9 research outputs found

    Analysis of the response regulatory network of pepper genes under hydrogen peroxide stress

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    Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a regulatory component related to plant signal transduction. To better understand the genome-wide gene expression response to H2O2 stress in pepper plants, a regulatory network of H2O2 stress-gene expression in pepper leaves and roots was constructed in the present study. We collected the normal tissues of leaves and roots of pepper plants after 40 days of H2O2 treatment and obtained the RNA-seq data of leaves and roots exposed to H2O2 for 0.5–24 h. By comparing the gene responses of pepper leaves and roots exposed to H2O2 stress for different time periods, we found that the response in roots reached the peak at 3 h, whereas the response in leaves reached the peak at 24 h after treatment, and the response degree in the roots was higher than that in the leaves. We used all datasets for K-means analysis and network analysis identified the clusters related to stress response and related genes. In addition, CaEBS1, CaRAP2, and CabHLH029 were identified through a co-expression analysis and were found to be strongly related to several reactive oxygen species-scavenging enzyme genes; their homologous genes in Arabidopsis showed important functions in response to hypoxia or iron uptake. This study provides a theoretical basis for determining the dynamic response process of pepper plants to H2O2 stress in leaves and roots, as well as for determining the critical time and the molecular mechanism of H2O2 stress response in leaves and roots. The candidate transcription factors identified in this study can be used as a reference for further experimental verification

    A Modified Magnetic Gradient Contraction Based Method for Ferromagnetic Target Localization

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    The Scalar Triangulation and Ranging (STAR) method, which is based upon the unique properties of magnetic gradient contraction, is a high real-time ferromagnetic target localization method. Only one measurement point is required in the STAR method and it is not sensitive to changes in sensing platform orientation. However, the localization accuracy of the method is limited by the asphericity errors and the inaccurate value of position leads to larger errors in the estimation of magnetic moment. To improve the localization accuracy, a modified STAR method is proposed. In the proposed method, the asphericity errors of the traditional STAR method are compensated with an iterative algorithm. The proposed method has a fast convergence rate which meets the requirement of high real-time localization. Simulations and field experiments have been done to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The results indicate that target parameters estimated by the modified STAR method are more accurate than the traditional STAR method

    Analysis of the ASMT Gene Family in Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.): Identification, Phylogeny, and Expression Profiles

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    Acetylserotonin methyltransferase (ASMT) in plant species, one of the most important enzymes in melatonin biosynthesis, plays a rate-limiting role in the melatonin production. In this study, based on the whole genome sequence, we performed a systematic analysis for the ASMT gene family in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) and analyzed their expression profiles during growth and development, as well as abiotic stresses. The results showed that at least 16 CaASMT genes were identified in the pepper genome. Phylogenetic analyses of all the CaASMTs were divided into three groups (group I, group II, and group III) with a high bootstrap value. Through the online MEME tool, six distinct motifs (motif 1 to motif 6) were identified. Chromosome location found that most CaASMT genes were mapped in the distal ends of the pepper chromosomes. In addition, RNA-seq analysis revealed that, during the vegetative and reproductive development, the difference in abundance and distinct expression patterns of these CaASMT genes suggests different functions. The qRT-PCR analysis showed that high abundance of CaASMT03, CaASMT04, and CaASMT06 occurred in mature green fruit and mature red fruit. Finally, using RNA-seq and qRT-PCR technology, we also found that several CaASMT genes were induced under abiotic stress conditions. The results will not only contribute to elucidate the evolutionary relationship of ASMT genes but also ascertain the biological function in pepper plant response to abiotic stresses

    The Tryptophan Decarboxylase in Solanum lycopersicum

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    Melatonin plays an important role in plant growth, development, and environmental stress. In this study, a systematic analysis of tomato tryptophan decarboxylase (SlTrpDC), which is the first enzyme of melatonin biosynthesis, was conducted by integrating structural features, phylogenetic relationships, an exon/intron feature, and a divergent expression profile. The results determined that the tomato genome encoded five members (SlTrpDC1-SlTrpDC5). The phylogenetic relationships indicated that gene expansion was proposed as the major mode of evolution of the TrpDC genes from the different plant algae species to the higher plants species. The analyses of the exon/intron configurations revealed that the intron loss events occurred during the structural evolution of the TrpDCs in plants. Additionally, the RNA-seq and qRT-PCR analysis revealed that the expression of the SlTrpDC3 was high in all of the tested tissues, while the SlTrpDC4 and SlTrpDC5 were not expressed. The expression patterns of the remaining two (SlTrpDC1 and SlTrpDC2) were tissue-specific, which indicated that these genes may play important roles within the different tissues. No expression difference was observed in the tomato plants in response to the biotic stresses. This study will expand the current knowledge of the roles of the TrpDC genes in tomato growth and development

