55 research outputs found

    Predictors of influenza seasonal characteristics by virus type (influenza A, B, and total) in 30 Chinese provinces, 2005–2011.

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    <p>Putative predictors include climate, geographic, population, and sampling factors. Seasonal characteristics were based on linear seasonal regression models fitted to province-specific weekly laboratory surveillance data (<a href="http://www.plosmedicine.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pmed.1001552#pmed-1001552-g004" target="_blank">Figure 4</a>). Point estimates and standard errors provided in the table are based on hierarchical Bayesian regression of seasonal characteristics against province-specific covariates, with observation variances estimated by bootstrap resampling of seasonal parameters.</p>a<p>Amplitude of semi-annual cycle divided by the sum of amplitudes of semi-annual and annual cycles.</p>b<p>5% threshold criterion.</p>c<p>No covariate remained in final model.</p>d<p>Annual number of passengers leaving or entering the province, divided by province-specific population size.</p

    Map of Chinese provinces conducting influenza surveillance (<i>n</i> = 30).

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    <p>Dots indicate the location of the capital city in each province. A total of 193 hospitals participate in disease surveillance, representing 88 cities. Colors illustrate different climatic domains (black, cold-temperate; blue, mid-temperate; green, warm-temperate; orange, subtropical; red, tropical). Different symbols indicate the type of surveillance scheme (circles, year-round surveillance; triangles, Oct through Mar surveillance).</p

    Background characteristics of the 30 provinces involved in influenza surveillance and information on influenza sampling intensity, 2005–2011, China.

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    a<p>Number of cities and hospitals participating in surveillance.</p>b<p>Indicates year-round influenza surveillance before 2009 (all provinces switched to year-round surveillance in the post-2009 pandemic period).</p><p>C, cold temperate; GRP, gross regional product; MT, mid-temperate; ST, subtropical; T, tropical; WT, warm temperate;</p

    Additional file 5: Table S2. of The impact of influenza on the health related quality of life in China: an EQ-5D survey

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    Comparison of the health-related quality of life for influenza patients aged 16 years and above between the self-report and proxy-report groups. (DOCX 22 kb

    Additional file 6: Table S3. of The impact of influenza on the health related quality of life in China: an EQ-5D survey

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    Health-related quality of life of influenza patients stratified by time delay between survey and the influenza episode. (DOCX 32 kb
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