15 research outputs found

    Coherent Tunneling of Atoms from Bose-condensed Gases at Finite Temperatures

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    Tunneling of atoms between two trapped Bose-condensed gases at finite temperatures is explored using a many-body linear response tunneling formalism similar to that used in superconductors. To lowest order, the tunneling currents can be expressed quite generally in terms of the single-particle Green's functions of the isolated Bose gases. A coherent first-order tunneling Josephson current between two atomic Bose-condensates is found, in addition to coherent and dissipative contributions from second-order condensate-noncondensate and noncondensate-noncondensate tunneling. Our work is a generalization of Meier and Zwerger, who recently treated tunneling between uniform atomic Bose gases. We apply our formalism to the analysis of an out-coupling experiment induced by light wave fields, using a simple Bogoliubov-Popov quasiparticle approximation for the trapped Bose gas. For tunneling into the vacuum, we recover the results of Japha, Choi, Burnett and Band, who recently pointed out the usefulness of studying the spectrum of out-coupled atoms. In particular, we show that the small tunneling current of noncondensate atoms from a trapped Bose gas has a broad spectrum of energies, with a characteristic structure associated with the Bogoliubov quasiparticle u^2 and v^2 amplitudes.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, minor changes, to appear in PR

    Dynamic correlation functions in one-dimensional quasi-condensates

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    We calculate the static and dynamic single-particle correlation functions in one-dimensional (1D) trapped Bose gases and discuss experimental measurements that can directly probe such correlation functions. Using a quantized hydrodynamic theory for the low energy excitations, we calculate both the static and dynamic single-particle correlation functions for a 1D Bose gas that is a phase-fluctuating quasi-condensate. For the static (equal-time) correlation function, our approximations and results are equivalent to those of Petrov, Shlyapnikov and Walraven. The Fourier transform of the static single-particle correlation function gives the momentum distribution, which can be measured using Doppler-sensitive Bragg scattering experiments on a highly elongated Bose gas. We show how a two-photon Raman out-coupling experiment can measure the characteristic features of the dynamic or time-dependent single-particle correlation function of a 1D Bose quasi-condensate.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Finite-temperature correlations in the one-dimensional trapped and untrapped Bose gases

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    We calculate the dynamic single-particle and many-particle correlation functions at non-zero temperature in one-dimensional trapped repulsive Bose gases. The decay for increasing distance between the points of these correlation functions is governed by a scaling exponent that has a universal expression in terms of observed quantities. This expression is valid in the weak-interaction Gross-Pitaevskii as well as in the strong-interaction Girardeau-Tonks limit, but the observed quantities involved depend on the interaction strength. The confining trap introduces a weak center-of-mass dependence in the scaling exponent. We also conjecture results for the density-density correlation function.Comment: 18 pages, Latex, Revtex

    Bosonizing one-dimensional cold atomic gases

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    We present results for the long-distance asymptotics of correlation functions of mesoscopic one-dimensional systems with periodic and open (Dirichlet) boundary conditions, as well as at finite temperature in the thermodynamic limit. The results are obtained using Haldane's harmonic-fluid approach (also known as ``bosonization''), and are valid for both bosons and fermions, in weakly and strongly interacting regimes. The harmonic-fluid approach and the method to compute the correlation functions using conformal transformations are explained in great detail. As an application relevant to one-dimensional systems of cold atomic gases, we consider the model of bosons interacting with a zero-range potential. The Luttinger-liquid parameters are obtained from the exact solution by solving the Bethe-ansatz equations in finite-size systems. The range of applicability of the approach is discussed, and the prefactor of the one-body density matrix of bosons is fixed by finding an appropriate parametrization of the weak-coupling result. The formula thus obtained is shown to be accurate, when compared with recent diffusion Montecarlo calculations, within less than 10%. The experimental implications of these results for Bragg scattering experiments at low and high momenta are also discussed.Comment: 39 pages + 14 EPS figures; typos corrected, references update

