115 research outputs found

    Changes in Vietnamese University Students’ Attitudes towards English Reading via an Extensive Reading Project: A Tri-Component Model Analysis

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    Whether or not extensive reading transforms Vietnamese university students’ attitudes towards reading using a tri-component analysis model is an uncharted area. This study delved into the reading attitudes of English majors concerning their cognitive, conative, and affective dimensions through a two-month extensive reading (ER) project. Participants were composed of 26 first-year students at a large urban university in Vietnam. Research instruments included a pre-project questionnaire, a post-project questionnaire and book records. The findings revealed a positive change in the students’ reading attitudes, characterized by reinforced belief in the benefits of reading, heightened positive feelings, and an increased intent to read. Recommendations for practice and further research were provided and discussed

    Justice Detained: The Effects of Deportation on Immigrant Families

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    In November 2002, driven by a growing awareness within the Asian and Pacific Islander immigrant communities that more and more people were getting deported, youth activists at AYPAL, based in Oakland, initiated a campaign to find out what was going on and what they could do about it. AYPAL found that the problem of deportation was much worse than the isolated incidents we had heard about, and it is only growing more severe. In 1996, Congress enacted the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA), which made it a lot easier to deport immigrants, including many legal permanent residents who had lived in the United States for many years. They were considered deportable if they had committed any crime involving prison or probation time that added up to one year or more. (See "Overview of IIRIRA" section.)AYPAL's research findings:Hundreds of thousands of people are being deported every year to countries all around the world, and there was a huge increase in deportations from 1996 to 1998, coinciding with IIRIRA being implemented in April 1997.The overwhelming majority of "criminal removals" are for non-violent crimes.Deportations hurt families by potentially leaving hundreds of thousands of children who are left behind in poverty.Despite claims that immigrants are contributing to high crime rates, they are actually less likely than native-born citizens to commit crimes.Immigrants released from jail are less likely than the native born to be repeat offenders.Immigrants are being deported to countries that the US State Department deems too dangerous to travel to.Another reason besides IIRIRA for the huge increase in deportations is that many more people in general (both immigrants and native born) are being sent to prison and for longer sentences because of policy changes like "three strikes" and mandatory minimum sentencing

    Forest - Related Culture and Contribution to Sustainable Development in the Northern Mountain Region in Vietnam

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    The culture of communities living near/in forests indelibly interacts with forest ecosystems, both shaping and adapting to the natural environment. Forest-related cultural dimensions also provide benefits for local economies and social welfare. This study analyses the relationship between local culture and forests of the Tay and the Dao minorities and their contribution to sustainable development in Vo Nhai, a mountainous district in northern Vietnam. The study uses methods of a literature review, participant observation and qualitative interviews with local people. The strong embedded culture with forests that developed over many generations of Tay and Dao people was expressed through their knowledge systems of understanding nature, skills for environmental adaption, health protection and spiritual and recreational activities. The potentials of forest - related culture as a feature of local sustainable development were analysed through contributions in natural resource conservation, economic development and social cohesion. To integrate forest - related culture in sustainable development, some issues need to be better focused on the locality

    Antimicrobial activity of spherical silver nanoparticles prepared using a biocompatible macromolecular capping agent: evidence for induction of a greatly prolonged bacterial lag phase