    DataSheet_1_Analysis of the response regulatory network of pepper genes under hydrogen peroxide stress.zip

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    Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a regulatory component related to plant signal transduction. To better understand the genome-wide gene expression response to H2O2 stress in pepper plants, a regulatory network of H2O2 stress-gene expression in pepper leaves and roots was constructed in the present study. We collected the normal tissues of leaves and roots of pepper plants after 40 days of H2O2 treatment and obtained the RNA-seq data of leaves and roots exposed to H2O2 for 0.5–24 h. By comparing the gene responses of pepper leaves and roots exposed to H2O2 stress for different time periods, we found that the response in roots reached the peak at 3 h, whereas the response in leaves reached the peak at 24 h after treatment, and the response degree in the roots was higher than that in the leaves. We used all datasets for K-means analysis and network analysis identified the clusters related to stress response and related genes. In addition, CaEBS1, CaRAP2, and CabHLH029 were identified through a co-expression analysis and were found to be strongly related to several reactive oxygen species-scavenging enzyme genes; their homologous genes in Arabidopsis showed important functions in response to hypoxia or iron uptake. This study provides a theoretical basis for determining the dynamic response process of pepper plants to H2O2 stress in leaves and roots, as well as for determining the critical time and the molecular mechanism of H2O2 stress response in leaves and roots. The candidate transcription factors identified in this study can be used as a reference for further experimental verification.</p

    Table_1_Integrated analysis of multi-omics and fine-mapping reveals a candidate gene regulating pericarp color and flavonoids accumulation in wax gourd (Benincasa hispida).docx

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    Wax gourd (Benincasa hispida), a popular fruit of the Cucurbitaceae (cucurbits) family, contains many nutrients with health benefits and is widely grown in China and other tropical areas. In this study, a wax gourd mutant hfc12 with light-color pericarp was obtained through ethane methylsulfonate (EMS) mutagenesis. Integrative analysis of the metabolome and transcriptome identified 31 differentially accumulated flavonoids (DAFs; flavonoids or flavonoid glycosides) and 828 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between the hfc12 mutant and wild-type ‘BWT’. Furthermore, BSA-seq and kompetitive allele specific PCR (KASP) analysis suggested that the light-color pericarp and higher flavonoid content was controlled by a single gene BhiPRR6 (Bhi12M000742), a typical two-component system (TCS) pseudo-response regulator (PRR). Genetic analysis detected only one nonsynonymous mutation (C-T) in the second exon region of the BhiPRR6. Weighted correlation network analysis (WGCNA) identified the downstream target genes of BhiPRR6, probably regulated by light and were intermediated in the regulatory enzyme reaction of flavonoid biosynthetic pathway. Thus, these results speculated that the transcription factor BhiPRR6, interacting with multiple genes, regulates the absorption of light signals and thereby changes the pericarp color and synthesis of flavonoids in wax gourd.</p

    Characterizing the epidemiology, virology, and clinical features of influenza in China’s first severe acute respiratory infection sentinel surveillance system, February 2011 – October 2013

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    BACKGROUND: After the 2009 influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 pandemic, China established its first severe acute respiratory infections (SARI) sentinel surveillance system. METHODS: We analyzed data from SARI cases in 10 hospitals in 10 provinces in China from February 2011 to October 2013. RESULTS: Among 5,644 SARI cases, 330 (6%) were influenza-positive. Among these, 62% were influenza A and 38% were influenza B. Compared with influenza-negative cases, influenza-positive SARI cases had a higher median age (20.0 years vs.11.0, p=0.003) and were more likely to have at least one underlying chronic medical condition (age adjusted percent: 28% vs. 25%, p<0.001). The types/subtypes of dominant strains identified by SARI surveillance was almost always among dominant strains identified by the influenza like illness (ILI) surveillance system and influenza activity in both systems peaked at the same time. CONCLUSIONS: Data from China's first SARI sentinel surveillance system suggest that types/subtypes of circulating influenza strains and epidemic trends among SARI cases were similar to those among ILI cases