403 research outputs found

    The Effect Of Urban Runoff Water And Human Activities On Some Physico- Chemical Parameters Of The Epie Creek In The Niger Delta

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    The Epie creek was investigated for six months from five sampling stations to determine the effects of urban runoff and human activities on some physico-chemical parameters. Variations in the physicochemicalparameters were observed from station to station both in the dry and rainy seasons. These variations were attributed to runoff water and human activities in the Epie Creek. Although the levels of most of thesephysico-chemical parameters were found to be within the safe limits for drinking water, the mean DO levels were generally found to be lower than septic levels and thus unsafe for fish and other aquatic organisms. The chloride, sulphate, phosphate, nitrate and ammonia levels were found to be higher during the rainy season than the dry season, suggesting that runoff water contributed to their levels in the creek. It was also observed that the levels of TDS, alkalinity, total hardness, calcium, potassium, sodium, conductivity, chloride, nitrates, sulphates,ammonia and phosphates in sections of the Epie creek traversing the Yenagoa metropolis were higher than those from the upstream sections. These higher levels were attributed to human activities in the creek. The potential risk associated with the generally low DO levels and the high nutrients have been highlighte

    Hepatitis B virus X protein interacts with β5 subunit of heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide binding protein

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    BACKGROUND: To isolate cellular proteins interacting with hepatitis B virus X protein (HBX), from HepG2 cells infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV). RESULTS: HBV particles were produced in culture medium of HepG2 cells transfected with the mammalian expression vector containing the linear HBV genome, as assessed by commercially available ELISA assay. A cDNA library was made from these cells exposed to HBV. From yeast two hybrid screening with HBX as bait, human guanine nucleotide binding protein β subunit 5L (GNβ5) was isolated from the cDNA library constructed in this study as a new HBX-interacting protein. The HBX-GNβ5 interaction was further supported by mammalian two hybrid assay. CONCLUSION: The use of a cDNA library constructed from HBV-transfected HepG2 cells has resulted in the isolation of new cellular proteins interacting with HBX

    Validation du score IIEF-5 en Lingala, langue nationale parlée en République démocratique du Congo: The IIEF-5 score Validation in Lingala, the national language spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo

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    Context and objective. The “International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5)” evaluates the quality of erections in a man using a series of questions requiring well-codified answers from the patient. In sub-Saharan Africa, there are no translations into local languages to facilitate the consultation of patients with erectile dysfunction. Our purpose is to validate the IIEF-5 questionnaire in Lingala for its clinical use in andrological consultations. Methods. The IIEF-5 questionnaire was translated into Lingala by following the translation process dictated by Bombardier according to international standards. In a cross-sectional study, 40 students from Kinshasa’s higher institutions had to answer this questionnaire two week apart. 35 patients followed for Erectile Dysfunction have responded to the same questionnaires one month apart (before and after treatment). Correlations, Cronbach alpha coefficients, and responsiveness to questions were calculated. Results. The Cronbach alpha coefficient was 0.48 for the student group and 0, 92 for the patients with erectile dysfunction. In the student group, a correlation of 95% was noted between the two exams and 92.4% in the patient group. 35 Lingala patients had an overall IIEF-5 score of 13 (moderate ED) before treatment. After treatment, the score jumped significantly to 19 (mild ED) (p < 0.0001). Conclusion. The use of the IIEF-5 score in Lingala, validated according to scientific rule, shows good responsiveness, high reliability and stability. Contexte et objectif. Le score « International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF- 5) » évalue la qualité des érections chez un homme par une série des questions nécessitant des réponses bien codifiées de la part du patient. En Afrique Subsaharienne, il n’existe pas de traduction en langues locales afin de faciliter les consultations des patients ayant une dysfonction érectile. La présente étude avait pour objectif de valider le questionnaire IIEF-5 en Lingala en vue de son usage clinique dans les consultations andrologiques. Méthodes. Le questionnaire IIEF-5 a été traduit en Lingala en suivant le processus de traduction dictée par Bombardier selon les normes internationales. Dans une étude transversale, 40 étudiants des institutions supérieures de Kinshasa ont eu à répondre à ce questionnaire à deux semaines d’intervalles. 35 patients suivis pour la dysfonction érectile avaient répondu aux mêmes questionnaires à un mois d’intervalle (avant et après le traitement). Les corrélations, les coefficients alpha Cronbach et la réactivité aux questions ont été calculés. Résultats. Le coefficient de Cronbach’alpha a été respectivement, de 0,48 et de 0,92 chez les étudiants et les patients avec dysfonction érectile. Chez les étudiants, une corrélation de 95% a été notée entre les deux temps d’examen contre 92,4% dans le groupe des patients. 35 patients s’exprimant en Lingala ont obtenu un score IIEF- 5 global de 13 (D.E modérée) avant le traitement ; et est significativement monté à 19 (D.E légère, p < 0,0001) après le traitement. Conclusion. L’usage du score IIEF- 5 traduit en lingala, validé selon les normes scientifiques, montre une bonne réactivité, une grande fiabilité ainsi qu’une bonne cohérence interne. &nbsp
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