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We have evaluated the antimicrobial properties of Ag-based nanoparticles (<it>Np</it>s) using two solid phase bioassays and found that 10-20 μL of 0.3-3 μM keratin-stabilized <it>Np</it>s (depending on the starting bacterial concentration = <it>C</it><sub>I</sub>) completely inhibited the growth of an equivalent volume of <it>ca</it>. 10<sup>3 </sup>to 10<sup>4 </sup>colony forming units per mL (CFU mL<sup>-1</sup>) <it>Staphylococcus aureus</it>, <it>Salmonella </it>Typhimurium, or <it>Escherichia coli </it>O157:H7 on solid surfaces. Even after one week at 37°C on solid media, no growth was observed. At lower <it>Np </it>concentrations (= [<it>Np</it>]s), visible colonies were observed but they eventually ceased growing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To further study the physiology of this growth inhibition, we repeated these experiments in liquid phase by observing microbial growth via optical density at 590 nm (OD) at 37°C in the presence of a [<it>Np</it>] = 0 to 10<sup>-6 </sup>M. To extract various growth parameters we fit all OD[t] data to a common sigmoidal function which provides measures of the beginning and final OD values, a first-order rate constant (<it>k</it>), as well as the time to calculated 1/2-maximal OD (<it>t</it><sub>m</sub>) which is a function of <it>C</it><sub>I</sub>, <it>k</it>, as well as the microbiological lag time (<it>T</it>).</p> <p>Performing such experiments using a 96-well microtitre plate reader, we found that growth <it>always </it>occurred in solution but <it>t</it><sub>m </sub>varied between 7 (controls; <it>C</it><sub>I </sub>= 8 × 10<sup>3 </sup>CFU mL<sup>-1</sup>) and > 20 hrs using either the citrate-([<it>Np</it>] ~ 3 × 10<sup>-7 </sup>M) or keratin-based ([<it>Np</it>] ~ 10<sup>-6 </sup>M) <it>Np</it>s and observed that {∂<it>t</it><sub>m</sub>/∂ [<it>Np</it>]}<sub>citrate </sub>~ 5 × 10<sup>7 </sup>and {∂<it>t</it><sub>m</sub>/∂ [<it>Np</it>]}<sub>keratin </sub>~ 10<sup>7 </sup>hr·L mol<sup>-1</sup>. We also found that there was little effect of <it>Np</it>s on <it>S. aureus </it>growth rates which varied only between <it>k </it>= 1.0 and 1.2 hr<sup>-1 </sup>(1.1 ± 0.075 hr<sup>-1</sup>). To test the idea that the <it>Np</it>s were changing the initial concentration (<it>C</it><sub>I</sub>) of bacteria (<it>i.e</it>., cell death), we performed probabilistic calculations assuming that the perturbations in <it>t</it><sub>m </sub>were due to <it>C</it><sub>I </sub>alone. We found that such large perturbations in <it>t</it><sub>m </sub>could only come about at a <it>C</it><sub>I </sub>where the probability of any growth at all was small. This result indicates that much of the <it>Np</it>-induced change in <it>t</it><sub>m </sub>was due to a greatly increased <it>T </it>(<it>e.g</it>., from <it>ca</it>. 1 to 15-20 hrs). For the solid phase assays we hypothesize that the bacteria eventually became non-culturable since they were inhibited from undergoing further cell division (<it>T </it>> many days).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We propose that the difference between the solid and liquid system relates to the obvious difference in the exposure, or residence, time of the <it>Np</it>s with respect to the bacterial cell membrane inasmuch as when small, <it>Np</it>-inhibited colonies were selected and streaked on fresh (<it>i.e</it>., no <it>Np</it>s present) media, growth proceeded normally: <it>e.g</it>., a small, growth-inhibited colony resulted in a plateful of typical <it>S. aureus </it>colonies when streaked on fresh, solid media.</p

    DNA barcoding for identification of some fish species (Carangidae) in Vietnam coastal area

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    Carangidae family has got about 148 species belonging to 32 genera. In Vietnam, Carangidae is of high commercial value and playing an important role in the ecosystem. In the context Vietnam has received yellow card for seafood since Nov. 2017 by the EU, in which one of the main reasons was related to the restriction of traceability. In this study, DNA barcoding technique of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene was used to classify 56 specimens of Carangidae from three coastal areas (Northern, Central and Southern) in Vietnam to evaluate the effectiveness compared to the morphological classification method. Results showed that 21 species belonging to 16 genera were determined by the COI barcode while 18 species (16 genera) were determined when using morphological method. Seriola quinqueradiata and Trachinotus anak were newly recorded in Vietnam. From 56 sequences with 660 bp of mtDNA (COI), total 27 haplotypes were detected; haplotype diversity (h) and nucleotide diversity (π) were 0.903 ± 0.00060 and 0.14%, respectively. The DNA barcodes of COI gene of 21 species in Carangidae which were developed in this study could be used as a basis for comparison and traceability of their products. In addition, the results showed the high potentiality in using COI barcode to identify Carangidae fish in Vietnam

    Foreign bank penetration in Vietnam following Vietnam’s accession to the WTO: matching expectations with reality

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    Vietnam continuously liberalizes the financial market as a requirement for its accession to the World Trade Organization in 2007. This paper discusses the foreign investors’ expectation and their experience when penetrating into Vietnam’s market. The role of the foreign entrants is also assessed. By synthesizing and analyzing relevant research and reports, several important insights are discovered. Firstly, the presence of foreign investors and banks improves market competition, efficiency, and stability. Wholly and partly foreign-owned banks provide the spillover effects in management quality, in the introduction of world standard banking products and services, and in the application of information technology. Secondly, by looking into the foreign owned banks, it is found that the banks’ foreign investors are not likely to play an influential role in managing the banks they invested in. The motive of the investors to control the invested companies leads to their decision of holdings withdrawing

    Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from leaf callus with genetic stability validation using SCoT markers in Paramignya trimera, a medicinal plant native to Vietnam