    Current status of Melcor 2.2 for fusion safety analyses

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    MELCOR is an integral code developed by Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) to perform severe accident analyses of Light Water Reactors (LWR). More recently, MELCOR capabilities are being extended also to analyze non-LWR fission technologies. Within the European MELCOR User Group (EMUG), organized in the framework of the USNRC Cooperative Severe Accident Research Program (CSARP), an activity on the evaluation of the applicability of MELCOR 2.2 for fusion safety analyses has been launched and it has been coordinated by ENEA. The aim of the activity was to identify the physical models to be possibly implemented in MELCOR 2.2 necessary for fusion safety analyses, and to check if those models are already available in MELCOR 1.8.6 fusion version, developed by Idaho National Laboratory (INL). From this activity, a list of modeling needs that emerged from the safety analyses of fusion-related installations has been identified and described. Then, the importance of the various needs, intended as the priority for model implementation in the MELCOR 2.2 code, has been evaluated according to the technical expert judgment of the authors. In the present paper, the identified modeling needs are discussed. The ultimate goal would be to propose to have a single integrated MELCOR 2.2 code release capable to cover both fission and fusion applications

    Momentum distribution and correlation function of quasicondensates in elongated traps

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    We calculate the spatial correlation function and momentum distribution of a phase-fluctuating, elongated three-dimensional condensate, in a trap and in free expansion. We take the inhomogeneous density profile into account {\it{via}} a local density approximation. We find an almost Lorentzian momentum distribution, in stark contrast with a Heisenberg-limited Thomas-Fermi condensate.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; final version, references update

    The Dilution Dependency of Multigroup Uncertainties

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    The propagation of nuclear data uncertainties through reactor physics calculation has received attention through the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development—Nuclear Energy Agency’s Uncertainty Analysis in Modelling (UAM) benchmark. A common strategy for performing lattice physics uncertainty analysis involves starting with nuclear data and covariance matrix which is typically available at infinite dilution. To describe the uncertainty of all multigroup physics parameters—including those at finite dilution—additional calculations must be performed that relate uncertainties in an infinite dilution cross-section to those at the problem dilution. Two potential methods for propagating dilution-related uncertainties were studied in this work. The first assumed a correlation between continuous-energy and multigroup cross-sectional data and uncertainties, which is convenient for direct implementation in lattice physics codes. The second is based on a more rigorous approach involving the Monte Carlo sampling of resonance parameters in evaluated nuclear data using the TALYS software. When applied to a light water fuel cell, the two approaches show significant differences, indicating that the assumption of the first method did not capture the complexity of physics parameter data uncertainties. It was found that the covariance of problem-dilution multigroup parameters for selected neutron cross-sections can vary significantly from their infinite-dilution counterparts

    Safety insights from forensics evaluations at Daiichi

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    Although it is clear that the accident signatures from each affected unit at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station [Daiichi] differ, much is not known about the end-state of core materials within these units. Some of this uncertainty can be attributed to a lack of information related to cooling system operation and cooling water injection. There is also uncertainty in our understanding of phenomena affecting: a) in-vessel core damage progression during severe accidents in boiling water reactors (BWRs), and b) accident progression after vessel failure (ex-vessel progression) for BWRs and Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs). These uncertainties arise due to limited full scale prototypic data. Similar to what occurred after the accident at Three Mile Island Unit 2, these Daiichi units offer the international community a means to reduce such uncertainties by obtaining prototypic data from multiple full-scale BWR severe accidents. Information obtained from Daiichi is required to inform Decontamination and Decommissioning activities, improving the ability of the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) to characterize potential hazards and to ensure the safety of workers involved with cleanup activities. This paper reports initial results from the US Forensics Effort to utilize examination information obtained by TEPCO to enhance the safety of existing and future nuclear power plant designs. In this paper, three examples are presented in which examination information, such as visual images, dose surveys, sample evaluations, and muon tomography examinations, along with data from plant instrumentation, are used to obtain significant safety insights in the areas of component performance, fission product release and transport, debris end-state location, and combustible gas generation and transport. In addition to reducing uncertainties related to severe accident modeling progression, these insights confirm actions, such as the importance of water addition and containment venting, that are emphasized in updated guidance for severe accident prevention, mitigation, and emergency planning