8 research outputs found

    Case Study Zandsluiting Noord-Pampus

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    Case study van de afsluiting van het Noord-Pampus en het Rak van Scheelhoek bij de afsluiting van het HaringvlietHydraulic Engineerin

    Technical Note: How image processing facilitates the rising bubble technique for discharge measurement

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    In this article, we rehabilitate the integrating rising bubble technique as an effective means of obtaining discharge measurements. Since Sargent (1981, 1982a), the technique has not been applied widely, mainly as a result of practical difficulties. We hypothesize that modern image processing techniques can greatly improve the rising bubble technique. We applied the technique in both a laboratory setup and a field study, after determining the bubble rising velocity for our nozzles in the specific case. During our measurements, we captured digital photographs of the bubble envelope at the water surface, each picture being a single measurement of the discharge. The photographs were corrected for lens distortion and reprojected so that accurate distances on water surface level could be obtained. This easy digital procedure resulted in accurate discharge measurements, even when turbulence was involved and the averages of multiple image analyses yielded good results. The study shows that the rising bubble technique can be a preferable discharge gauging technique in some situations. Recent developments in image processing facilitate the method substantially.Water ManagementCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Temperatures and precipitation totals over the Russian Far East and Eastern Siberia; long-term variability and its links to teleconnection indices

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    The present study examines the spatial-temporal regime of the mean monthly temperature (MMT) and monthly precipitation (MPT) anomalies over the Russian Far East and Eastern Siberia for the period 1949–2003. The original data were analyzed spatially by means of complex principal component analysis and temporally by means of the maximum entropy method and traditional Fourier spectral analysis. The interannual variability in these anomalies can be represented by the single dominant modes. These dominant modes oscillate with periods of about 2–3 yr and 6–8 yr that are accompanied by statistically significant changes in such monthly teleconnection indices, as the Arctic and North Pacific Oscillations

    Determining slack tide with a GPS receiver on an anchored buoy

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    In this paper we present a novel method to determine the time of occurrence of tidal slack with a GPS receiver mounted on an anchored buoy commonly used to delineate shipping lanes in estuaries and tidal channels. Slack tide occurs when the tide changes direction from ebb to flood flow, or from flood to ebb. The determination of this point in time is not only useful for shipping and salvaging, it is also important information for calibrating tidal models, for determining the maximum salt intrusion and for the further refinement of the theory on tidal propagation. The accuracy of the timing is well within 10 min and the method – able to operate in real-time – is relatively cheap and easy to implement on a permanent basis or in short field campaigns.Water ManagementCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Advances in the Rising Bubble Technique for discharge measurement

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    Already in the 19th century, d’Auria described a discharge measurement technique that applies floats to find the depth-integrated velocity (d’Auria, 1882). The basis of this technique was that the horizontal distance that the floattravels on its way to the surface is the image of the integrated velocity profile over depth. Viol and Semenov (1964) improved this method by using air bubbles as floats, but still distances were measured manually until Sargent (1981) introduced a technique that could derive the distances from two photographs simultaneously taken from each side of the river bank. Recently, modern image processing techniques proved to further improve the applicability of the method (Hilgersom and Luxemburg, 2012).In the 2012 article, controlling and determining the rising velocity of an air bubble still appeared a major challenge for the application of this method. Ever since, laboratory experiments with different nozzle and tube sizes lead to advances in our self-made equipment enabling us to produce individual air bubbles with a more constant rising velocity.Also, we introduced an underwater camera to on-site determine the rising velocity, which is dependent on the water temperature and contamination, and therefore is site-specific. Camera measurements of the rising velocity provedsuccessful in a laboratory and field setting, although some improvements to the setup are necessary to capture the air bubbles also at depths where little daylight penetrates.Water Resource

    Technical note: using Distributed Temperature Sensing for Bowen ratio evaporation measurements