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    Xao tam phan (Paramignya trimera (Oliv.) Guillaum) is a medicinal plant native to Vietnam, that is renowned for its therapeutic properties, particularly for the treatment of various ailments, including cancer. This study investigated in vitro propagation of P. trimera through somatic embryogenesis and shoot organogenesis using leaf callus. Various culture media, plant growth regulators, malt extract, and carbon sources were evaluated to optimize callus induction and somatic embryo formation from leaf explants. DNA barcoding confirmed 96.96% to 100% homology with P. trimera specimens from Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam. The highest callus formation rate, reaching 100%, was observed in one-year-old explants cultured in Woody Plant Medium (WPM) supplemented with 2.0 mg L-1 naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 0.2 mg L-1 benzylaminopurine (BAP) in the dark for over six weeks. In WPM supplemented with 30 g L-1 sucrose, 4.0 mg L-1 BAP, and 500 mg L-1 malt extract, globular stage embryos developed into embryoids and shoots and buds clumped at 10 and 18 weeks, respectively. Shoot organogenesis was observed in WPM supplemented with 30 g L-1 sucrose and 0.07 mg L-1 thidiazuron (TDZ) after 18 weeks of culture. Genetic fidelity assessments using 12 SCoT markers indicated that in vitro plantlets were homologous to the mother plant. This study provides a viable method for the conservation and sustainable cultivation of Xao tam phan, ensuring a stable supply of this valuable medicinal resource

    Study on total lipid content, lipid class composition of some fire and soft corals collected in Nha Trang, Vietnam

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    For the first time, the total lipid content and lipid class composition of  the Vietnamese soft corals (Sinularia brassica, Sinularia flexibilis) and fire corals (Millepora dichotoma, Millepora platyphylla) were investigated. The results indicated that the total lipid content of the investigated species was significantly different. Compositions of the lipid classes were analyzed using TLC and image analysis program Sorbfil TLC Videodensitometer DV and the results showed that phospholipids (PL, 10.91–16.02%), monoalkyldiacylglycerols (MADAG, 20.69-39.92%) and hydrocarbon wax (HW, 29.83-37.17%) were the main lipid classes of the total lipid in soft coral species. Meanwhile, PL (24.11-33.23%), TG (14.27–34.92%), ST (10.10–14.50%) and HW (12.08–19.95%) were predominant in fire coral species. ST, TG and FFA contents in soft and fire corals were at low level. DG was only present in the Sinularia flexibilis but not in other studied corals

    Differential Infectivity of Human Neural Cell Lines by a Dengue Virus Serotype-3 Genotype-III with a Distinct Nonstructural Protein 2A (NS2A) Amino Acid Substitution Isolated from the Cerebrospinal Fluid of a Dengue Encephalitis Patient

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    Dengue encephalitis is considered as a severe but unusual clinical presentation of dengue infection. Limited molecular information is available on the neurotropism of dengue virus (DENV), highlighting the need for further research. During a dengue outbreak in Vietnam in 2013, two DENV-3 strains were isolated, in which one was isolated from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from a dengue encephalitis patient and another strain was isolated from a patient with classical dengue fever in Hai Phong, Vietnam. DENV serotype-3 (DENV-3) isolated from these samples belonged to genotype III, marking the first report of this genotype in the country at that time. Genetic variation between both strains was elucidated by using a full genome sequencing by next-generation sequencing (NGS). The infectivity of the isolated DENV-3 strains was further characterized using human and mouse neuronal cell lines. Phylogenetic analysis of the isolates demonstrated high homogeneity between the CSF-derived and serum-derived DENV-3, in which the full genome sequences of the CSF-derived DENV-3 presented a Thr-1339-Ile mutation in the nonstructural 2A (NS2A) protein. The CSF-derived DENV-3 isolate grew preferentially in human neuronal cells, with a significant proportion of cells that were positive for nonstructural 1 (NS1), nonstructural 4B (NS4B), and nonstructural 5 (NS5) antigens. These results suggest that NS2A may be a crucial region in the neuropathogenesis of DENV-3 and its growth in human neuronal cells. Taken together, our results demonstrate that a CSF-derived DENV-3 has unique infectivity characteristics for human neuronal cells, which might play a crucial role in the neuropathogenesis of DENV infection

    Isolation of dengue serotype 3 virus from the cerebrospinal fluid of an encephalitis patient in Hai Phong, Vietnam in 2013

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    Dengue encephalitis (DE) is characterized as unusual presentation of dengue infection. Despite the reports that DE accounts for only 1-5% of dengue cases, this disease tends to be increasingly reported to threaten global human health throughout dengue endemic areas particularly in Southeast Asia. The molecular information of clinically characterized, neurotropic dengue virus (DENV) in human beings is extremely scarce despite it playing an important role in deciphering the pathogenesis of dengue-related neurological cases. Here we report a case of DE caused by DENV3 genotype III in a male patient with atypical symptoms of DENV infection in Hai Phong, Vietnam in 2013. The virus isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid of this case-patient was closely related to DENV3 genotype III strains isolated from serum of two other patients, who manifested classical dengue in the same year and residing in the same area as the case-patient. It is noteworthy to mention that in 2013, DENV3 genotype III was detected for the first time in Vietnam
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