11 research outputs found

    Super-resolution microscopy reveals functional organization of dopamine transporters into cholesterol and neuronal activity-dependent nanodomains

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    The dopamine transporter (DAT) has a crucial role in the regulation of neurotransmission. Here, the authors use super-resolution imaging to show that DAT clusters into cholesterol-dependent membrane regions that are reversibly regulated by ionotropic glutamate receptors activation

    Insulin-like growth factor 1 supplementation supports motor coordination and affects myelination in preterm pigs

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    IntroductionPreterm infants have increased risk of impaired neurodevelopment to which reduced systemic levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) in the weeks after birth may play a role. Hence, we hypothesized that postnatal IGF-1 supplementation would improve brain development in preterm pigs, used as a model for preterm infants.MethodsPreterm pigs delivered by cesarean section received recombinant human IGF-1/IGF binding protein-3 complex (rhIGF-1/rhIGFBP-3, 2.25 mg/kg/day) or vehicle from birth to postnatal day 19. Motor function and cognition were assessed by monitoring of in-cage and open field activities, balance beam test, gait parameters, novel object recognition and operant conditioning tests. Collected brains were subject to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), immunohistochemistry, gene expression analyses and protein synthesis measurements.ResultsThe IGF-1 treatment increased cerebellar protein synthesis rates (both in vivo and ex vivo). Performance in the balance beam test was improved by IGF-1 but not in other neurofunctional tests. The treatment decreased total and relative caudate nucleus weights, without any effects to total brain weight or grey/white matter volumes. Supplementation with IGF-1 reduced myelination in caudate nucleus, cerebellum, and white matter regions and decreased hilar synapse formation, without effects to oligodendrocyte maturation or neuron differentiation. Gene expression analyses indicated enhanced maturation of the GABAergic system in the caudate nucleus (decreased NKCC1:KCC2 ratio) with limited effects in cerebellum or hippocampus.ConclusionSupplemental IGF-1 during the first three weeks after preterm birth may support motor function by enhancing GABAergic maturation in the caudate nucleus, despite reduced myelination. Supplemental IGF-1 may support postnatal brain development in preterm infants, but more studies are required to identify optimal treatment regimens for subgroups of very or extremely preterm infants

    A density-based enrichment measure for assessing colocalization in single-molecule localization microscopy data

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    Dual-color single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) provides unprecedented possibilities for detailed studies of colocalization of different molecular species in a cell. However, the informational richness of the data is not fully exploited by current analysis tools that often reduce colocalization to a single value. Here, we describe a tool specifically designed for determination of co-localization in both 2D and 3D from SMLM data. The approach uses a function that describes the relative enrichment of one molecular species on the density distribution of a reference species. The function reframes the question of colocalization by providing a density-context relevant to multiple biological questions. Moreover, the function visualize enrichment (i.e. colocalization) directly in the images for easy interpretation. We demonstrate the approach’s functionality on both simulated data and cultured neurons, and compare it to current alternative measures. The method is available in a Python function for easy and parameter-free implementation

    Within-Mice Comparison of Microdialysis and Fiber Photometry-Recorded Dopamine Biosensor during Amphetamine Response

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    A fundamental concept in neuroscience is the transmission of information between neurons via neurotransmitters, -modulators, and -peptides. For the past decades, the gold standard for measuring neurochemicals in awake animals has been microdialysis (MD). The emergence of genetically encoded fluorescence-based biosensors, as well as in vivo optical techniques such as fiber photometry (FP), has introduced technologically distinct means of measuring neurotransmission. To directly compare MD and FP, we performed concurrent within-animal recordings of extracellular dopamine (DA) in the dorsal striatum (DS) before and after administration of amphetamine in awake, freely behaving mice expressing the dopamine sensor dLight1.3b. We show that despite temporal differences, MD- and FP-based readouts of DA correlate well within mice. Down-sampling of FP data showed temporal correlation to MD data, with less variance observed using FP. We also present evidence that DA fluctuations periodically reach low levels, and naïve animals have rapid, predrug DA dynamics measured with FP that correlate to the subsequent pharmacodynamics of amphetamine as measured with MD and FP

    Disruption of the PDZ domain-binding motif of the dopamine transporter uniquely alters nanoscale distribution, dopamine homeostasis, and reward motivation

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    The dopamine (DA) transporter (DAT) is part of a presynaptic multiprotein network involving interactions with scaffold proteins via its C-terminal PDZ domain–binding sequence. Using a mouse model expressing DAT with mutated PDZ-binding sequence (DAT-AAA), we previously demonstrated the importance of this binding sequence for striatal expression of DAT. Here, we show by application of direct stochastic reconstruction microscopy not only that the striatal level of transporter is reduced in DAT-AAA mice but also that the nanoscale distribution of this transporter is altered with a higher propensity of DAT-AAA to localize to irregular nanodomains in dopaminergic terminals. In parallel, we observe mesostriatal DA adaptations and changes in DA-related behaviors distinct from those seen in other genetic DAT mouse models. DA levels in the striatum are reduced to ∼45% of that of WT, accompanied by elevated DA turnover. Nonetheless, fast-scan cyclic voltammetry recordings on striatal slices reveal a larger amplitude and prolonged clearance rate of evoked DA release in DAT-AAA mice compared with WT mice. Autoradiography and radioligand binding show reduced DA D2 receptor levels, whereas immunohistochemistry and autoradiography show unchanged DA D1 receptor levels. In behavioral experiments, we observe enhanced self-administration of liquid food under both a fixed ratio of one and progressive ratio schedule of reinforcement but a reduction compared with WT when using cocaine as reinforcer. In summary, our data demonstrate how disruption of PDZ domain interactions causes changes in DAT expression and its nanoscopic distribution that in turn alter DA clearance dynamics and related behaviors

    Coding variants identified in patients with diabetes alter PICK1 BAR domain function in insulin granule biogenesis

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    Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs (BAR) domains are positively charged crescent-shaped modules that mediate curvature of negatively charged lipid membranes during remodeling processes. The BAR domain proteins PICK1, ICA69, and the arfaptins have recently been demonstrated to coordinate the budding and formation of immature secretory granules (ISGs) at the trans-Golgi network. Here, we identify 4 coding variants in the PICK1 gene from a whole-exome screening of Danish patients with diabetes that each involve a change in positively charged residues in the PICK1 BAR domain. All 4 coding variants failed to rescue insulin content in INS-1E cells upon knock down of endogenous PICK1. Moreover, 2 variants showed dominant-negative properties. In vitro assays addressing BAR domain function suggested that the coding variants compromised BAR domain function but increased the capacity to cause fission of liposomes. Live confocal microscopy and super-resolution microscopy further revealed that PICK1 resides transiently on ISGs before egress via vesicular budding events. Interestingly, this egress of PICK1 was accelerated in the coding variants. We propose that PICK1 assists in or complements the removal of excess membrane and generic membrane trafficking proteins, and possibly also insulin, from ISGs during the maturation process; and that the coding variants may cause premature budding, possibly explaining their dominant-negative function