COA (75% by area), representing complex COA.</p

    Oscillatory shear index (OSI) distribution.

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    <p>Downstream of the aortic valve (section F) and downstream of the COA (section C).</p

    Pulsatile flow rate waveform used as inlet condition for the numerical simulations.

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    <p>Pulsatile flow rate waveform used as inlet condition for the numerical simulations.</p

    Pressure in complex COA.

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    <p>First row: unfiltered pressure wave forms obtained from <i>in vitro</i> model in complex COA, second row: sketch of the pressure variation along the aorta, third row: pressure loss variation at the peak of the systole along the aorta obtained numerically.</p

    Axial velocity contours at cross sections B (upstream from COA) and C (downstream of COA).

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    <p>Results obtained numerically and measured with MRI at peak of the systole.</p

    Calculation of discretization errors for three cases simulated in this study.

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    <p>The calculations were performed for the wall shear stress at the neck of the complex COA (inner wall). , , , and represent the wall shear stress, the extrapolated wall shear stress value, the approximate relative error, the extrapolated relative error and the fine-grid convergence index, respectively.</p

    Secondary flow obtained numerically at different cross-sections at the peak of the systole.

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    <p>The presence of both BAV and COA significantly intensifies the amplitude of the secondary flow mainly downstream of COA.</p

    Velocity profiles along diameter at cross section B (upstream from COA) during acceleration and cross section C (downstream of COA) during deceleration.

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    <p>Velocity profiles along diameter at cross section B (upstream from COA) during acceleration and cross section C (downstream of COA) during deceleration.</p