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    Rapid improvements in the precision and spatial resolution of Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) technology now allows its use in hydrological and atmospheric sciences. Introduced by Euser [Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 2021–2032 (2014)] is the use of DTS for measuring the Bowen ratio (BR-DTS), to estimate the sensible and latent heat flux. The Bowen ratio is derived from DTS measured vertical profiles of the air temperature and wet-bulb temperature. However, in previous research the measured temperatures were not validated, and the cables were not shielded from solar radiation. Additionally, the BR-DTS method has not been tested above a forest before, where temperature gradients are small and energy storage in the air column becomes important. In this paper the accuracy of the wet-bulb and air temperature measurements of the DTS are verified, and the resulting Bowen ratio and heat fluxes are compared to eddy covariance data. The performance of BR-DTS was tested on a 46 m high tower in a mixed forest in the centre of the Netherlands in August 2016. The average tree height is 26 to 30 m, and the temperatures are measured below, in, and above the canopy. Using the vertical temperature profiles the storage of latent and sensible heat in the air column was calculated. We found a significant effect of solar radiation on the temperature measurements, leading to a deviation of up to 3 K. By installing screens, the error caused by sunlight is reduced to under 1 K. Wind speed seems to have a minimal effect on the measured wet-bulb temperature, both below and above the canopy. After a simple quality control, the Bowen ratio measured by DTS correlates well with eddy covariance (EC) estimates (r2 = 0.59). The average energy balance closure between BR-DTS and EC is good, with a mean underestimation of 3.4 W m−2 by the BR-DTS method. However, during daytime the BR-DTS method overestimates the available energy, and during night-time the BR-DTS method estimates the available energy to be more negative. This difference could be related to the biomass heat storage, which is neglected in this study. The BR-DTS method overestimates the latent heat flux on average by 18.7 W m−2, with RMSE = 90 W m−2. The sensible heat flux is underestimated on average by 10.6 W m−2, with RMSE = 76 W m−2. Estimates of the BR-DTS can be improved once the uncertainties in the energy balance are reduced. However, applying e.g. Monin-Obukhov similarity theory could provide independent estimates for the sensible heat flux. This would make the determination of the highly uncertain and difficult to determine net available energy redundant.Water Resource

    Evaluation and improvement of remote sensing-based methods for river flow management

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    Rapid advancements in technologies open up possibilities for water resource authorities to increase their ability to accurately, safely and efficiently establish river flow observation through remote and non-intrusive observation methods. Low-cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVS) in combination with Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) can be used to collect geometrical information of the riverbed and floodplain. Such information, in combination with hydraulic modelling tools, can be used to establish physically based relationships between river flows and permanent proxy. This study proposes a framework for monitoring volatile, dangerous and difficult to access rivers using only affordable and easy to maintain new technologies. The framework consists of four main components: i) establishment of geometry using airborne photogrammetry and bathymetry; ii) physically based rating curve development through hydraulic modelling of surveyed river sections; iii) determination of non-intrusive observations with for instance simple cameras or satellite observations; and iv) evaluating the institutional and societal impacts of using new technology. To establish this framework, a number of research questions require addressing. First, the factors impacting on accuracy of geometrical information of the floodplain terrain and bathymetry need to be investigated. Second the accuracy of a physically based rating curve compared to a traditional rating curve needs to be established. Third, for rapidly changing river segments, it should be investigated if the collection of occasional snapshots of multiple proxies for flow can be used to assess the uncertainty of river flows. The study finally explores the social and institutional impact of using new technologies for remote river monitoring. If these research gaps are addressed, this may strengthen water manager's ability to observe flows and extend observation networks.Water Resource

    A novel approach to estimate direct and indirect water withdrawals from satellite measurements: A case study from the Incomati basin

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    The Incomati basin encompasses parts of South Africa, Swaziland and Mozambique, and is a water stressed basin. Equitable allocation of water is crucial to sustain livelihoods and agro-ecosystems, and to sustain international agreements. As compliance monitoring of water distribution by flow meters is laborious, expensive and only partially feasible, a novel approach has been developed to estimate water withdrawals using satellite measurements. Direct withdrawals include pumping from rivers, impoundments and groundwater, for irrigation and other human uses. Indirect withdrawals include evaporation processes from groundwater storage, unconfined shallow aquifers, seepage zones, lakes and reservoirs, and inundations, in addition to evaporation from pristine land surface conditions. Indirect withdrawals intercept lateral flow of water and reduce downstream flow. An innovative approach has been developed that employs three main spatial data layers inferred from satellite measurements: land use, rainfall, and evaporation. The evaporation/rainfall ratio was computed for all natural land use classes and used to distinguish between evaporation from rainfall and incremental evaporation caused by water withdrawals. The remote sensing measurements were validated against measured evaporative flux, stream flow pumping volume, and stream flow reductions. Afforested areas in the whole basin was responsible for an indirect withdrawal of 1241 Mm3/yr during an average rainfall year while the tripartite agreement among the riparian countries specifies a permitted total withdrawal of 546 Mm3/yr. However, the irrigation sector is responsible for direct withdrawals of 555 Mm3/yr only while their allocated share is 1327 Mm3/yr – the long term total withdrawals are thus in line with the tripartite agreement. South Africa withdraws 1504 Mm3/yr while their share is 1261 Mm3/yr. The unmetered stream flow reduction from the afforested areas in South Africa represents the big uncertainty factor. The methodology described using remotely sensed measurements to estimate direct and indirect withdrawals has the potential to be applied more widely to water stressed basins having limited availability of field data.Geoscience & EngineeringCivil Engineering and Geoscience