68 research outputs found

    Analysis of the impact of hydraulic resistance of a steam pipe at a pressure loss of the flow in a test rig turbine generator PTM-30-50-1.3/0.2

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    In this work the calculation of hydraulic resistance of pipeline test rig turbine generator unit PTM-30-50-1.3/0.2 given comparative analysis of the obtained results for the smooth tubes and tubes with evenly-granular roughness.В работе проведен расчет гидравлических сопротивлений трубопровода испытательного стенда турбогенераторной установки ПТМ-30-50-1.3/0.2, приведен сравнительный анализ полученных результатов для гладких труб и труб с равномерно-зернистой шероховатостью


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    The article contains analysis of the use of ethanol vapor as a working fluid for the steam turbine installation TEGI-30-50-1.3/0.2 The comparative power characteristics depending on the flow rate of the working fluid for ethanol and water vapor are given. Also the paper presents the test bench and the measured parameters during the tests.В работе проанализировано применение паров этанола в качестве рабочего тела для турбоэлектрогенераторной установки ТЭГУ-30-50-1,3/0,2. Приведены сравнительные мощностные характеристики для паров этанола и водяного пара в зависимости от расхода рабочего тела. Также в работе изложено описание испытательного стенда и измеряемые параметры при испытаниях


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    The article discusses processes of thermal energy storage. The present invention relates to the thermal energy accumulators, periodically rechargeable from the electrical energy at a predetermined time, for example, when using the cheaper night rate electricity and release of heat energy to consumers at their request at other times of the day. As a high-temperature working fluid used graphite blocks with channels for gas flow, and the heat transfer gas is carbon dioxide at temperatures above 125 °C.В настоящей статье рассмотрены процессы аккумулирования тепловой энергии. Представленное изобретение относится к аккумуляторам тепловой энергии, заряжаемым от электрической энергии периодически в заданное время, например, при использовании более дешевого ночного тарифа за электроэнергию и отдачу тепловой энергии потребителям по их требованию в другое время суток. В качестве высокотемпературного рабочего тела использованы графитовые блоки с каналами для потока газа, а в качестве теплопередающего газа – углекислый газ при температурах выше 125 °С

    Designing the setup for testing of a 30 kW steam turbine

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    In order to investigate a low power steam turbine with a non-standard design, an experimental stand was assembled. The main tasks in the tests are to determine the turbine efficiency and obtain the turbine power dependence on the steam consumption in steady-state conditions. The stand scheme and the equipment characteristics are given. The testing technique is described. Based on obtained results, will be conclusion made about the turbine's preparedness for mass production.С целью исследования паровой турбины малой мощности с нестандартной конструкцией собран экспериментальный стенд. Основными задачами при испытаниях является определение эффективности турбины и получение зависимости мощности турбины от расхода пара в установившихся режимах. Приведена схема стенда и характеристики оборудования. Описана методика проведения испытаний. Основываясь на полученных результатах, будет сделан вывод о готовности турбины к серийному производству

    Correct quantum chemistry in a minimal basis from effective Hamiltonians

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    We describe how to create ab-initio effective Hamiltonians that qualitatively describe correct chemistry even when used with a minimal basis. The Hamiltonians are obtained by folding correlation down from a large parent basis into a small, or minimal, target basis, using the machinery of canonical transformations. We demonstrate the quality of these effective Hamiltonians to correctly capture a wide range of excited states in water, nitrogen, and ethylene, and to describe ground and excited state bond-breaking in nitrogen and the chromium dimer, all in small or minimal basis sets

    Evidence for Involvement of Th17 Type Responses in Post Kala Azar Dermal Leishmaniasis (PKDL)

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    Post kala azar dermal leishamniasis (PKDL), an unusual dermatosis, develops in 5–15% of apparently cured visceral leishmaniasis cases in India and in about 60% of cases in Sudan. PKDL cases assume importance since they constitute an important human reservoir for the parasite. Host immunological responses, considered as major factors in PKDL development, are poorly understood. Limited studies have been performed to explore the host immune responses and that too, restricted to a few immune parameters. The present study employed cDNA array technique that identified various host immuno-determinants including cytokines, chemokines, apoptotic and signaling molecules which were not reported previously in PKDL. In addition, we showed for the first time that Th17 responses are present during L. donovani infection in PKDL which possibly contributes significantly to disease pathogenesis by inducing TNF-α and nitric oxide production. Our findings lead to improved understanding of the host parasite interaction in terms of immune responses and pathology in tissue lesions of PKDL

    Role of IL-1 Beta in the Development of Human TH17 Cells: Lesson from NLPR3 Mutated Patients

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    T helper 17 cells (T(H)-17) represent a lineage of effector T cells critical in host defence and autoimmunity. In both mouse and human IL-1β has been indicated as a key cytokine for the commitment to T(H)-17 cells. Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes (CAPS) are a group of inflammatory diseases associated with mutations of the NLRP3 gene encoding the inflammasome component cryopyrin. In this work we asked whether the deregulated secretion of IL-1β secondary to mutations characterizing these patients could affect the IL-23/IL-17 axis.A total of 11 CAPS, 26 systemic onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis (SoJIA) patients and 20 healthy controls were analyzed. Serum levels of IL-17 and IL-6 serum were assessed by ELISA assay. Frequency of T(H)17 cells was quantified upon staphylococcus enterotoxin B (SEB) stimulation. Secretion of IL-1β, IL-23 and IL-6 by monocyte derived dendritic cells (MoDCs), were quantified by ELISA assay. A total of 8 CAPS and 11 SoJIA patients were also analysed before and after treatment with IL-1β blockade. Untreated CAPS patients showed significantly increased IL-17 serum levels as well as a higher frequency of T(H)17 compared to control subjects. On the contrary, SoJIA patients displayed a frequency of T(H)17 similar to normal donors, but were found to have significantly increased serum level of IL-6 when compared to CAPS patients or healthy donors. Remarkably, decreased IL-17 serum levels and T(H)17 frequency were observed in CAPS patients following in vivo IL-1β blockade. On the same line, MoDCs from CAPS patients exhibited enhanced secretion of IL-1β and IL-23 upon TLRs stimulation, with a reduction after anti-IL-1 treatment.These findings further support the central role of IL-1β in the differentiation of T(H)17 in human inflammatory conditions

    Chemistry for Sustainable Development 20 (2012) 7781 Modified Carbon Sorbents for Extraction of Sodium and Calcium Admixtures from the Solutions of Lithium Chloride

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    Abstract Methods of obtaining carbon sorbents modified with the compounds of antimony (V) were developed for the extraction of sodium and calcium admixtures from the solution of lithium chloride. The sorption capacity of the obtained modified carbon materials under static and dyn amic conditions was estimated. It was shown that the most efficient sorbent NUMS-K-1 was obtained by the saturation with SbCl 5 followed by its hydrolysis. With antimony content in the carbon sorbent up to 8 %, total dynamic capacity with respect to sodium is 2.2, with respect to calcium 4 mg/g. In the course of dynamic experiments, it was established that the residual concentration of sodium at the outlet of the sorption column reaches 0.25, calcium 2 mg/L. The obtained results meet the requirements to the purity of lithium products. The promising character of the use of carbon sorbents modified with antimony (V) compounds in the processes of lithium chloride purification from sodium and calcium admixtures was demonstrated